Blog The Lustrated Temple Host

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey everyone!

    First off, thanks for taking the time to check out this new dedicated blog of mine. This blog is to focus on an offshoot of my Temple Host of the Blood Moon of Ghur and focus more on this new Idea I had for a Ghyran themed Temple Host.

    When I first started the Hobby I had grand plans for a huge story of lore and a huge Army..a year later I have some short stories, vague ideas of lore Id like to write, and the beginnings of what I think is a pretty cool army. Within that first bit of lore was a Saurus Oldblood named Acattopa (his official name is far longer) and a Star Priest (gone Star Seer/High Beast Priest of Ghur) named Itzli-Citlalli. At the time I had two Temple Cities, One in Ghur named Xiuhcoatl and one in Ghyran named Texcoco. Within that first lore, before the release of the new battletome by almost a year, Acattopa controlled Xiuhcoatl with his feral or going feral army of saurus (sounds familiar?) while Itzli-Citlalli controlled Texcoco in Ghyran and the two temple cities had a very intergal working relationship.

    In a nutshell:

    Xiuhcoatl traded not only resources with Texcoco and vice versa but also feral populations of saurus and kroxigor for non feral populations of saurus and kroxigor. Texcoco and its armies are constantly fighting Nurgle (and how Xiuhcoatl keeps up with Khorne in Ghur) and to have an edge the more feral saurus are sent into the thicker spots. The feral populations arnt just savagery on a different level but changed by Ghur itself into larger and more primal forms, more power. The trade off is this wears off in Ghyran over time so they are able to be controlled again, but there's always a steady supply to keep on the battlelines.

    Theres more to it, but yeah. Basically feral ghur influenced saurus, kroxigors etc = kicking nurgles ass in Ghyran.

    What does this project have to do with all that? Let me tell you!

    I've been focusing on the Ghur side of things:

    Thunder Lizard, Horned Ghurian Ancient Carnosaur, Quetzaldon, etc...

    I'm now switching my focus to the Ghyran Side :) and going into this new adventure is the first (intentional) Unit for it: Tak'to & Netheria the Reclaimed!

    This will also be a place for me to add in my homebrew lore for this Temple Host and its relationship to Xiuhcoatl and Ghur.

    Hope you all enjoy!


    Homebrew Lore:

    The Lustrated Temple Host
    Location: Ghyran
    Race: Seraphon
    Faction: Coalesced
    Parent Temple Host: The Blood Moon Temple Host


    "The Magical Arm of The Blood Moon Temple Hosts army, the Lustrated Temple Host consists of powerful Star Seers and Star Priests who use their Saurus Legions and Beast Handlers to capture Chaos Beasts and Monsters. After a battle is won these creatures are forced back to the capital city of the Temple host Tlacopan (meaning "florid plant on flat ground") where they are caged with other captured creatures. When a Blood Moon shows over the Temple City one by one the chaotic beasts are ritually cleansed of their chaotic taint back into their purest natural form.

    These now cleansed creatures are turned against their former masters by the Star Priests. The first of these to be cleansed was Spore-Wing a Dracogryph who fell to Nurgle, a type of Life Dragon native to Ghyran (though rare) she was renamed Netheria the Reclaimed by the Star Priest Tak'to after the cleansing ritual."


    Everything at the moment is dry fitted but wanted to see her in the action pose I was planning! The flight stick will not be there when completed. I have also out of spare greenstuff created a nest with 5 eggs (can anyone say Yoshi themed!?!?!?!?!? Cause I can!) which I think will really add to the base. Name of Netheria's species may change from Dracogryph.

    C&C welcome! Should start painting soon!

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  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I like it. Both model and lore-wise.
    It is nice to see you create a piece of lore for all your creations.

    The pose is great, he/she is protecting the eggs. Have you wondered If the eggs aren't to small for this beast?

    What happend to the name: Terratrice?

    Grrr, Imrahil
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Here is a Warscroll I build with AoA :) Has some small lore bits in it as well
    38 DP/380 Points
    Edit: This is being reworked for her to have a Save of 3+ or 4+ due to base size

    Netheria the Reclaimed warscroll.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Species name is up for debating still, still brainstorming. I also decided it wasn't a purified Cockatrice, so the name didn't fit anymore.

    Thank you! I think they're an ok size, the largest recorded egg is an Ostrich egg thats about 5 pounds and Sauropod Eggs are only thought to have been about 7 inches long and contain about 5.5 liters of fluid, so I imagine if something as big as a Argentinasaurus laid something little over half a foot big...I'm not sure a Dragons would realistically be much bigger.

    Thank you! I really enjoy it and I think (at least for me) its a rather important part of the hobby and army building process. I want my army to have a life beyond just a good paint job! :)
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Update on Netheria the Reclaimed!

    So I've finally decided on a color scheme and I think it captures a Life Dragon/Forest Dwelling creature. Working with the Phoenix wings (Semi Regretting not using the frost Phoenix Wings and head as the snowflakes can be flowers) and using what would be flame to instead be pure life energy pouring our of them.

