Skink priests, so many skink priests!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by alxcore, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. alxcore
    Jungle Swarm

    alxcore New Member

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    Hi all, new(ish) to the hobby and the mighty Seraphon! I've followed the standard roadmap for SC Seraphon box, but have also started modelling my own conversions combining them with SC Skinks, pretty much entirely for skink priests as they seem the easiest to build and adapt. I've not found these ones on this forum, but I could be wrong, so please attribute these to the right people if so :)

    Skink Priests 1 and 2:
    To make them:
    Step 1 - cut the heads of some skinks and file the neck down so it's flat (SC Skinks box has 12, skinks come in 10s so you'll be ok there)
    Step 2 - grab a spare drum from the knights from the SC Seraphon box and glue a tiny bit of sprue into the back/inside of the drum, I used a round cast off so it was more neck like
    Step 3 - glue the sprue to the neck at a suitable angle
    Step 4 - cut the club off the left arm and attach (feel free to add any extra trinkets to his hand)
    Step 5 - cut the end off a spear and grab (once again from the knight sprues) the spare mini banner things, cutting the shaft off, then glue them together
    Step 6 - glue the arm on et voila, skink priest!

    Skink Priest 3: (no photos yet, will edit in shortly)
    Step 1 - when building 'Terradon 2' you'll notice the spare skink body/arms - so make him up as he fits
    Step 2 - you'll now see options for hands for his right arm, one of which is a spear with a ball before the stabby bit, use that hand!
    Step 3 - cut off the stabby bit so the ball is at the end of the shaft (stop it...)
    Step 4 - compare and contrast to the Skink Priest with feathered cloak and you'll see they're kinda close
    Step 5 - as he's squatting, stick a rock on a base and green stuff him on top, and hey ho, skink priest number three!

    Hope these helped people get slightly more out of their kits, not that anyone needs this many skink priests but you can mix and match and they're fun to make and paint! Happy modelling!
  2. Cho'qomel

    Cho'qomel Active Member

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    Welcome to the forum, alxcore!
    Nice conversions! I like the masks on the skinks, haven't seen that before. They do remind me of something, but I can't say what exactly at the moment.
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Welcome along!

    I like your creations, you can never have to many models to choose from to field ;) and definitly nit to many to paint.
    I like the work you put in, the drum Heads resamble the Priest masks very nicely:artist:

    Can you take some pictures of other angles? so we can see how you glued the neck to the body.

    I am curious about the third Priest.
    Keep up the good work

    Grrr, Imrahil
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  4. alxcore
    Jungle Swarm

    alxcore New Member

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    Hope this shows it well, the round bit of sprue I used as a spacer

    I've got some more 25mm bases in the post so will photo him up when they've arrived when I can show a bit more life in the model, but thanks! I'm also tempted now to attach him to a larger base and use some corkboard to build a seat for him, make him a starseer (as having 5 priests now is probably too many!) For that, I'll definitely get some photos! I have the blood bowl box, so have some spare signs and a frog or two I could use to try and build something passable, perhaps...
  5. alxcore
    Jungle Swarm

    alxcore New Member

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    I just ordered a few 50mm bases and have decided I'll use the Ark of Sotek spares (after some googling) to prop Priest #3 up, making him a starseer, and I'll use some other spare bits and bobs I have to put together a throne for the "Turn Marker" which comes with the BloodBowl kit, which similar to the toad many use, is basically a baby/juvenile slaan :)

    Hobby time is slow and I have no idea what I'm doing or how green stuff works but it's in the post and youtube is my friend!
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Great work so far mate. Keep posting the pictures!
    Cho'qomel and alxcore like this.
  7. alxcore
    Jungle Swarm

    alxcore New Member

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    upload_2020-7-18_20-28-41.png upload_2020-7-18_20-28-46.png

    For some reason couldn't edit these in, but here is front and side shot of the Ark of Sotek Skink Starseer, with a Bastilodon's head armour for a bum - with a spare hand popping out of one of the chutes because I had spare hands so why not right?
  8. alxcore
    Jungle Swarm

    alxcore New Member

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    Update time!

    Painted up my two drum-boi skink priests and the starpriest, with a WIP stegadon (old school metal version cos I wanted some variety in my army).

    Overall I'm kinda happy, but disappointed with the mordant earth bases, clearly painted it on far too thin and should have used the hair dryer trick to speed it up so it basically didn't crack unless you look at it top down. Might try again, can you just scrape it off?

    Also realised my camera skills are TERRIBLE, apologies for that :D

    Attached Files:

    Cho'qomel and Imrahil like this.

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