Contest Summer 2020 Poetry Contest Reading and Voting Thread

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Scalenex, Aug 8, 2020.


Which poem or poem do you like best (you vote for up to FOUR)

Poll closed Aug 28, 2020.
  1. Poem One: "Huebald and his Skewbald"

    1 vote(s)
  2. Poem Two: "A Lake and a Kroxigor"

    2 vote(s)
  3. Poem Three: "Within the Spawning Pool"

    6 vote(s)
  4. Poem Four: "Scales Upon Scales Upon Scales"

    9 vote(s)
  5. Poem Five: "The Coming of the Old Ones"

    2 vote(s)
  6. Poem Six: "Ignorance is b(less)"

    4 vote(s)
  7. Poem Seven: "The Myth of Oldhammer"

    2 vote(s)
  8. Poem Eight: "Jungle's Struggle"

    2 vote(s)
  9. Poem Nine: "Prophet's Call to Arms"

    2 vote(s)
  10. Poem Ten: "Squeaky the Skaven's Adventure"

    3 vote(s)
  11. Poem Eleven: "In the Mind of a Kroxigor"

    9 vote(s)
  12. Poem Twelve" "Hewn of Stone"

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    "Huebald and his Skewbald"

    There was a cowhand called Huebald,
    Who rode a mangy old skewbald,
    He was arrested by a Sheriff Rango,
    For stealing a mango,
    And sat in the cell for so long he grew bald!

    "A Lake and a Kroxigor"

    Death drawn in the air
    So many returned not
    Thoughts heavy everywhere
    And I’m afraid to die

    Life written in the water
    Memories swimming and sinking
    Legs locked; muscles deterred
    And I’m afraid to live

    "Within the Spawning Pool"

    In the beginning, nothing. Blackness abounds.

    Then a feeling, sensation. Chaos surrounds.

    A ‎spark of life, increasing. ‎Spirit ignites.

    Striving for the surface‎ now. Purpose to fight.

    Surface broken, form revealed. Majestic form.

    Knowing it's destiny now. A legend born.

    "Scales Upon Scales Upon Scales"

    Sharp to the touch, blue washed with grey
    jagged and rough, scales upon scales

    Pierced by metals, jewels and gold
    scales upon scales, centuries old

    Bled by spears and cut by blades,
    Unknowing of fear, scales upon scales

    A soldier, commander, a brother and son
    scales upon scales, victory hard won

    Scales upon scales, holding back chaos' flood
    No tears are shed for the fallen, just blood

    "The Coming of the Old Ones"

    In the stars lies great Ziggurats of stone.

    And under their watching eye, every realm will be their own.

    This ancient people from days of old.

    Now dwell in the stars, the dark, endless, cold.

    They came from beyond this land.

    And were sent by the Old Ones for one Great Plan.

    And unto them we shall swear our allegiance.

    For when the Old Ones come, they will avenge every grievance.

    They will emerge forth from the swirling heavens.

    And all evil will fall before their servants weapons.

    And our tribe may be exalted for our service to our Lords.

    And amidst the Saurians we may stand as their faithful wards.

    With ancient devices forged from the Primordial matter.

    And none shall live against the Saurians wrath which makes blood spatter.

    And that is why our ancestors told us "Obey the Saurian Masters".

    For when the Old Ones wrath is here we will be the only ones with laughter.

    "Ignorance is (b)less"

    Please tell me , if you know,
    where and how did our specie grow,
    where did we first see the sun,
    before we were what we have become?

    Tell me of a time, of a place,
    before this void and endless space,
    of that one World-that-was
    of our ancestors and their cause.

    Tell me about the Old ones again,
    about their creations and Great plan.
    Is there still a plan after our fall?
    And where do I fit in this all?

    - Unknown wonderer –

    "The Myth of Oldhammer"

    I often wonder of a time, of a place,
    of that one World-that-was,
    before this void and endless space,
    of our ancestors and their cause.

    I often wonder can we get back,
    would it be worth the cost,
    would it thrive or would it lack
    and just be a paradox?

    I often wonder…
    can we once more fight for the Great plan,
    but would it be a blunder
    or would it make us great again?

    - old soul -

    "Jungle’s struggle"

    Daylight is fading fast,
    the jungle prepares for the night,
    nearly in sight, since the day has past.
    Nocturnal life awakens and thrives,
    the predators staring their hunt.
    You can hear them grunt, run for your lives!

    Worse than the grunters
    are the silent hunters,
    the ones that never growl
    nor grunt or roar or howl.
    Moving through this jungle,
    thick and vast, it will last and last.

    An endless struggle,
    knowing you can go back now, alive
    or move on in search of gold
    and whatever may unfold
    you know you won’t survive.

    "The Prophet's Call to Arms"

    "What are the fangs that bite, what weapons will strike through this scaly skin?

