8th Ed. witch stegadon is best

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by knut, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. knut

    knut New Member

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    hello im a new lizzie player and i need to now witch stegadon is best against skaven and tomb kings against skaven im positiv the acient will be good but TK im not sure considering thier arcery and catapult i think EoG might be usefull
  2. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    I'd probably just take Engine of the Gods. The regular Stegadon and Ancient have been nerfed a fair bit by 8th edition, and there will most likely be an increase in warmachines, meaning they get skewered earlier than before.

    Engine of the Gods is still vulnerable to the same stuff, but it's abilities mean you don't need to be as aggressive (ie there is no rush to charge into combat). Park it behind your Slann+TG block and bomb enemy assault units that attack them (Burning Conflagration doesn't need LOS). Its defensive aura ability is also pretty useful, as with the right positioning you can cover the TG and Saurus blocks at the same time.

    That said, if you can keep it alive, a regular Stegadon has a Giant Bow, which is pretty much our only artillery piece, and is useful for ripping wounds off big monsters or killing heavy infantry. The Ancient Steg spams out a lot of poisioned darts, but you already get that from cheaper Skink Skirmishers, so it's kinda redundant.
  3. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    asking which stegadon is best is like asking what's the best wine. It depends on what you're serving it with. In general though (and this is largely opinion):

    1. Regular stegs are less effective, but cheaper.
    2. Ancients don't have the range of a regular steg, but they more than make up for it with volume of fire, and a better save.
    3. Engines are expensive, but they can be a huge help if used properly. Engines are support first, a sledgehammer second.

    I would say an Ancient is great on the flank with ranked skinks in support for breaking ranks, while the engine is best in the middle supporting the main army. I'm not too thrilled by the regular steg, except it's (as steg's go) a cheaper mount for my skink chief.
  4. Maedhros

    Maedhros New Member

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    I tend to take the ancient steg or EotG just to make sure I have str 6 for my impact hits and thunder stomp. The giant bow on the regular steg can't hit the broad side of a barn anyhow.

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