Hello, I'm new to the AoS community, and I'm really really crazy about the lizardmen. Here is the first army I'm thinking of building, I don't know which spells I should use, and I'm not sure about the amount of skinks. Thank you for your help. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Fangs of Sotek LEADERS Lord Kroak (320) - General Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (230) Skink Starpriest (120) Skink Starpriest (120) Terradon Chief (70) UNITS 20 x Skinks (120) - Boltspitters & Moonstone Clubs 20 x Skinks (120) - Boltspitters & Moonstone Clubs 10 x Skinks (60) - Boltspitters & Moonstone Clubs 6 x Terradon Riders (180) - Sunleech Bolas BEHEMOTHS Bastiladon (220) - Weapon : Solar Engine Bastiladon (220) - Weapon : Solar Engine BATTALIONS Shadowstrike Starhost (170) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN / COMMAND POINTS Extra Command Point (50)
Welcome to Lustria. Looks like a good foundation. I would drop the Carnosaur to up the count for your Skink units.
I am super new to AoS as well, only been playing about 4 months now, but I've been to four tournaments and have been playing exclusively seraphon, so I have so thoughts for you. First, I agree with the above poster. Lose the Carnosaur. There's a bunch of different things you could replace it with: more skinks, skink chief on stegadon, etc, but personally I would swap it out for a skink oracle on troglodon and make that your general. This accomplishes a few different things: 1. To my knowlegde, named heroes such as kroak don't get extra command abilities. This is a REALLY big loss for you since the best part of FoS is the parting shot command ability. So you want something else to get the command ability. Oracle is a good choice because he can be right up there in range of your skinks for buffing. 2. The oracle helps you get the most of your Kroak by letting you cast kroak's spells through the oracle. 3. Oracle helps you get a little bit of CCP (summoning points). With oracle and kroak you're getting 2d3 summoning points a turn. (You'd get that with kroak as your general as well, but then you'd miss out on the command ability as discussed). Might not amount to much but you'll likely be able to at least get 10 extra skinks every game, maybe more if you're lucky. Alternatively you could replace kroak with a slann starmaster if you want your slann to be your general, but with that you might be out of range to buff. If you decide to keep the carnosaur for the buffiing ability that would be a good choice of general as well I think. For sure you want your general to be able to use the Command ability tho.
Hi, thank you ! Well the thing is I have currently bought both start collecting boxes (for collection), and even though I want to build a skink army, I think it could be good to rentabilize my Saurus box. Maybe I could drop a Starpriest instead ?
Oh I didn't seen StarSpangledSlanner's post, sorry ! Oracle could be a good idea yeah I like it, thanks. I will follow all of your advice.
Named heroes can still use the generic Command abilities. Kroak is able to use Parting Shot as well as the Core Rule and GHB command abilites such as At the Double, ect. Named heroes can not be given artefacts of power or command traits though. I definitely think the Trog is a decent option for a general if you decide to bring. If you leave out the Trogg then I would make one of the Starpriest your general for Master off Star Rituals if you don't care about the D3CCP. Otherwise Kroak is fine.