    Children of Sotek, you cannot say, or guess, for your eyes have not seen the truth, where the pest beats, and the dead trees give no shelter, the venomous vermin swarms.
    Only there is hope in this Sacred plaque.
    (Come and hear what is on this Sacred plaque) And I will show you something different from either strength in battle shown countless times or cunning strategy to out smart the wise; I will show you a savior who will reclaim our lands!"

    - Tenehauin -

    "Squeaky the Skaven’s Adventure"

    There was a young Skaven called Squeaky,
    Who was looking a little peaky.
    He was sent to the jungle,
    A quest he did bungle,
    For a Skink shot him in the back.

    "In the Mind of a Kroxigor"

    Pretty little skinkies, running all around,
    Pretty little skinkies making lots of sounds,
    What's that little skinky? Fighting does abound?

    Dwarves go squish,
    Elves go snap,
    Humans splat,
    Just like that

    Someone touch a skinkie, will get ripped apart,
    Rip off their heads and die, wasn't very smart,
    What's that little skinkie? Fight another part?

    Rats go squeak,
    Chaos go crack,
    Beastmen whine,
    Break their backs,


    Pretty little skinkie, turns out he's okay,
    Pretty little skinkie, let's go back and play.

    "Hewn of Stone"

    Here stands a soldier hewn of stone
    In his hand holds a blade, his head crowned with bone

    Before him a city, awakening soon
    But he stands watch beneath the crescent moon

    The others they fight in battles afar
    He's the temple's protector, her watchman and guard

    He stands here unflinching, cold and alone
    He is a warrior hewn of stone

    We have twelve lovely poems! That is a lot of poems but none of them are super long, so take your time. I recommend you read them slowly, perhaps several times, maybe once out loud before voting. Voting will remain open for twenty days.

    Discussion and constructive criticism is encouraged! So are smart remarks, within reason.

    Only one untitled poem I had to make up a name for. Huzzah.

    If there are any other typos or anything you want me to fix or change, send me a private message and I will fix it ASAP.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Poem One: "Huebald and his Skewbald" by @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Poem Two: "A Lake and a Kroxigor" by @Paradoxical Pacifism

    Poem Three: "Within the Spawning Pool" by @Lizards of Renown

    Poem Four: "Scales Upon Scales Upon Scales" by @Infinity Turtle

    Poem Five: "The Coming of the Old Ones" by @DeathBringer125

    Poem Six: "Ignorance is b(less)" by @Imrahil

    Poem Seven: "The Myth of Oldhammer" by @Imrahil

    Poem Eight: "Jungle's Struggle" by @Imrahil

    Poem Nine: "The Prophet's Call to Arms" by @Imrahil

    Poem Ten: "Squeaky the Skaven's Adventure" by @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Poem Eleven: "In the Mind of a Kroxigor" by @Lizards of Renown

    Poem Twelve: "Hewn of Stone" by @Infinity Turtle
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Nice to see that this Contest did not suffer because of the short story-contest.
    Good entries all around.

    First read made me happy. I'll take my time to Read them once more in a day or 5 to see which ones I still remembered and which not

    The ones that stuck with me will get a vote ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Hmmmm... That's a good idea actually!
    Infinity Turtle, Scalenex and Imrahil like this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Short stories and poems... so many choices...
  6. Infinity Turtle
    Temple Guard

    Infinity Turtle Well-Known Member

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    You expect to much of me...

    Looking forward to reading through and hopefully doing a critique for once! Short stories take a lot of effort to read through and analyse especially when there are always excellent critiques to compare yourself to, but I'm very passionate about poetry and song writing (not so much that I'm a sad, lonely theatre kid, mind you) so I hope that I can give advice and encourage everyone!

    Again, a big well done to all that entered! I can't wait to get reading (with a hot chocolate in hand, of course)!
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'd say a poem seems to be clearly ahead...
    But there's still plenty of time and the gap is not yet that big.
    Imrahil likes this.
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Why do I suspect the Poem, The Myth of Oldhammer was written by @NIGHTBRINGER ?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Nope! I never really take part in the fluff section of the forum. Moreover, I haven't written any poetry since early high school (I wouldn't even know where to begin). The only forum contest I've ever taken part in was the Golden Serpent painting/converting contest from a number years ago.

    A fair guess though, considering my love for WFB!
  10. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I don't know what to vote for since all them are amazing :confused:. Nice work everyone!
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Looks like we have a clear winner...

    What do you reckon @Scalenex ?
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    2 votes gap, and still 1 week to go. Probably the result won't change, but I would say we can wait a little. ;)
  13. Infinity Turtle
    Temple Guard

    Infinity Turtle Well-Known Member

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    Kicking things off with a limerick! Huzzah!
    I must say for personal reasons that I prefer strawberries more myself, though while getting arrested, I feel a mango might do more damage...

