Blog The Lustrated Temple Host

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Finished the first of 3 regional maps, with and without a grid :) This is the Northern section of the Lustrare River Valley, I am now beginning to flesh out the key areas! here are a few of the more refined descriptions though they will be expanded in the future.

    The Northern Lustrare River Valley-

    The Lustrare River Valley resides in Ghyran to the far north of the Heaving Peaks of Invidia and north west of the Sickling Sea on the northern continent of Maz'Talik. Protected by a mighty ring of Highlands and Mountains, the valley is a natural haven for life and is broken into three different vast regions: Northern, Southern and Western regions. The valley is home to mainly the Lustrated Temple Host though both Sylvaneth and tribal human settlements also flourish here. Already a wild ecosystem its jungles, marshes, grasslands and even its large desert have grown wilder still with the help of Realm Engines being powered directly by the Lustrum Node. Even with the mighty natural defenses and devastating armies of its inhabitants is not enough to deter outside forces from wanting access to the valley. Skaven carve out fortresses in the mountains to the northern edge and raid Green Ridge Pass disrupting trade and communications. Nurgle Breaches the mountain range to the far south (not pictured) hoping to exploit the Evergrowth Plains that lie south of Tlacopan.

    Home to many creatures there are some of exceptional note: Thunderdons, Parasauradons, Carnosaurs, Troglodons, Ridge-Back Stegadons, Koatls, Giant Horses, Razordons, Salamanders, Blade-Tooth Stalkers and the rare Lutrigryph (or Tlalkoatl in the Seraphon Tongue).

    The Lustrare River Valley was named after the Lustrum Ley Line that it rests upon and is thought to be blessed by the Old One Tzunki by the Lustrated Temple Host. The River is considered sacred to the Seraphon and to the Huron Creek Tribe, it is both a source of food and ritual importance.

    Key Areas:

    The Lustrum Node -

    A powerful hub of pure life magic that sit beneath a large inland River-Lake and surrounded by the Temple City of Tlacopan. Although life magic seeps up throughout the lake through cracks in the lake bed it is the island in the middle of the lake where the magic is strongest. In the middle of the island is a large tree, a giant white barked Weeping Willow said to be of beyond ancient in age. The Island and the giant Weeping Willow are said to be directly connected to the magic beneath, the grass shimmering with the purist of greens and yellows as it blows in the wind. As the life magic seeps into the lake the flow of the river that runs through takes the life magic rich waters down river, for miles it flows until it leaves the valley through the Genesis Mountain Range. This is also what gives the ability to preform The Lustrum Ritual which allows the Lustrated Temple Host to purify chaos monsters.

    Key Settlements:

    Tlacopan –

    The Capital of the Lustrated Temple Host, The Lustrare runs through it as thick jungle and dangerous swamps surround it. Its towering walls, towers and other defenses peer over these natural barriers alerting the city before any enemy can start an assault. Roosts of Terradons, Ripperdactyls and Quetzeldons rest ontop of the towers that dot the high walls, these avian beats act as scouting parties or swoop down on enemy forces if the towers Sun and Earth beams do not turn them back first.

    The mighty Temple City is the central hub for trade in the region with its large markets and ease of transport with the river. Skyscraping temples, libraries housing ancient parchments of different races, and other architectural wonders dot the city. Ranks of Saurus Warriors with a Scar Vet and Carnosaur patrol the streets, their eyes piercing as they look for any law break or sign of corruption. If one is unlucky enough to be caught breaking the law they may have to do weeks worth of manual labor for the accuser, that however is light compared to severe offenses. If severe enough of a law break or offense you may be sentenced to what is called "Purification" in which you are purified upon a sacrificial altar in the name of Tzunki.

    The Northern Lustrare River Valley, Ghyran..jpg The Northern Lustrare River Valley, Ghyran. (with Grid).jpg
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I like the amount of work you put into it. I love how the map turned out.

    This surely will function as a great basis to write Stories upon.

