Poll: Which 3 rooms would you pick for your quarantine dream house?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Jul 31, 2020.


Which 3 rooms would you pick for your quarantine dream house?

  1. Home Theatre

  2. Music Studio

  3. Video Game Room

  4. Indoor Pool

  5. Cocktail Bar

  6. Private Library

  7. Home Spa

  8. Indoor Court

  9. Dance Studio

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    My choices:
    1. Indoor court - By far my top choice. Shoot some hoops, plays some indoor soccer, set up a badminton game or just get some general exercise. Great fun and an amazing way to keep the fitness levels up!
    2. Indoor pool - A nice way to relax after using my indoor court. Having it indoor means I can use it all year around (take that Canadian winter!). So fancy!
    3. Home Theatre - Looks like a fancier version of the video game room. I can still play my video games here, but in style and luxury!


    I'm curious to see how others feel!
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Nice one, I'd say my choice vary on the matter of who would use this Quarantine home and for how long would we need to use it: is it just me? or me, my wife and kids? Is it for a couple of months or for a few years?


    My choices for me:

    1. Home Theatre: Exactly because of the same reason as you used
    2. Indoor pool: I'd pick it over Indoor court mostly because if it is just me I will get bored on the Court after a while. The pool tends to be more focused on activity alone.
    3. Private Library: To have access to all books I would like to read
    4. Additional option: Hobby Game Room: as much paint, models and gaming space to keep me going for a while.
    Choices for me, my wife and kids:

    1. Indoor court: so the kids have a room to fully get rid of their energy and we could play some ball together
    2. Home Spa: to relax and retreat from the hectic life with kids that can not go outdoors.
    3. Private Library: To have access to all books I would like to read and for my kids to study.
    4. Additional option: Hobby Game Room: as much paint, models and gaming space to keep me going for a while.
    (no home theatre because the kids do just fine behind the normal sized Tv ;) )

    Grrr, Imrahil
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Pretty much the same as @Imrahil

    ...not counting that a couple of those 9 alternatives aren't appealing at all to me.
  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Silly questions for virtually all of the rooms. Are these "dream" rooms, and all fully stocked & restocked or are they only maintained by me and/or my family?

    For example, is the indoor pool maintained by me, or a service, or is it "magically" maintained constantly? Who would attend me at the home spa to make it worthwhile? Are the cocktail bar and the library fully stocked/restocked or is it just the alcohol and books I have now and buy? Does anyone make me my drinks? Does the indoor court have sports equipment or only gear that I have now or buy?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    All rooms come fully stocked but you have to maintain them (it is for quarantine after all)
  7. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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  8. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Fair Point!

    This makes an indoor pool a rather time consuming thing...

    Time to re-assess the options

    Grrr, Imrahil
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    And also a giant wargaming table with many terrain pieces on a side table to choose from! If I won the lottery I would build a RPG/miniatures room in my dream house for sure. A modest home gym, and a home entertainment center. There would be a fairly large bar area between my home entertainment center and game room.

    Very important. The only thing I could stock myself is a library. Mostly via my massive collection of RPG books though I have a 1.25 shelves of Warhammer books.

    Okay, library, home theater and indoor court.

    Video game is so close to the home theater I don't need two rooms for it.

    I do not like basketball, but I am trying to get in shape and the basketball has lots of empty space. For starters I do not like treadmills but cardio is good for me, so I could run laps around the court. I can fill the center of the court with assorted exercise equipment.

    The library would also double as my tabletop miniatures and RPG gaming room.

    I see zero point at all in a home spa in quarantine unless it comes with a robot capable of performing massages. All of the others would be of some value to me.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
  10. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    That's fair.
    Assuming I have other "typical" rooms in a house (like bedrooms, bathrooms, den/living room, home office and kitchen), I'd probably have go with:

    1. Home Theatre - If you like to watch TV or movies, why not watch it on the (little) big screen? Pop some popcorn and enjoy.
    2. Indoor Pool (despite not liking pool maintenance) - Exercise, relaxation, fun and frustration all in one rippling blue package.
    3. Video Game Room - Typically, the screens in a home theatre aren't the best for games. So, while my better half is likely hogging the Home Theatre, I can either play games, or watch shows, or surf the web. Depending on how big of a room it is, maybe it could double as a miniatures room? If not, oh well, we never use the dining room anyway.

    I would love to say Indoor Court or Library, but I'm being honest.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Just for fun, here is my complete ordered list, from favorite to least favorite...
    1. Indoor Court
    2. Indoor Pool
    3. Home Theater
    4. Video Game Room
    5. Dance Studio
    6. Private Library
    7. Home Spa
    8. Music Studio
    9. Cocktail Bar
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Exactly these points! Where the hell is the wargames room option? Obviously whoever made this originally isn’t a practitioner of the ancient and noble art of wargaming (Philistine :p).

