Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Excuse us for one minute gentlemen."

    Shiro stands and motions Ohmen and Drakk to the corner.

    "Listen, these two have given me an idea. One I used with another mercenary group several years ago. Judging by the fact that no-one has done anything about the Scro so far, we can expect to find them well equipped. Probably with several ships. I guarantee you there will be a LOT of them."

    Shiro pauses, looks around to make sure they are not being overheard, then continues.

    "What we want is to use stealth. If we can booby trap their ships, bar one, using the more disguise or stealthy members of our group" He winks at Ohmen and makes bunny ears with his hand indicating Big Bang "then those of us with dexterity can climb on the ships and saboutage their helms. We steal the non-booby trapped ship and when they try to chase, we set off the bombs, crippling them."

    Shiro smiles and leans closer.

    "If nothing else we escape with another ship, degrading their fighting ability which we can sell on or use ourselves. Best case scenario, we destory their now crippled ships and can attack the base at our leisure. What do you think?"

    Shiro looks at both of them seriously.

    "We will need to find concealment magic for our existing ship. Possibly in the wand area of the market?"
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Getting drawn away from the pair by Shiro, Ohmen returns the serious gaze.

    “We have much time to discuss, and even more time to act. There is no urgency. As I have said before, And will say again. The Scro would not be where they are now without the numbers and means to overwhelm us in every aspect.”

    “Stealth. Patience, coordination and planning.”

    “They will be our dancing steps to action. We can, we will incite confusion, incite panic. And in that chaos we will find opportunity no doubt.”
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro nods at Ohmen's words.

    "This is true. Fine. Friends, let us take the last piece of the Oracle's Servant's advice and survey the wand section of the market. In his words, he heavily implied that what we would need to assault and defeat the Scro would be found there."

    With that, Shiro thanks the Mercenaries for their time and returns to the front desk with the female mercenary. "Thank you very much for both your hospitality and introducing us to the first two mercenaries. My companions and I must withdraw to consider whether we want to make this expense and we will send word either way."

    Shiro bows and ushers Ohmen and Drakk out of the door.

    Eyes alight with purpose, Shiro asks the closest guard for directions to the wand section of the market.
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Turning back around, the traveller looks over to the pair, putting their hands together. “Someplace stable huh, Well we can for sure set him up in the cargo bay. Lots of room for all that tinkering, lots of time too, good payin time.”

    But before you can well ‘do ya thing’ we have to travel, and I mean during that time you're still getting paid! So, 15gp.. You know what... Ill bloody well make it 16gp for each of you every week out there doing things. And mind you, that's all forgetting the loot, and that we are covering that guildhall debt too, Oh yeah, Did I mention LOOT! as well We got food n supplies covered, Ale included. That's all on us.”

    And with that, the traveller backs away with a nod, flicking a silver coin and a wink to each of them as they do so. “If you're interested. Just give us a shout is all I'm saying. We will be returning around here in a bit, lets hope the promise of gold, an glory too can grease those gears a little.”

    A purpose, and slight elegance in their stride, she now follows Shiro.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Now hold-a on a momento," Vincenzo says, waving you back over. "Sixteen in gold-a week, eh? Hmm." He casts a glance over at Archie and casts the gnome a wry smile. "We might be amenable to dis idea," he finally says, "but we're-a gonna need a guarantee that our share-a da loot will cover expenses, no?"

    "Gunpowder is not cheap," the gnome adds with a frown, "and if you want us to scuttle ships, we're going to need a couple of barrels of it. We'll need a hundred in gold up front for supplies, if that's all right?"

    "Meanwhile, what kinda ships're we talking about here, and what-a be a scro? I've-a never heard-a dis ting you speak of."

    "I have," Archie mutters darkly. He leans in close to murmur to Vinnie. "Which means we're going on a Spelljamming ship. While I'm not against the idea, I agree with Vincenzo. We need a guarantee that our supplies will be covered by the value of whatever loot we get. Is that all right?"
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    The duo ask you a couple more pointed questions, wanting to know what kind of ship you have, what kind of weaponry. At the mention of the double-ballista, Vinnie's eyes light up and he smiles. They agree that this should be workable with them, but they do need an advance for supplies.
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    The Street of Wands... should really be renamed the Street of Wanders. It starts at the South-west edge of the Great Market, with a small cluster of market stalls selling spell components and minor magical items. From there, it sets off to the South (through an archway just off to one side of the Wizard's Guildhall) and wanders in a short loop that reconnects to the Great Market on the other side of the Guildhall (through another archway). Both sides of the street are lined with shops that sell potions, scrolls, spellcasting, and magical items of many kinds.

    Ohmen and Shiro, however, seem a little uneasy as they walk down the Street of Wands. They are both fairly sure the street is longer than physically possible, given the surrounding buildings, and they're equally certain that part of the street is not in the same location as the rest! They think that those two archways are actually very subtle gates, and that the entire Street of Wands is actually in a different location!
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro, as is his long-ingrained habit of self-preservation, is even more suspicious and alert in an evidently very magical scenario. Why would the makers of this area have created it so it was somewhere else?

    A naturally suspicious line of thinking sprung up. Abductions? Magic users being abducted and forced to bend knee to some cult? For defenses maybe? Or maybe there was something so dangerous on this street that for the preservation of the entire capital it needed to be able to be cut off from any further human or sentient being contact? A dark, low chuckle seemed to echo through his mind. A voice, both dry and rasping and raptuously fascinating floated out to him. "Yessssssss Shiro... Why trust these others? Why trust anyone apart from me? Trusting others leads to pain... Trusting others leads to betrayal... I alone have been with you for all this time... I alone have protected you, Shiro... I alone am your friend...."