    Keep up the good work

    Grrr, Imrahil
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you, it is definitely a labor of love. I just really want a fleshed out world that my Seraphon reside in. I have plans to make a whole continent map which this valley resides. Or a very big Island, not sure yet

    I was approached by the creator of The Great Weave and was asked if the map couod be used on their forums! So its now apart of a wider AOS fan based narrative world :)

    Its going to be a very fleshed out place when im done
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    It really is, and thank you! If my imagination can bring some cool stories and fun for others, I'm honored honestly.

    it's essentially the same as you see here although if people use it as a narrative place different things may pop up, not sure
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    ok, this is going to be a rather long post...

    This is SO FAR what I have written and complied for descriptions of The Lustrare River Valley. This consists of a general overview, Races, Cities and Beastiary; I am going to be adding descriptions of plants in the future also (such as the Tremorvine Plant).

    Also New Maps! One with a grid and one without :)

    I'd love some feedback if you're willing!

    I still need to come up with settlement names for the Skaven, Nurgle and KO


    1. It is Rumored that Clans Pestilence and Moulder work together on some plot to weaken trade along Green Ridge Pass to draw out the garrison of Taki’to. The Star Priest Xo’talac may be willing to hire mercenaries to scout the pass and bring back valuable information.

    2. It has been reported by both the humans of Oscoda on the Huron Creek, skinks of Xlakana and the Slyvaneth of Arbor Vale that those who have gone out to collect berries and other food along Huron Creek and The Great Green Swamp sometimes do not come back. Wild animals were to blame at first, but no bodies have been found, only drag marks. Skaven are thought to be the cause after further investigation, but Skaven have never been known to make it this far into the valley. The Sign of a Crow has been found at at least one site of a possible struggle, though strange claw marks have also been found.

    3. (Map of region for this rumor coming in the future) In the southern region of the valley herds of Parasauradons are falling ill to a new disease that seems to affect the wild strawberry fields throughout the plains they tend to favor. It is unknown where the disease came from though Nurgle is suspected

    The Lustrare River Valley-

    The Lustrare River Valley resides in Ghyran to the far north of the Heaving Mountains of Invidia and north west of the Sickling Sea on the northern continent of Maz'Talik. Protected by a mighty ring of Highlands and Mountains, the valley is a natural haven for life and is broken into three different vast regions: Northern, Southern and Western regions. The valley is home to mainly the Lustrated Temple Host though both Sylvaneth and tribal human settlements also flourish here. Already a wild ecosystem its jungles, marshes, grasslands and even its large desert have grown wilder still with the help of Realm Engines being powered directly by the Lustrum Node. Even with the mighty natural defenses and devastating armies of its inhabitants is not enough to deter outside forces from wanting access to the valley. Skaven carve out fortresses in the mountains to the northern edge and raid Green Ridge Pass disrupting trade and communications. Nurgle Breaches the mountain range to the far south (not pictured) hoping to exploit the Evergrowth Plains that lie south of Tlacopan. As if these threats were not dire enough, the Kharadron Overlords having recently discoveredthe valley adds a new unforeseen threat as they eye the natural resources and its wealth.

    Home to many creatures there are some of exceptional note: Thunderdons, Parasauradons, Carnosaurs, Troglodons, Ridge-Back Stegadons, Koatls, Giant Horses, Razordons, Salamanders, Blade-Tooth Stalkers, Razor-Beaks and the rare Lutrigryph (or Tlalkoatl in the Seraphon Tongue).

    The Lustrare River Valley was named after the Lustrum Ley Line that it rests upon and is thought to be blessed by the Old One Tzunki by the Lustrated Temple Host. The River is considered sacred to the Seraphon and to the Huron-Lustrare Tribal Confederacy, it is both a source of food and ritual importance. Though most of the valley is lush and green, there is one large desert that sits north of The Great Green Swamp.

    Races of the Valley:


    Lustrated Temple Host –

    Leaders: Star Seer Itzli-Citlalli and High Prophet of Tzunki Tak’To

    Capital: Tlacopan

    The Lustrated Temple Host consists of powerful Star Seers and Star Priests who use their Saurus Legions and Beast Handlers to capture Chaos Beasts and Monsters. After a battle is won these creatures are forced back to the capital city of the Temple host Tlacopan (meaning "florid plant on flat ground") where they are caged with other captured creatures. When a Blood Moon shows over the Temple City one by one the chaotic beasts are ritually cleansed of their chaotic taint back into their purest natural form. In times of great need beats handlers will be sent forth to Ghur to capture a Maw-Crusha of the Ironjawz that has been imbued with the powers of Gorka Morka. Brought back the Maw-Crusha is sacrificed, forcing a Blood Moon to appear.

