AoS I don't like Ghosts

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Skinki Winki, Sep 5, 2020.

  1. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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    Hi Everybody

    New member, great to be here.

    Up until February/March of this year I was only a 40k player, but had been considering an AOS, Seraphon army for some time. So somewhere near the last day before we went into lockdown I bought a Seraphon battletome and 2 Saurus and 2 Skink starter setts from my local store. Would never normally do anything like that but now I an glad I did as I have them all painted up, apart from the last 10 knights. Really enjoyed painting them as I had a lot of extra time and they are great models to paint and it gave me a project to work on.

    Since then I have played 3 games with them against my friend who is a Nighthaunt player and I have lost 27/4; 16/8 and 13/10. I know it is not the army that is the problem, it is me, however I am happy that the scores are moving in the right direction.

    All the games I have played I have gone for coalesced (1st two Thunder Lizard and last one Koatl's Claw) as I think the models I have suit those constellations, however I now have a Slann, which is primed and will be painted ready for my next game in a week or so.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    In particular, the one problem that I cannot deal with is the Nighthaunt Harridans which attack on the charge if they roll a 10+ (every time I have played them they have managed to do this) and then also get to attack in combat, which is devastating as he has 20 of them and I cannot see any way round it at the moment.

    Also, got a game against Cities of Sigmar coming up soon.

    Would really appreciate any feedback.
    Imrahil, Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!

    Grats on getting your models painted up. There isn't too much you can do to counter play someone deepstriking 20 Harridans and getting a 10+ for the Nighthaunt charge. Your best option is to screen with your smaller units such as 10x units of skinks to limit their options for dropping outside of 9".

    Try to keep your Saurus Knights fresh and ready until you can counter charge the Harridans with them. Saurus armies generally rely on presenting a strong counter attack vs alpha striking. Do your best to pick off Night Haunts heroes.
    Lizerd likes this.
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to to Lustria!

    What lizardwizard said about saurus knights is very accurate. They also provide the perfect counter to nighthaunt as they provide a terrifying volume of attacks with no rend, meaning they're perfect against nighthaunt and their static 4+ save. They also are a solid way to deal out mortal wounds, something nighthaunt famously dont like. Honestly saurus right now are all around solid.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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  5. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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    Thank you, I will get those knights painted!
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Welcome aboard!

    Yeah, solid suggestions up til now.
    screen your knights, countercharge the dead with knights buffed by the starpriest venom. If you go this route, stick with coalesced as each knight will deliver 2 additional attacks.
    With a Slann you should bring some damage spell, to deal with hordes and snipe their supporting heroes.
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  7. Skinki Winki

    Skinki Winki Member

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    Hi All

    Just had the battle against the Nighthaunt that I was preparing for. I didn't win, but it was close and my lizards performed admirably, unfortunately my dice did not. Never mind, looking forward to the next battle.

    So I really wanted to say thanks to everyone who gave me advice, it certainly worked. Also I now realize that I probably put my fist post in the wrong place, so to make things right I thought I would post my list now and ask if anyone has any suggestions. Please let me know what you think.

    My 2000pt list is as follows:

    Coalesced - Koatl's Claw

    Skink Oracle on Troglodon - Nimble - General 220pts
    Sarus Oldblood on Carnosaur -Eviscerating Blade 230pts
    Skink Priest 70pts
    Skink Starpriest 120pts
    Skink Starpriest 120pts

    Bastiladon 220pts
    Bastiladon 220pts

    10 Sarus Knights (I have 5 more that just need to be painted) 200pts
    20 Sarus Warriors 180pts
    20 Skinks 120pts

    6 Terraon Riders 180pts

    Bound Burning Head 40pts
    Bound Gnashing Jaws 40pts
    Bound Quicksilver Swords 40pts

    LizardWizard likes this.

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