    These thoughts and more tumbled through Shiro's mind as he cast both his physical senses and magical senses all about him, determined that nothing would get the jump on him and his new found friends, ignoring what came from this dark prison within him.

    As he did so, one particular emanation came back to him, with an odd harmonic... a resonance to something deep within him.

    "Drakk, Ohmen. I must get particular supplies. I will find you both momentarily."

    Ignoring the confused looks on both their faces, Shiro strides confidently towards a shop. No wares were displayed in the window. A wooden sign swung slightly in the breeze. The monogram on it somehow speaking to him.

    Shiro opened the door, staying aware for any traps and other magical lures and looks in...
  9. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk glances at where Shiro went with confusion, but quickly forgot it in the whirlwind of new things! He quickly looked around at the various Scrolls and wands he saw and decided to check out a more general goods type shop to investigate for any minor magical items or miscellaneous things for spell casting.
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the door shuts behind Shiro, a thin, reedy, woman's voice speaks. "Greetings, traveler, and be known to..." but it quickly trails off and a younger, more vibrant voice says, "wait a moment, you're a demon-host?" Another pause. "Huh. Well that's where Azaphor went to! Come in, come in!" The darkness inside the shop receeds slowly as a crystal ball mounted on a pedestal in one corner begins to glow brighter and brighter. But not too bright. There is no shopkeep's desk here. Shelves line one wall, a small, round table sits in one corner with a pair of aged wooden chairs. And seated in one of those chairs is an elf woman with skin the color of blackcurrant wine. Her eyes reflect violet in the light from the crystal ball, and she gestures to the other chair. "Come, sit, sit! I am Mira'ki'rasha, Rasha for short. I sense that you and I need to have a talk..."
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro is taken aback, the rapid perception of his affliction a little too startling...

    “You’ll have to forgive a mercenary a lifetime of paranoia, my lady. But perhaps you could assuage my uncertainty with some kind of explanation?”

    He spreads his hands out in front of him, both a calming gesture, apologetic body language and hands and arms ready for combat as needed.
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    She laughs softly, a sound that makes the hairs on your arms stand on edge. "I am a demonologist, young one. I work with such creatures all the time, and have for over a century. When you get to be as experienced as I, you can tell when one has been, um, gifted in your manner just by sight."
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Having Turned back around, the traveller speaks in a soft voice, all the while continuing to go further forward. “Expenses. Well, If all is going to good work and cause, which I have no doubt it will. Then we will, by all means, pay for what you need and only that.."

    “Gold to Blood. Silver to Splinters. Blood to Gold. Splinters to Silver.”

    “Actually, You know what, if the pair of you are taking the job, We are actually on our way to Wand Street, if there is anything you would like to pick up we may as well do that here and now.”


    Now spiralled into the calming chaos of the market and all its grime-covered cobbles and corners, Ohmen takes a deep breath. The traveller's eyes flickering with a new sparkle as she steps forward, Wisdom taking to the sky ahead as the pair pass into the so called ‘Gate.’ A curiosity in their eye, They turn away from Shiro, making way for the deeper, less trodden area's of the market.
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro swallows. The familiarity with which the woman speak of daemonic possession is disturbing but... to have someone who has dealt with countless possessions surely must be a treasure of information...

    "Good lady, my entire life I have trained and dedicated myself to a greater good. A concept of justice and law to be emanated out into the universe to combat the evil and the darkness that taints it.

    "When... my affliction began... I was lost. I spent months running and trying to hide... but mostly from myself.

    "After wallowing in self-pity I resolved that I would use this force to do good, to bend it's power to righting wrongs and bringing order.

    "I have, for now, it chained. I would welcome any words of advice or treasures to assist in my endeavour.

    "And what should I call, fair one? The names of your kind are oft musical and beauty all unto themselves."
  15. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang waddles around the market to locate a blacksmith's store. When he finds one he enters and asks about the prices of steel ingots.
    "Hewo sir, how much for an ingot of steel?" The shop keep doesnt notice the rabbit, so bang hops onto the counter and asks again.
    Suprised the shop keep goes to check for steel ingots
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Steel ingots will be 7gp each. They weigh 10 pounds each, and you can make about 25 shots for your prototype out of one ingot.
  17. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang grins
    "Great i will take 20." He then asks if he can rent a cart to help wheel the goods out
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "So," she says to Shiro, "you are trying to bind that which was forced upon you. A noble endeavor," she says with a sneer, "but somewhat futile. However, there are ways to bring it to heel. Are you skilled in the ways of magic?" When you reply that you are, she nods slowly. "Then perhaps I can help you. Are you skilled in the ways of fiends (do you have any ranks in Knowledge: Outsiders or Knowledge: daemons or something similar)?"
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    “My lady, I have extensive Knowledge of Arcana (+11), Knowledge of Planes (+9), Spellcraft (+11) and in the use of magical items (+8).”
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    {So in other words, yes.}

    "Excellent. Before we continue, I should advise you that my assistance will not be cheap. For your initial lessons, I will require fifty gold crowns in payment (50gp). Do you wish to continue down this path? I can teach you to control Azaphor to some degree, and to unleash him in dire events, should you wish."

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