    These now cleansed creatures are turned against their former masters by the Star Priests. The first of these to be cleansed was Spore-Wing a Lustrigryph who fell to Nurgle, a native creature to The Lustrare River Valley, she of pure life magic was renamed Netheria the Reclaimed by the Star Priest Tak'to after the cleansing ritual.

    The Burning Moons Seraphon whom are Starborne are the true allies to the Lustrated Temple Host. The only Seraphon that come from a Temple Ship that have Coalesced within them, they are an elite force from the stars who bring fear to any realm as foes are tactically and mercilessly slaughtered. Where fighting is the fiercest the Burning Moons are dropped down in rays of glorious light that blind the foe as claw, fangs and giant monsters are unleashed upon the battlefield. Often the cause of breaking a stalemate, the legions of this Star Host are a tactical hit squad.


    Huron-Lustrare Tribal confederacy –

    Leader: High Empress Kara,

    Capital: Ta’was

    A loose confederacy of human valley tribes, these peoples make up the native human population within the valley. A Warrior-Matriarchy Society the women control everyday life of the Confederacy and also all major decisions regarding war, diplomacy and other politics. The men of the tribes are expected to hunt and provide for the village families, in times of war they are called upon to join the ranks of the elite warrior women caste. The Tribes, especially those of the northern and western regions of the valley, are naturally gifted with navigating not only the mighty Lustrare river and marshes but also the Great Green Swamp. Although cautious and sometimes hostile to outsiders, the village of Oscoda which resides Between Tlacopan and It’lit is known to have guides and mercenaries for hire.

    In the southern region the Huron-Lustrare tribes are nearly unmatched on the open Evergrowth Plains, masters of riding the feared and favored mounts of the tribal peoples: Razor-Beaks, Giant flightless birds.

    Cities of Sigmar:

    Spring Hills Village –

    Leader: Herman Von Carstein

    Capital: Spring Hills Village

    The People of Spring Hills Village live amongst rolling hills where small creeks bring fresh spring and rainwater to rest in the inland lake. Widely uninformed of news beyond the rolling hills of their home the population is very close knit and weary of strangers, especially of those not known to be native of the valley. A newer village of elves, dwarves and humans they arrived in the valley by chance when fleeing from the armies of Nurgle and Clan Pestilence.


    Eversong Village –

    Arbor Vale -


    Fyreslayers –


    Moss-Oak Lodge: Fyreslayers who migrated from Ghur to Ghyran generations ago and have adapted to the wilds of the Valley forests in the western region. Known to be at odds with the Kharadron Overlords of Barak Mhornar who seek to exert their dominance over the area. The newest inhabitants of the valley by hundreds of years the Moss-Oak Lodge has an uneasy truce with the Huron-Lustrare Tribal Confederacy and a hard-won non-aggression pact with the Seraphon of the valley. The Sylvaneth and the Lodge seem to not bother one another though they have been seen scouting each other’s territories and smaller villages.

    Kharadron Overlords –


    Barak Mhornar: The city of shadow. The people of Barak Mhornar are very schewy in their interpretation of the Code,and are known to be scoundrels with very shady tactics and strategies. They have been seen scouting the western region of the valley by both the Moss-Oak Lodge and the Lustrated Temple Host.



    The Northern Lustrare Valley

    Key Areas:

    The Lustrum Node -

    A powerful hub of pure life magic that sit beneath a large inland River-Lake and surrounded by the Temple City of Tlacopan. Although life magic seeps up throughout the lake through cracks in the lake bed it is the island in the middle of the lake where the magic is strongest. In the middle of the island is a large tree, a giant white barked Weeping Willow said to be of beyond ancient in age. The Island and the giant Weeping Willow are said to be directly connected to the magic beneath, the grass shimmering with the purist of greens and yellows as it blows in the wind. As the life magic seeps into the lake the flow of the river that runs through takes the life magic rich waters down river, for miles it flows until it leaves the valley through the Genesis Mountain Range. This is also what gives the ability to preform The Lustrum Ritual which allows the Lustrated Temple Host to purify chaos monsters.