    Short but ticking all the boxes nonetheless. Limericks structurally have a sort of symmetry but this piece gives a more lyrical symmetry in the contradicting last lines of each verse. Fear is an interesting tool to use in Lustrian storytelling and in this piece it seems to be more about uncertainty and this imagery is communicated concisely and effectively.

    I'm a big fan of writing/reading about spawnings and this concept translates really well into verse. The other worldly and sacred thing is mysterious and intriguing enough that the vagueness and atmosphere created in poems captures this scene very well. Also the imagery of being formless and shapeless until the surface of the pool is breached is really tangible.

    One of the most common poetic devices alongside rhyming, is repetition. The switching of the 'scales upon scales' lines position helps to create a bit of that structural symmetry within couplets. This poem also gets that whole togetherness vibe that I enjoy reading in Lustrian stuff. A nice mix of vague poetic stuff and more specific images.

    Some really nice rhyming couplets out of this one! Things phrased like this are always interesting to imagine as it seems like a bunch of 'non-believers' are being told of their inevitable doom as opposed to just a discussion between saurian. This is therefore inline with how other races/actual audiences view lizardmen/saurian, as robotic cold and uncaring, in a heavily structured poem speaking of inevitable destruction.

    A lot of why questions which always translate pleasantly to poetry. As poems are usually a solo read, ending each line with a question mark is always more of a rhetorical/"why me?" sort of statement, as if the author/character knows they will never be answered. Also poetry as a medium to learn, tell stories and legends and to teach (in this case about the Great Plan, Lizardmen and personal identity) is shown in this which is always nice.

    a/a with the addition of some more direct/active statements. The Author/character is really thinking about stuff now changing "why?" to a more "why not?". There is potential to be sought in these existential musings, but is it worth the risk? Again, some very nice rhyming

    Ah! I really really like this line: "Worse than the grunters / are the silent hunters"
    The first verse tries to establish what is terrifying about the jungle but then immediately disregards these comparatively mild threats to the real dangers. Lizardmen are an unstoppable storm and this poem captures the inevitability and pain that will come at night in the Lustrian jungle. Reading about stupid, greedy warmbloods coming to the jungles for gold and getting what they deserve always bring a smile to my face...

    I love a good free verse. I know some people don't really get the point of an unstructured poem, but this is why I really like them: They rely entirely on the imagery and mood created within a few short lines (often along with repetition and symmetry) to create a poetic landscape, managing to create just as effective a verse without specific line/stanza lengths. Spoken verse really sells this as a great rallying speech. Very nice.

    Another limerick and another ratman getting what he deserves. Another fun little verse (albeit with less mangoes) with a clear and concise story and setting.

    This poem is legitimately terrifying. An excellent use of rhyme, structure and repetition, this plays on a relatively well known idea, but turns a dumb kroxigor into an unapologetic and savage killing machine. Again, I always love the togetherness ideas, and though less about comradary and more about the almost manipulative yet innocent relationship of a skink and kroxigor, it really drives home that same together in life and death idea. Very good to read and very good imagery. A vivid and interesting read.

    Another piece short but structures. Rhyming and specific visual clues paint a clear picture of a temple guard. I like these sort of descriptive and atmospheric poems that sort of show a single image in great detail as if to dig a little deeper into the greater idea. Really like this one
  14. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In other news, the town in which I live is a literal disaster area. I have been staying with my mother for about ten days but I have recently returned home.

    Clan Moulder and Father Nurgle were battling for control of what used to be my refrigerator. Me and my friend entered battle to reclaim what was mine.


    I have power and water in my apartment building, 91% of my town has power now, but only about 20% of my town has WiFi (I'm borrowing a friend's WiFi right now). The workers are still focused on clearing the roads and restoring electricity (and providing hot meals and ice to those without power), so restoring Internet is not a huge priority.

    In short, my access to the Internet is haphazard at best.

    You may have to deal with me announcing the winner of the contests and author identities late.
  16. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    We have two poems tied at first place for now... Keep the votes coming :)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Well, I definitely stand corrected. Massive change since I made that post. Very interested to see which one ends up on top...
    Imrahil likes this.
  18. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    And the deadlock continues... Nail-biting stuff... :banghead: just wish we could get some more people to read and vote somehow...

    I think I'll do a general poll after this is done and ask what would make people more likely to review poems or stories.
    Imrahil likes this.
  19. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I approve of your goal, but if someone doesn't read a poem or vote for a poem or story they aren't going to vote in a poll about why they are not voting.
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Fair enough, I'll give it a go anyways. Nothing to be lost but my total credibility on the site!




    Anyways, all joking aside if it does nothing then fine. Maybe I'll get an answer or two. Otherwise, back to the drawing board.

    Anyone else have any ideas?
    Imrahil likes this.

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