7th Ed. Lizardmen vs. Dwarfs and Wood Elves

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by BigFood, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. BigFood
    Jungle Swarm

    BigFood New Member

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    Hi all,

    I hope this is the correct thread to post this in.

    A few friends of mine bought me an awesome present. They got me a lot of Lizardmen. Now I don't know nothing yet about fantasy gaming, so I was hoping you could help me with a general army list. (I don't know what my friends with Dwarfs and Wood Elves will play with yet).

    Anyway, this is what I got now.

    - 110 Skinks
    - 54 Saurus Warriors
    - 1 Saurus Warrior Command Group
    - 3 Chameleon Skinks
    - 1 Terradon
    - 2 Jungle Swarms
    - 3 Salamanders (plus Crew)
    - 2 Skink Priests
    - 1 Saurus Scar-Veteran
    - 1 Skink Shaman
    - 10 Temple Guards (includes Command Group)
    - 6 Cold One Cavalry (includes Command Group)
    - 1 Stegadon (plus Crew)
    - 1 Slann Mage Priest
    - 1 Venerable Lord Kroak
    - 1 Lord Mazdamundi

    I'm going to need a list for 1k, 2k and 3k. I hope it's not too much trouble for you guys. You'd really make me happy!

  2. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    I was under the impression that Lord Mazdamundi doesn't have a model. I didn't even think the rules supported a Slann riding a Stegadon. Am I wrong about this?
  3. BigFood
    Jungle Swarm

    BigFood New Member

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    You are correct. My Lord Mazdamundi is a conversion I am working on.
    I found some rules on different forums, but I'm still looking for the rules published in the US White Dwarf (#290 I think it is). Can't find those anywhere.
  4. Axolotl

    Axolotl New Member

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    Hi there,

    Thats quite some stuff your friends got for you. but i'm afraid you'll have to do some shopping to make an effective list out of this.

    You definitely got enough skinks and enough saurus, but you should at least have 2 to 3 command groups for 54 of them.

    3 chameleon skinks can't even be fielded. I don't have an army book with me right now, but i believe they have a minimum squad size bigger than 3.

    the same for the terradon. you need 3 of those.

    "2 skink priests" and "1skink shaman" ? do you mean skink chief? because there is no difference between priests and shamans.

    10 Temple guard is nice but you usually would want to field 11 to 16. 16 TG plus the slann make 4 rows =+3 combat resolution.

    against most opponents it would be essential to get yourself some kroxigors.

    Other than that you don't have much freedom in building list. At 1000 points take the sallies or the stegadon, the scar vet and one or two priests, maybe a unit of 5 cold ones and one of 15-20 saurus and fill the rest with skinks. at 200 you can add the slann, the other rare unit (steg or sallies), the 6th COR and maybe another unit of saurus and then again fill it up with skinks.
    For 3000 you are very very limited. basically, take more skinks and saurus cause thats all you have ^^
    oh, and a 2nd gen slann.

    The swarms are crap (in my opinion)

    buy a few more chameleons, 2 terras, and kroxis. Convert some saurus into a command group. Then use one cold one rider as a Hero on CO maybe and you have solid 3000 points.

    other than that you will have to find your own style of playing. some totally rely on saurus, others barely ever use them. some go magic heavy and other love the carnie. you will just have to try out which style of army you like best.
  5. BigFood
    Jungle Swarm

    BigFood New Member

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    Wow, thanks for your reply!!

    I was planing on buying 3 more Terradons and 3 Kroxigors, but I might buy some more Chameleon Skinks as well then, or I'll try to convert some Skinks into Chameleon Skinks.

    The Saurus Warriors I have now are from the old edition (I've recounted and I have 61), but I'll be selling those. I want the new edition Saurus Warriors.

    I've got 12 TG plus a musician, hero and bsb, so I need one more I think no?

    The Skink Shaman I mentioned is an old model and I didn't know what it was, but it's a Skink Priest, so I have 3 Skink Priests.

    Oh and that Lord Mazdamundi will be made so that I can remove my Slann and have 2 Stegadons basically.

    Thanks for your help again!
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Just a word of advice, but Lord Mazdamundi is in no way a 'real' special character, so you probably shouldnt go to gung-ho on this. He appeared in an article thorpe wrote about making your own characters (essentially the article said do whatever u want, as long as your opponent agrees), so he was more so of an example. If you do want to 'make your own special character,' dont choose Mazdmundi as his lore is terrible (lots of devestating, yet situational and high power level spells), and he cannot choose any lore. Then again, since he's only an example , you could make a lord Mazdamundi and just allow his to take all the lores :rolleyes: .

    As far as suggesting army lists against your opponents wood elves and dwarves, first you need to figure out what parts of your army you are fleshing out. WE and dwarves are probably the two most different lists in the entire game so you're going to have to create a well-balanced list if you want to be able to use the same list against both friends.

    That said, heres some comments as you digest and expand the army:

  7. BigFood
    Jungle Swarm

    BigFood New Member

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    Lord Mazdamundi looks just cool IMO. That's why I want to make the model. And I'm not making it a permanent model. I can take the Slann off of the Stegadon and just mount the Skinks back on, so I can have 2 Stegadons.

    As for my list, I've bought some new things.

  8. tenehuine

    tenehuine New Member

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    While dwarves and wood elves are very different armies (and both can vary wildly from person to person) we, as lizardmen, are lucky to have units that work great against both.

    Salamanders, kroxigors, terradibs, and stegadons all excel and engaging and dispatching fast wood elf units and against dwarves the stegadon is a great flanking unit, especially when accompanied with a frontal charge from kroxigors. Besides the obvious choices, i recommend running your saurus scar vet (or old-blood in 3k games) as a JSoD (jaguar saurus of doom). Give him light armor, shield, great weapon, Jaguar Pendant (not sure if thats the exact name, gives him Move 9), spawning of sotek and quetzl, and if hes an old blood, Aurua of Quetzl. The JSoD has almost single handeldy won me several games against wood elves as he can catch them and then soundly beat them when he does.

    Also against both armies (unless WE is playing all Sprite) your going to want to advance with your slann/TG unit to bring them in as a backup unit, just watch the sneaky WE fast calv hitting you in the flank (I would make them a Magic Missile priority.)

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