I am starting to paint my models and I am going to be posting some pics up soon, my color scheme is Black with red scales gold weapons and neutral brown shields. As I said should be able too post up some soon.
First you have to upload your pictures somewhere, such as www.photobucket.com After that's done, use the 'linkeh' button to add it. For example: Code: [URL]http://www.blabla.com/mypicturename.png[/URL]
http://twitpic.com/1shj82 http://twitpic.com/1shkkg http://twitpic.com/1shjf6 http://twitpic.com/1shjbd http://twitpic.com/1shiip http://twitpic.com/1shi91 Some WIP saurii Comments appreciated
From what I can see it looks like a good colour scheme, however, the photos are rather small and dark. Trying using natural light or white light instead of the incandescent, and make the pictures a bit bigger if you can.
Well, as Strewart said: Pictures are not so good, try to give them a white background (Just a plain paper). But I really love your colorscheme, orange on black.
Thanks, yeah i know but i did use gold for saurii because i wanted the scar vet too stand out when he was in the unit
Pics too come at the end of the month when i finish my pledge and you will see my hopefully completed stegadon but right now comment on the photos just put up and just wait in suspence of what is too come