Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Gem selling goes off without a hitch. Gem buying goes off without a hitch. Well, except for Ohmen trying - and failing - to convince the shopkeep to buy Shiro's sapphires...

    On the fifth day after arriving in Kithmali, you set out for the Mercenary's Guild.

    This is oddly easier than you expected. One of the guards directs you back over to the barracks area. It turns out the Mercenary's Guild occupies a three-story, timber-frame building about half a block away. It is an oddly large, ornate building for a Mercenary's Guild. Most of the ones you're familiar with have been small offices, not ornate mini-mansions! Curious, you go inside to discover that the Guildhall is part Guildhall, part tavern, and part inn! Looking around, you see what you suspect are mercenaries sitting at various tables, chatting with each other, playing cards (or an odd board game with black and white discs on one table), drinking, and just relaxing.

    Most of the inside of the Guildhall is done up like the outside, with white plastered walls interspersed with black timbering. Across from the doorway is a large, solid-looking desk with a tired, but happy-looking human woman. Her red-brown hair is done up in a tall, but loose bun atop her head. A pair of what you think are knitting needles or sticks of some kind have been stuck through it. You cannot see below the desk, but she is wearing a loose-fitting linen shirt under an ornately-embroidered black corset. She gives the lot of you a curious look, then smirks.

    "Welcome to the Kithmali-City branch of the Ind'valis Seas Mercenary Guild. Are you looking to hire, or to sign on?"
  2. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk steps forward with Ohmen and Shiro before saying "We are looking at hiring some crewmembers for a job we have. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with the customs on this planet about mercenary hiring. And I know much less about Mercenary halls of this size and reputation, frankly im not exactly used to such a lavish hiring area. Do you have any advice?"
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Huh, that is unusually frank of you," she tells you in a dour tone. "Well, first things first. Are you looking to hire individuals or a bonded company?"
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    "Most likely individuals or a very small group of companions. We already have a decent sized crew who has worked together before."
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    She nods. "Okay, individuals then. Well, next you tell me which kind of mercenaries you're looking to hire, then sit down and order a drink while I look through the inactive files to see who is available that fits your requirements."
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    "I think someone who could heal us and treat our wounds would be nice. Perhaps also a jack of all trades sort of guy. Oh and someone who could fire a ship ballista and who could repair and handle other heavy machinery. Oh and make sure none of them are scared of heights please. Drakk then chuckles a little bit.

    After saying this, Drakk, Ohmen, and Shiro, sit down and order a drink while they wait on the woman to search the files.
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    {lovely. It will take me some time to compile a short list that fits your criteria. Pretend you are listening to the Bardic equivalent of elevator music until some time tomorrow}

    This is a good example:
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2020
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Heehee... Bardcore...

    After about half an hour and three drinks (you each lose 2gp for the drinks, but they're decent drinks), she motions you over to the desk. "Okay, you have four options for healer. Garum is in town, if you're all right working with a daerwi (dwarf). He's kind of intense though. Follows the dwarvish god of battle, so expect him to be in the thick of things while healing you. Haley Hearthsweeper is also available. She's a hal'fikin (halfling), follower of the Hearth goddess. Alternatively, if spell-based healing is not necessary, you could hire Orin Bonesetter. He's a combat medic, not a priest. No magic, but if you break a bone he's actually a better choice. Not as fast though. Finally, we have Arkhanides. On the plus side, he's an Alchemist, so he just makes healing potions and hands them out to everyone. On the minus side, he's... well... he's Archie. He's a little, um... Well, he still owes the Guild fifty gold for repairs to his room after one of his mis-brewings took out a wall."

    "As for an Artillerist, we only have one on hand. I hesitate to suggest him, as he's one of Archie's drinking buddies and more than a little explosion-happy, but Vincenzo knows his way around siege weaponry, among other things."
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Lightly placing a hand onto Drakk’s shoulder Ohmen steps forward, giving a friendly smile before quickly gazing around the hall. “Quite the place you all have here, and from the sounds of it, a rather interesting guild too.”

    Breathing in the traveller continues, motioning with open palms. “Though As interesting as each and every mercenary is, we do have to address.. Well one of the more important factors. Price.”
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Ah, yes. Well, some have dual costs. Orin wants 5 gold a week, plus may want you to spring for some healing potions to make him more effective. Garum wants 20gp a week for his services, and a portion of any treasure claimed as a tithe to his temple. Haley wants 15gp a week, and a tithe. Archie is 'free' for the first two weeks, wants 15 a week after the first two weeks, and first glance at any alchemy books you may come across, but insists on a 50gp hiring bonus so he can discharge his debt to the Guildhall. Vincenzo knows what he is worth to the right party, and wants 20gp a week and a half-share of treasure, but is willing to negotiate on both counts if you help offset materials costs. Incidently," she adds with a wry smile, "we learned the hard way that if you pair Vinnie with Archie, you get a lot more bang for your gold. Archie knows how to make gunpowder, and Vinnie knows how to use it, so..."
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, Ohmen thinks over the pricing.

    “Just as skills are hard to place without price, price is hard to place without skills. We should, Well, see these people and not only discuss their supposed worthiness but prove it... that and a chance to iron out some of the intricacies of the tasks set before us, before us all." The traveller gestures towards those beside her as the raven quietly mumbles. ‘Descriptions to flesh.’

    Other than that though, there is not much more I can say in terms of the action we will be taking. Let us know if and when each and all are available, and then we can really get talking, and if we offer them the job, so much more.
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro, having been quiet most of this time (content to let the natural mercantile abilities of Ohmen do their trick), leans forwards.

