Saurus: (All ideas are stolen from various sources , except the lances . ) 1) Spray white 2) Skin Base bahharoth blue 3) Scales Base thousand sons blue 4) All: Wash aethermatic blue 5) Skin: Wash coelia greenshade 6) Scales: Wash drakenhof nightshade 7) Scales: Dry Hoeth Blue 8) Highlights skin: Baharroth Blue 9) Highlights skin: Blue Horror --- 10) Gold: Retributor Armour 11) Gold: Reikland Fleshshade 12) Gold: Highlights Liberator Gold --- 13) Wood: Steel legion drap -> Wash Agrax -- 14) Teeth + claws: ushabti bone -> Wash Agrax --- 15) Eyes: Averland Sunset -> Wash carroburg crimson -> Flash gitz yellow -> black pupil -- 16) Toungue: Mephiston red -> Wash Agrax together with teeth -- 17) Base: steel legion drab -> Agrellan Earth -> Agrax Earthshade -> Drybrush Ushabti bone -> Tufts -- 18) Shield: Base Mephiston Red 19) Shield: Ryza Rust 20) Shield: Wash Carroburg crimson 21) Gold as above -- 22) Lances: Base Whraithbone -> Nighthound Gloom I think thats all.
I love Stonehorns. Their fluff is brilliant. As an 8th player, having 3D3 impact hits is awesome (and 3D3 +3 if you roll 10+ on charge distance). I don't like the fact that they can't attack on turn they charge though... I have 2 myself and need to get into a battle with them to use them!
I love the model. Do a good job on the bone jutting through on the face! They headbutt and scrape their head so much it gets down the bone... jesus!
I like your terrain works, especially the autumn table! You planning to add some orange or red trees too?
Thats a beautiful idea. 2-3 colourfull woods shoul look really nice. Time to stalk ebay again for some cheap woods .
My wife decided to beat my mighty lizards with these little pointy dudes...and this is her colour theme.