    My choices are the same as those made by @Scalenex :

    1. Private Library: My family and I are big readers, and we could certainly host a library with all the books we have! :D
    That’s a great idea - though I originally felt the Library would certainly be able to at least store my wargames books, didn’t think of the idea of using that as a wargames room too. Thanks for that thought, I’ll steal it ;)

    2. Home cinema: As well as being great for watching all our favourite films and TV programmes, given that I have an ancient Windows XP computer I play games on connected up to an old television it may not be too much of a stretch to connect it up to a much bigger one - imagine playing classics like Rome Total War on that! :woot:

    3. Home court: Though I haven’t been able to get up to much exercise beyond housework and gardening at the moment, I’ve always liked a bit of tennis, cricket, golf and badminton - while golf would be difficult to replicate in an indoor room, 3 out of 4 isn’t bad at all for keeping the old heart pumping ;)
    Scalenex, Imrahil, Warden and 3 others like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Wait... what?... why? :D

    It's almost like we're a niche hobby! :p
  14. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I had no clue! :confused::jawdrop::D

    From the list provided, I would choose the following:

    • Home Theater, if the theater looked like this:
    • Cocktail bar, if the bar looked like something like this:


    • and a Video Game Room, if the room looked like a combination of these:



    Then again if the video game roomed also looked like the Star Trek home theater that would also be acceptable :vulcan:
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yes we are, but not so niche, if you consider all the wargamers, including historical.
    Niche? Yes.
    But not so small... and in this acenario, some things are unlikely. how many people are so obsessed with drinkinkg that they need a whole coctail bar in their house?
    People with a drinking passion usually need just a selction, at most a dedicated minibar
    Imrahil, Scalenex and Warden like this.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    It might just be another niche thing, but there is a niche group out there who makes tiki bars in their houses.

    I could see making a bar into a hangout room/mancave, with a dart board, maybe some darts or other games
  17. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I know a lot of late baby boomers with a nice home bar in the basement. It's often stocked with juice and soda instead of or in addition to alcohol. They are very inviting places. Home bars are intended for entertaining company old school. Which is nice, but not a good fit for quarantining.

    I've never seen a non-commercial tiki bar with my own eyes but I have looked at the marketing and it seems to be a gen x thing.
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Principally because I have some old games that struggle to work on newer systems, e.g. the original Medieval Total War, and also because the dear old thing has served me so well for so many years - it would be cruel to have it put down when I can enjoy it right up to the moment it does finally die of old age. As for connecting it up to the TV, I did that because it gives me a far bigger screen for said games! :D

    Don’t worry, I do also have a Windows 7 laptop and a Windows 10 Gaming Laptop as well (the latter of which I play Warhammer: Total War on), I haven’t completely lost the plot ;)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Unfortunately, probably a lot more than play war games. :p

    A fair and reasonable rationale!
  20. Infinity Turtle
    Temple Guard

    Infinity Turtle Well-Known Member

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    Depending on what happens with a recent sudden surge of Covid in my state, we may all have to go back into isolation, so I best start thinking about dream rooms...

    1: Home Cinema
    Although I haven't been alive long enough to watch all the movies I want to, and because I love rewatching and analysing my favourite films, I will often find myself going back to older movies I've seen a million times before moving onto more... (also a sI don't currently have access to any streaming services, i've always had that sitting infornt of the DVD shelf and sorting through my options shelf by shelf, which I'm a big fan of). I love movies. And even movies I've already seen would be amazing on the big screen. As there have been no new releases in the past few months, cinema's have been replaying 'older' movies and I managed to catch Moulin Rouge (one of my all time favourites) on the big screen. Also, though I apparently attended the screening of The Two Towers when only a month or so old, I have never had the incredible opportunity to watch Lord of The Rings (extended of course) on a ig cinema screen.

    2: Music Studio
    After suffering through about 8 weeks of school from home with now digital recording software I couldn't wait to get back to the school music facilities and starting to record songs again. I have a piano and various guitars, and I love writing acoustically, but for the first time ever having proper recording equipment, I could finally just hammer down and get my stuff out there on the internet.

    3: Library
    Due to the ommision of an art studio (because having a space where you can just paint, draw, make a mess and burn stuff where yuo don't having to avoid spilling on the floor... or walls... or ceiling, would be amazing), I've gone with Library. Maybe then I would be more motivated to read the books I have lined up (currently reading da Vinci Code, cause I'm just so edgy and unique) but then have stacks to get through. Also my liibrary would have a fireplace and I would finally have a place to display my larger paintings and reasons to do art on a greater scale.

    Honourable meantions:
    - The pool would be nice, especially since our current (outdoor) pool is only half full of water and home to a large amount of crayfish (thanks dad...)
    - As mentioned before, an art studio would be awesome. Stocked with canvases and paints and brushes that aren't those crappy $3 bristly things
    - Probably not a cocktail bar (though I'm only 137 days away from legal drinking age, not that I'm counting or anything), but if there was a proper stocked full of equipment kitchen, my goodness would I choose that. Deepfryer, bowl mixers, actual room in the fridge and a freezer that's not full of dead cane toads... One day, perhaps... Even this kitchen from The Gentlemen looks fancy as fish and I totally need that in my life:

    Anyways so yeah

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