    The Lustrare River –

    The Lustrare River is a long winding waterway that eventually empties into either The Great Green Swamp via the Huron Creek to the southwest or to the Sickling Sea to the southeast. Along its winding body shallow marshes bud off offering false hope of a safe place to camp, abnormally large alligators and other jungle predators lurk in these shallow alcoves. The closer the river flows to the Lustrum Node the larger, thicker and deadlier plants grow; Tremorvine Plants a form of carnivorous plant are common.

    Huron Creek -

    Evergrowth Plains –

    The Evergrowth Plains cover most of the southern reaches of the valley as well as parts of the northern region. Home to vast herds of Parasauradons, Giant Horses, Large Mammoths, and other creatures the plains are a great source prey for predators such as Cold Ones, Razor Beaks, Large Cats and sometimes Carnosaurs. The grass, called shimmer blade, shimmers in the sun as it changes color depending on how the light hits it from a bright green to a glowing yellow. Soft like silk it is used by tribes for clothes, furniture fabric, bandages among other uses and is highly tradeable outside of the valley as it only grows in this area. The grass as it absorbs nutrients from the soil also absorbs the life magic from the ley line, the blade gains a small healing property making bandages made of the grass highly sought after. The grass is also highly coveted by magic users who practice life magic as the blades of grass allow life magic to flow easier as the grass already naturally has life magic flowing through it.

    The Great Green Swamp –

    To the west of Tlacopan and south of the Blade-Tooth Mountains is the Great Green Swamp, a large body of water that covers nearly half of the western portion of the valley and which The Lustrare River via the Huron Creek empties. Multiple species of trees dot the swamp, though the shade they provide protects from the sun, it does make spotting lurking predators such as massive Alligators and Troglodons. With water that is nearly black and thick green algae covering much of the surface the swamp is perilous for the inexperienced or guideless. Predators are not the only dangers here, the further you get away from the moss and vine covered shore line you risk being pulled under by the powerful suction of underwater tunnels and caverns. Like all swamps it is not only the large animals which you must look out for but the small as well. Poisonous frogs the size of a mans head hide on the isands throughout the swamp, venomous snakes, along with other small insects

    Blade-Tooth Mountains –

    Home to the feared Blade-Tooth Cougar, the mountains are unforgiving to even the most hardened of explorers and warriors alike. Covered in thick forest and roaring rapid filled rivers, the mountains contain abundant life as large antlered deer and elk strip bark and brush from trees and the soil, small squirrels warn of wolves and fish migrate up from the western reaches of The Great Green Swamp.

    Grand Life Mountains –


    Thunderdons –

    Behemoths and unmatched in size of any animal in the valley, these gentle giants are found wading in the deepest and widest sections of the Lustrare river with their upper backs uncovered and surrounding jungles. Their long necks are able to reach the highest canopy or the deepest sections of the river for any vegetation their long necks and tongues can reach. These animals are however not strictly herbivores, they are in fact omnivores and will eat carcasses they come upon, they have even been known to trample dying or slow animals. Thunderdon scales are not only thick but also strong, each one like stone. These scales which are considered sacred are used by the Lustrated Temple Host for their shields, as Thunderdons move through the jungle their scales fall off as they rub against the hardened bark. Kharadron Overlords seek out these scales which cause conflict with the Seraphon, the scales are considered sacred to the Lustrated Temple Host.

    Used by the Seraphon as beasts of labor and of war, these animals can carry tons of weight onto their back as their reinforced bones hardly notice. In times of peace these animals haul boulders and the heaviest logs to construction sites or carry large barrels of water that skinks use to put out fires within the Temple cities and villages. In times of war these giants are fitted with mighty howdahs

    Parasauradons –

    Large Herbivore that is commonly found in herds in the Evergrowth Plains and surrounding jungles, these mostly quadrupedal animals can stand up on their powerful hind legs and kick with their hooved front limbs. Known distinctively by their large Crest on their head, these crests not only are how they communicate but also offer a defense against predators such as Carnosaurs when in small to large herds. When presented with a threat the males of the herd will form a line between them and the females and offspring and begin calling out. Each call is louder than 20 ram horn calls, all threats in front of the sound wave effectively have their brain raddled and they are forced to retreat or risk severe brain damage or death.

