AoS Sud's Thunder Lizard Rules - With Testing Now!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Sudsinabucket, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Updated and I think where it'll stay til further testing can be done! Unless someone has strong objections about something, but I feel she is as balanced as she is going to get without running some numbers/getting some games in.

    I'm probably going to ask for opinions from the cesspool that is Facebook soon, but I'm happy with it and I think we have created a unique warscroll that encompasses the vision I had, so thank you for that :)

    Any other thoughts, concerns, or even lore bits about Thunder Lizards are always welcome! Thunder Lizard Warscroll 1.5 (2).jpg
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey all! So the first round of Public Opinion posts went pretty well, got some solid feedback and surpringly a low number of shit talkers! So thats pretty exciting as the majority of comments she gets (sometimes) are Jurassic Park gifs and memes...which were funny only the first 100 times...*sigh* but I digress.

    I gave the warscroll some tweaks based on input from both friends and from the public posts (even posted it on an official AOS thread...still waiting to hear from GW though ). Here are the changes:

    1. First and foremost, Renamed her to her proper name: Tlanextic, Last Thunder Lizard of Ghur. Not only does this give her the name I gave her for my personal fluff it also gets rid if the artefact confusion.

    2. Titan Stomp: Changed its rend stat from -3 to a * and added a rend modification rule "The Bigger they are..." which dictates that when Titan Stomp is used battlelines receive -1 rend, heroes -2 rend and monsters/behemoths -3 rend. I believe this will help/eliminate the splash damage issue, a friend did a test for me against 1200 points of Saurus Guard and in 2 turns the TL wiped out half the guard, pictures below.

    3. Changed the ability "Celestial Lightning" to "Wrath of Itzl" for a more flavor appropriate name and also decreased its 4d6 damage to 3d6 damage.

    4. Added back in the ability Crushing Fall as I feel it not only adds flavor but is a needed ability for such a large creature. It only makes sense that anyone near it is in danger of being crushed if it were to fall.

    5. Upped the Cost to 900 points up from 700. Thinking of reducing to 850 but we will see after testing. People were saying 1k + which I'm not against but without further testing we dont know the proper fielding cost, so 900 will do for now.

    6. Reactionary Defense had a slight rewrite to say that it affects only units within 4" (melee, range, caster, etc) as suggested by a community member. I feel making it a strict melee affecting ability would be a mistake as both her tail and neck would be able to reach for a good distance, so I feel this is a good counter measure

    7. Fluff text updates for a few abilities

    Possible Future Changes:

    1. After more testing may change Titan Stomp to a 3+ on hit instead of a 2+

    2. May rename and rewrite the fluff for the Command Ability "King of the Monsters". It was also suggested that instead of a damage ability that it should/could be a monster/behemoth bravery debuff for being within X range of Tlanextic.

    Again I want to thank everyone here on the Forum for their insight and help with this project. Though far from over I feel wr sre grtting closer! Thank you so much for following me and helping me on this journey, I know its been about a year now, but I think shes gonna be amazing when finally finished. I should be getting skinks soon also which will be awesome

    Any other thoughts, input, etc is always welcomed and encouraged!
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