AoS new player looking for help with 1k list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by zakuknight, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. zakuknight
    Jungle Swarm

    zakuknight New Member

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    hello all im just starting seraphon and atm all i have is the saurus scb but this is a list ive put together but not sure how well it would do i am not planning on running any tournaments so semi competitive at best

    ++ **Pitched Battle** 1,000 (Order - Seraphon) [970pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur [230pts]: [Koatl's Claw] Dominant Predator, Eviscerating Blade, General

    Skink Starpriest [120pts]: 2. Hand of Glory

    + Battleline +

    Saurus Knights [200pts]: Celestite Warspear, Saurus Knight Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer
    . 2x 5 Saurus Knights: 2x Powerful Jaws, 2x Snapping Jaws

    Saurus Knights [200pts]: Celestite Warspear, Saurus Knight Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer
    . 2x 5 Saurus Knights: 2x Powerful Jaws, 2x Snapping Jaws

    Saurus Warriors [180pts]: Celestite Club, Saurus Warrior Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer
    . 2x 10 Saurus Warriors: 2x Powerful Jaws

    + Allegiance +

    . Allegiance: Seraphon
    . . Coalesced: Koatl's Claw

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 1000 Points - Vanguard

    + Malign Sorcery +

    Bound Endless Spell: Burning Head [40pts]

    ++ Total: [970pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe (
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  2. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    Hello new lizard person .

    koatls claw and knights is a good way to go, 10 knights buffed by the starpriest is great. I dont see why the bound burning head is there though.
    Could take that out and have 10 skinks added in or a command point would be really good as you will recycle that CP on a 4+ from your general.
  3. zakuknight
    Jungle Swarm

    zakuknight New Member

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    ah i see yah i didnt really know what to do with the remainder pts i think ill add a cp as i dont think 10 skinks would last very long but then again super new and havent played a game yet
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  4. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    10 skinks is always a decent thing to add. They dont need to last long. If they can run up and grab an objective for a turn then great. Or even just get in front of an enemy unit to hold them up for a turn while your knights deal with something else.

    they would act as a good screen for your warriors since the warriors are fairly slow, best to avoid them getting charged. Let the skinks get killed so that the warriors dont
  5. VVolfsong

    VVolfsong Active Member

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    Another good use for skinks is simply to shield your more important units from any unwanted nasty surprises if the army you're facing has access to teleportation.

    I learned that the hard way when my Oldblood on Carnosaur general was killed turn 1 because I had thought he'd be safe at the back. A few well placed skinks could have easily prevented that from happening since you can't teleport closer than 9" to any enemy models.

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