    The Huron-Lustrare peoples who live on the plains have learned how to domesticate these animals and use them as war mounts along with the Razor Beaks. As they charge into battle their mounts create an offensive sound barrier that breaks battle lines before the impact of the charge has even happened.

    Carnosaurs –

    Carnosaurs are large apex predators that have terrorized the darkness of the jungles since the valley’s creation. Considered by many as the ultimate hunter, with some growing nearly two stories tall, these massive reptilian beasts are powerfully built and highly aggressive creatures, with long, muscular hind limbs and a heavy tail that is used to balance its enlarged and powerful skull. Only few other predators are even with these mighty predators.

    Their shortened forelimbs and sharp claws are ideal for locking hold of prey, allowing the Carnosaur to better line up its most destructive attack; Carnosaurs have massive jaws, their gaping mouths filled with dagger-like death. Their bite can hack through huge chunks of flesh on larger prey, and by twisting its thick, muscular neck, a Carnosaur can simply rip its quarry apart piece by bloody piece. Having tasted blood, a Carnosaur is at its most deadly, for it enters a state of savage bloodlust — biting and tearing at any living creature, sometimes slaughtering its gory way through entire herds of giant reptilian without pause. Such is what they were bred to become, for the primordial jungles of only spares the strongest and most ferocious of monsters, whilst the weak are simply left to be eaten by those seeking to consume flesh.

    Troglodons –

    Reaching nearly the same size as a Carnosaur, the twin-tailed Troglodons are mighty creatures which spend most of their time in the many marshes along the river system and within The Great Green Swamp. Although mostly blind, they rely on other, not-yet understood, methods to locate their prey, their long, whisker-like appendages guiding them unerringly through the dense jungle and swamps.

    Lurking amongst the fallen trees and thick algae the Troglodon will wait patiently for an unsuspecting victim. Once a victim is located, the Troglodon will attempt to catch it in its toxic jaws, but if this is not possible, it will instead spit its highly-corrosive venom at the prey, the resultant sizzle from the fluid meeting flesh guiding the beast in for the kill.

    Ridge-Back Stegadons –

    Unique to The Lustrare River Valley and the continent of Maz'Talik these medium sized reptiles are related to the Stegadon. Countless generations of breeding Stegadons lead the Lustrated Temple Host to infuse life magic into their Stegadon eggs, hurrying the evolutionary process. Thick Plates of diamond tough bone grow from the beasts back, a large thagomizer with a blade like tip can cut through trees and flesh alike with ease, on its shoulder blades and hips large spikes grow outwards. Though smaller than Stegadons, Ridge-Backs are more intelligent and have a better temperament allowing for better and safer training by skinks for war.

    Koatl -

    Giant Horses -

    Razordons -

    Salamanders –

    Cold Ones –

    Horned Ones –

    Terradons –

    Ripperdactyls –

    Quetzeldons -

    Blade-Tooth Stalkers –

    Razor Beaks-

    Lutrigryph -

    Key Settlements of the Northern Lustrare Valley:


    Lustrated Temple Host

    Tlacopan –

    The Capital of the Lustrated Temple Host, The Lustrare runs through it as thick jungle and dangerous swamps surround it. Its towering walls, towers and other defenses peer over these natural barriers alerting the city before any enemy can start an assault. Roosts of Terradons, Ripperdactyls and Quetzeldons rest ontop of the towers that dot the high walls, these avian beats act as scouting parties or swoop down on enemy forces if the towers Sun and Earth beams do not turn them back first.

    The mighty Temple City is the central hub for trade in the region with its large markets and ease of transport with the river. Skyscraping temples, libraries housing ancient parchments of different races, and other architectural wonders dot the city. Ranks of Saurus Warriors with a Scar Vet and Carnosaur patrol the streets, their eyes piercing as they look for any law break or sign of corruption. If one is unlucky enough to be caught breaking the law they may have to do weeks worth of manual labor for the accuser, that however is light compared to severe offenses. If severe enough of a law break or offense you may be sentenced to what is called "Purification" in which you are purified upon a sacrificial altar in the name of Tzunki.