    "Friend Mercenary, I mean not to offend but I trust you vouch for each of these comrades that you name? Ours is a sensitive mission and one which a casual tongue could easily saboutage."
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "If you are asking if they can be trusted, the answer is yes, to a point. Guild Mercenaries will not back out of a contract without cause, and will not betray their employers without cause. Should something happen, you have rights as employers to bring them to trial, but remember they have the same rights."
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "As for interviews, well that is simple enough to arrange. Haley is not here at the moment, but she will be back around the dinner meal. You won't be able to speak with Garum until tomorrow. He is currently at the barracks finishing up his last contract and should be available to speak with by highsun tomorrow. Orin is at the hospital right now and will return for the evening meal. As for Vincenzo and Arkhanides," she adds, gesturing to a table in the back of the tavern, "they were playing 'labyrinth, last time I checked on them, so they should be available."
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Turning back to the others the traveller puts her hands together. “Well then. If that is all you have for us, lets first see what the pair have to say for themselves, then their skills and pay.”

    With a friendly smile, the traveller looks toward the table, before approaching as to not interrupt the two. “Vincenzo and Arkhanides? Well, We may have some work, and pay for the pair of you.”

    Preemptively taking a seat, Ohmen reaches out to shake each one's hand, her smile perfectly complimenting soft, blue eyes in an almost unnatural way. “‘May’ Being the keyword here that is. The three of us, oh and more, more back on our... Let's just say ‘Ship'. We are looking for individuals with certain skills, skills that they can prove. Artillerist to name one. As for pay... “ Ohmen gently places their hand onto the table. “Well we can negotiate that..”
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang, too involved in the new bolt thrower pays little attention to the other crew
    "yeah yeah just pay what we need"
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Vincenzo is a tall human, thin and in his fifties. His black hair is starting to grey in areas. His clothing is a mixed blend of different clothing styles, but mostly in black. As you approach, he reaches up and hand and removes a thick cigar from his mouth. Across the table from him is... a gnome. Arkhanides is currently sitting on a thick book, on top of the chair across from Vinnie. His clothes are somewhat worn, his linen shirt stained from years of chemical spills, his leather vest scorched and burnt from acids and flame. Archie has the most stunning head of hair though - large, full, and fluffy, it looks like someone covered a ball in grey fur and stuck it on his head! But when he absently runs a hand through it, he reveals it to be his actual hair!

    "Hmm? Work? Ey, I dunno," Vinnie says, glancing at the gnome. "What kinda work'r we talkin' about here?"

    "Im'a kind'a surprised you are-nay jumping onna da idea," Archie butts in. "I mean, I owe da guild fifty crowns still, but you owe me a hundred still!"
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Looking over to Vinnie, the traveller speaks. “Good payin work that's whats what kind of work. We have a ship, We have a balista, And we have a task. A task that involves..” Ohmen leans in slightly, whispering to the pair “Let's just say exercising some nasties, And you know what that means don't you. Loot.”

    “moths unto a flame, a deceiver to the naive, Cattle to their feed. Adventurers, travellers and all alike, flock to the promise of riches.” Wisdom somewhat whispers, staring into the pair's eyes from further behind with a strange intensity.

    “So, I assume if we are going to take one, we take the other, and let me tell you, we are willing to take the pair of you... So hmm, How does this sound..Lets be straight up. We are willin to do 30 of those sweet sweet golden coins For the pair of you every two weeks of travel and every week of activity. During that travel time, well we get to kick back a bit, and by a bit I mean a lot, Arkhanides well he can get to do what he does best, and of course, you can get tinkering or whatever it is you like to do."

    They first look to archie, before turning to Vinnie once more. “And yes, yes we will get your guild hall debt covered, for that first two weeks of course. And well, we will get your materials costs looked at too, Vince, or do you prefer Vinnie? Either way, So long as they are going to good work, we don't have any issues paying for them”.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Vincenzo and Arkhanides cast each other skeptical looks. "That does'na sound right," the gnome mutters. "Some kinda screwy maths going on there."

    Vinnie looks at you askance and frowns. "While I appreciate da thought," he says, "I - uh - well, I dunno what you think-a we are, but I think you might have-a the wrong idea, no? Archie here, well, he does notta do much of 'his stuff' on-a da move. Kind-a requires someplace stable to do his thing, anna lotta glassware, yes? As-a for me, I'm what-a you call an Element of Sub-versive Specialties. Means you tell me who-a you wanna slow down or stop, an I go do my thing. I bin doing this a long time! Back when her Imperial Majesty, da Empress Minashi was alive, she hired Archie an' me to go do our thing when Kirsanthia invaded! Now," he says, a dour look on his face as he glaces over at the gnome, "Archie, he wasn't too happy about all of that, being from Kirsanthia and all, but we went in and did our job. Greased ropes, glued a few wheels onto their axles, scared some horses, that sorta thing."

    "And blew up some werewolves," the gnome added with a smirk.

    "Yes, yes," Vinnie replies, rolling his eyes before pausing to take a drag on his cigar. "And-a blowing up-a the werewolves. That was fun," he adds with a grin. "But that's-a notta the point. The point is, we," he says, using one hand to gesture for them both, "are sabateurs. Don't get-a me wrong, we like making things go boom, but being sneaky and tricky works just as well, yes?"

    "Sometimes better," the gnome admits. "But we do like making things blow up."

    "Okay, I'll grant you that. Making things blow up is pretty fun. But its also da last resort. You sneak in, mess with whatever you can, anna then you blow stuff up! But I agree with my friend Archie here, your math, it sounds a little wrong. Perhaps you would-a like to clarify?"
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang hears the words "blow up" and immediately perks up. His gaze swivels to the gnome
    "You can make explosives?" The grin on his face widens. "Tell me everything you know on making things go boom, and I can share the schematics of my new bolt thrower. Bang is clearly excited, explosives are one thing he cannot get enough of.

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