My friend who has ferrets the best way to describe ferrets personality wise is that they are about half-way between cats and dogs. In terms of I fits I sits, ferrets are more cat-like than cats. Ferrets are contortists and have entered the tape deck of VCRs. Same with "Curiosity killed the cat." It never happened with any of my friend's ferrets fortunately, but many ferrets have perished playing I fits I sits, because they squeeze somewhere they cannot get out of or their owner does not know they are in a particularly object and said object gets crushed. My friend is a good ferret owner and they keep their ferrets away from death traps. His wife is an avid sewer and has actually sewed their ferrets a lot of cloth hammocks and other safe places for ferrets to play "If I fits I sits." She even sells ferret hammocks, beds and cloth climbing toys on Etsy. Ferrets love to play "If we fits, we sits." They are mahrlect cute all cuddled up in a hammock.
While it may look like a Sesame Street skit, I've sen the video. It's someone's four dogs being inquisitive. Brilliant.