    Taki’to –

    It’lit –

    Xlakana –

    Zaktac –


    Huron-Lustrare Tribal Confederacy:

    Oscoda –


    Eversong Village –

    Arbor Vale –

    The Northern Lustrare River Valley, Ghyran. (Homebrew, No Grid).jpg The Northern Lustrare River Valley, Ghyran. (Homebrew, Grid).jpg
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Wip Star Seer Itzli-Citlalli baby Thunderdon. Needs some tweaks, but yeah! Debating if I change his staff up a bit...

    Going to be a life/earth themed palanquin

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  8. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Whey base size is she standing on?

    Both 50mm??
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yep! Her base and the base used for the Palanquin are both 50mm :)
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So here is an update on the palanquin!

    I added a few skulls onto the outter ring and also added some greenstuff vines to give more of a life realm/jungle type vibe. Will see how it looks in the morning when it hardens, going to be adding flock for grass and such later on.

    Also began building a Tremorvine Plant...

    You can see an early fitting shot of a Fyreslayer inside its first layer of jaws/leaves/whatever they'd be called! It will be placed on a 50mm base (or maybe a knight base?) And made into a custom endless spell/fun thing to make

    C&C welcome :)
    20200813_213307.jpg 20200813_215359.jpg 20200813_215417.jpg 20200813_234813.jpg
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    When its a rainy day and you set up a comfy spot in your bed and write homebrew lore :)

    Right now I am working on a Constellation: The Culchan.

    The Culchan was first mentioned in I believe 2nd edition with the Temple city if Oxyl and the Culchan plains. This is a continuation of my Lustrare River Valley & Lustrated Temple Host/Lustrated Temple Host Empire project.

    This is very WIP but I wanted to share the beginning of the constellation description. Definitely changes to be made, but Id love some thoughts :)


    Constellation: The Culchan

    The Sanctified, the Cleansers of Chaos, Protectors of the Lustrum

    The Culchan are the defenders of nature and the balance that must be held to preserve the purity of life untainted. Their legions full of strange purified chaos creatures and gigantic long necked behemoths The Culchan are surely the wrath of nature personified. Seers and Star Priests bring the interpretation of the Great Plan to bear with no subtley as the will of the Old One Tzunki is carried out: To bring back the natural order through purification, no matter who stands in the way and whatever the cost.

    The Culchan more than any other Seraphon, and perhaps any race save the Sylvaneth, are attuned to life magic through their Old One Tzunki. During the early years of the Age of Chaos, the Slann Supreme Star Gazer Ka’Rapixca became stuck within his own mind upon discovering an ancient prophecy, the destination of his kins salvation, and new ways to fight the Eternal Enemy. Finding small spores of nurgle growing from their masters' nostrils, the council of Star Seers and Star Priests left in command of the constellation sealed Ka’Rapixca in his chambers to stop the spread when cleansing rituals failed. As the final Seer left the Slanns side the ancient mage-priest awoke, speaking before his eyes rolled back once again: “The Blood Moon and the Lustrum will cleanse all that needs cleansing, Tzunki provides as he is the master of water and tides, so as long as the water of the Lustrum flows and the Blood Moons Red gaze shimmers down, so then the Crow and Rat cannot fester in what is pure…”. Frantically the skinks began searching the stars and ancient plaques for answers, though to no avail. Months, years passed with no answers to the questions they seeked until finally a seer saw, no felt what they searched for: The Lustrum Node. With great haste the Temple Ships travelled the black of space towards the energy they felt before finding the Lustrare River Valley in Ghyran.