    I am planning to add more browns, yellows and blues into it, but thus far this is what we got! No shades have been used yet :)

    Work in Progress and excited to keep going, hoping to finish both wings tonight after dinner


    Averland Sunset (Base) - Head, Spinal Spike Membrane, Feathers of Wings
    Nazdreg Yellow (Contrast) - Creases of Feathers
    Iyanden Yellow (Contrast) - Creases of Feathers


    Caliban Green (Base) - Top Scales
    Sybarite Green (Layer) - Underbelly
    Gauss Blaster Green (Layer) - Dry Brushed onto feathered part of wings, used for Life Energy on Wings.
    Moot Green (Layer) - Dry Brushed over Top Scales and Life Energy on Wings
    Warpstone Green (Layer) - Used for Life Energy on Wings.


    Deathclaw Brown (Layer) - Spinal spikes, Facial Crest

    20200804_205516.jpg 20200804_205447.jpg 20200804_205417.jpg
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Wow, well done. I love the highlights on the wings and scales(bakc and tail) nicely executed:artist:

    Great fan of the transition colors on the wings.

    Just now I noticed the Seraphon marks on the 'shoulders' Nice touch ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you!

    The wings are so fun to do, Im working on the second ones top now, after Ill go and do the bottoms but probably in the morning. The more I paint the more I realize I love painting feathers, just a lot of fun and freedom with them. Practicing my transitions, so glad they are noticed haha, should be better once shades are applied.

    And yeah, added the Seraphon icons to hide the Fyreslayer stuff haha plus to make it more Seraphon feely as there won't be much gold at all on this model.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Second Wing Top done, no washes yet. Debating if the Cassandora Yellow is gonna turn all this green into blue... lol

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  9. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    It looks so awesome top-down:cool::artist:

    This might be... I am not sure, try it first on a different model?

    Keep up the good work.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Definitely a good idea! *Combs through models...*

    Right!?!?!? Not to toot my own horn, but damn! Haha, Im really happy thus far
  11. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    You need yellow and blue to make green... I would be very surprised to see it turn anything else but a lighter green, I would think it would blend everything nicely!!

    Btw looking great so far

    Idk if it would good or not but you could go blue for the back tips of the wings!! Having them them go from yellow to green to blue semi rainbow wings
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you!

    Ive added some blue, but not where you think :) still needs shades but I think itll pay off on the end with some shades

    The shade did indeed make it an awesome lighter green! It looks so good, the pictures dont do justice
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Kinda going with a peacock like feel? Something, I dunno haha but I like the direction so far

    Ive used Thousands Sons Blue as the base and then dry brushed with The Fang while highlighting with Xereus Purple and Lilac. The flowers are Phalanx Yellow, Horror Pink and a blue one thats dry brushed in The Fang (I may change this later as it doesn't feel seperate)

    And for scale purposes a Fyreslayer :)

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  14. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Amazing Kitbash!
    LizardWizard and Sudsinabucket like this.
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you so much!
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Some Quick Brain Storming for the Temple Host and the Ritual they use to cleanse chaotic beasts.

    What is the ritual of cleansing chaostic beasts? In a river? Deep in a forest clearing? Do the Sylveneth help? How does the Blood Moon factor in? Star Priest draws on its Celestial Power?

    This Temple host is highly influenced by The Old One Tzunki and Water.

    1. Takes place in the middle of Temple city miles wide
    2. On the largest Geomantic Node on what is named the Lustrare Line in Ghyran, is of pure Life Magic, The Lustrum Node. The node is covered by a vast lake with a central island, running north to south a massive river flows through the lake into the vast growing jungle. The island is where the most potent life magic seeps from. Built around the node and controlling the river is the huge Temple City of Tlacopan. The lake and river absorbs the life magic and carries it for miles down river, Temples dedicated to Tzunki dot the river and while one large one is built where the river leaves the lake.
    3. For the largest of creatures the Star Priests of the Lustrated Temple Host may call upon the Celestial Powers of the Blood Moon to further power their life magic with the Lustrum Node.
    4. Named after the Node itself, the Cleansing Ritual is called the Lustrum Ritual.
    5. The Lustrum Ritual takes place on the central island where an altar of wood and rock with leaves and grass growing from it is located, seemingly not constructed by the Seraphon themselves. Perhaps spawned by the well of life magic itself, no one but Tak'to and Itzli-Citlalli know the answers to this mystery....but possibly having to do with their Sylveneth allies

    What are your thoughts?
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    New possible species name for Netheria species from Dracogryph:

    1. Lustrigryph - Going on theme and naming the species after the region it is found in Ghyran
    2.Tlalkoatl which means "Earth Serpent". I'm going to write up a Species description for her later.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2020
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I was introduced to a map making service ($5 a month) and started to make a map for my Temple City's general region in Ghyran. This I think will be very helpful when I begin to write stories and such. So far the map has The Capital Temple City of Tlacopan and the three smaller towns/villages of Taki'to, Zaktac and Xlakana.

    I will be adding more details as I learn the maping program better but I wanted to share the general lay out of the region :) Additions to come! Swamps, mountains, etc! Lustrated Temple Host - Temple City 1.jpg
    LizardWizard, Warden and Imrahil like this.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nice work on the lore and the big beastie himself!

    Also like how you sculpted the eggs on the base :D
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you!

    Yeah, shes been a lot of fun to design and paint for sure! cant wait to share when shes done!

    Very excited about the eggs also haha going to paint them in the Yoshi Style!

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