    Hovering over the thick jungles of the Northern Lustrare River The Culchan temple ships observed through giant lenses from an ancient time, below they saw abundance of life. Human tribal communities flourished, the Slyvaneth hunted the forests and jungles, giant sauropod behemoths waded in the deepest parts of the mighty river that emptied into a great green swamp, and plains full of great herds overtook the southern reaches. Here the Seers and Priests magics felt amplified, at that moment the Hight Star Seer Itzli-Citalli pointed to a large lake in the middle of the river; the lake swirled with dancing rays of life magic. Of all the Temple ships of the Constellation five were the first to land and become Temple cities, the rest set off for other regions or realms in search of other nodes of great power to further Tzunki’s will. Tlacopan, the largest and strongest of these temple cities placed itself around the Lustrum Node and its lake. Within Tlacopan’s largest temple locked away their mind locked Slann even after what would become to be known as the Lustrum Ritual, battled the powerful infection of Nurgle himself or forever be lost.
    IMG_20200814_152422_386.jpg IMG_20200814_155859_806.jpg Screenshot_20200814-153907_Chrome.jpg
  12. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Lovely and lifely ;)
    Those vines add very much to the whole thing, at first I kind of thought the platform lacked support sideways, but those vines destract nicely of that. The skull give a great vibe to the Wizard side of the character.

    Well done on the plant.
    Are you planning on adding teeth or will it be more like the victim will be desolved in the toxic innards?

    Keep up the good work

    Grrr, Imrahil
  13. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I am so jalous of the time and creativity you have to spend at the hobby:oops: wish I got some of both, mostly the time.

    Great piece of lore again.
    With the amount of lore you are creating you can write an appendix for the Battletome:D

    I love what you wrote lore-wise, my only comments are on punctuation and word choice ;)

    I'd say the following is what I think you meant:
    The Culchan more than any other Seraphon, and perhaps any race besides the Sylvaneth, are attuned to life magic

    This needs some commas:
    Finding small spores of nurgle growing from their masters' nostrils, the council of Star Seers and Star Priests, left in command of the constellation, sealed Ka’Rapixca in his chambers to stop the spread when cleansing rituals failed.

    As the final Seer left the Slann's side

    flows and the Blood Moon's Red gaze

    This is it for now, I haven't read the last part yet. ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    COVID is the only reason I have so much time, being immunocompromised I have been self quarantined since March 8th (5 Months and 8 days now). I don't feel safe going out and I thought that such a GREAT country would be out of the woods by now... but here we are worse off than some 3rd world countries in some of our states (GA, FL).

    admittedly Id likely at some point more than likely would have travelled this path eventually, with or without COVID; the time line just would have looked different.
    Ha, the google doc does already have the appendix written with each new section ;) my creativity is great, my grammar, punctuation and ill be honest, general spelling at times isnt as much on the same level.... lol...

    So I appreciate the help! Haha

    I do think at least one of those was fixed soon after I posted when I went through, but ill check and edit the rest because that was indeed what inwas trying to say..

    Thanks again for the feedback and kind words!

    Who knows, maybe a new mini fan made battletome extension is coming... lol
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  15. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    You are doing a lot of things at the same time. I like it, but do you finish all of your projects?
    How is this one turning out?

    Grrr, Imrahil
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    With all this time on my hands I do tend to get distracted for sure, I have however finally got the magnets i needed to be able to *hopefully* be able to magnetize Netheria and Tak'To (Star Priest) to the base, so will definitely be starting back up on her today or tomorrow. Netheria in general is pretty on track, my biggest issue with her is I can't decide how to do her beak or arms/claws nor totally how I want do Tak'To. I got 2x1mm sized magnets, hoping they will be powerful enough
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Here is Netheria and Tak'To thus far :) The base has come along quite nicely and I also made a nest for her with Yoshi styled eggs :) she still has a good amount to go, but definitely coming together!

    20200822_000756.jpg 20200821_221405.jpg 20200820_183134.jpg 20200820_183151.jpg 20200820_184225.jpg 20200820_184208.jpg 20200820_184239.jpg 20200820_115035.jpg
  18. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I love the nest very much, amazingly done. How did you manage to do the nest itself?

    Grrr, Imrahil
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I really apologize for such a late response! Better late than never? heh.

    It was pretty simple really :) took some green stuff and formed it to how I wanted it, essentially a bowl, and then made the rims bend. After it dried I took tufts of grass and placed them where I wanted them to give a nest feeling :)
  20. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Never mind ;)
    Awesomely effective!

    Grrr, Imrahil

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