Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro searches as intently as he possibly can. Yes, for treasures and items for use, but also for anything precious to his order that he can salvage and protect.
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Before Bigbang can actually eat anything, Izema scolds him. "Fool, do you want to accidentally slice your lower jaw off? Let the mages check this stuff for enchantments before you try eating any of it!" Chagrined but understanding, the rabbit reluctantly complies and just keeps piling stuff into a heap.
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Shiro picks his way from room to room inside the more stable sections of the keep, something odd catches his eye. It takes him a moment to realize what he's seeing, but he's pretty sure there is an outline of a door hidden within the stonework of one of the walls! (on the fortress map, Shiro is in room 6) He is about to try opening said door when Azaphor suddenly speaks in his mind. I wouldn't do that... it is warded against daemons, which includes you...

    In another room, Ohmen stumbles across another such hidden door (room 4 on the map). But again, before you can open the door, Wisdom speaks up, warning against such an action.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    While the others continue to explore the fortress, the rabbit is gathering everything he can find in the settlement around the water-docks. So far, he's got a pile of spears and bows (some broken), several throwing axes, a dozen short swords, three hobgoblin halberds, a small pile of coinage, three rings, an amulet, a variety of helmets and armor parts, and something that appears to be a small cannon?
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    In the courtyard, Drew begins to loot the dead. He quickly makes his own pile of loot. Several scro longswords, battle axes, and war-picks head off the pile. To this he has added 6 hobgoblin halberds, a smattering of short bows, spears and short swords, three metal breatplates, bits and pieces of other metal armor (greaves, two pairs of gauntlets, four helmets of different designs), several (damaged) suits of studded leather armor, a pile of coins and cut gems, several rings, eleven intact potions (you found several others that had shattered when the owners were killed), two amulets, a pair of bracers, three shields (two round, one kite), several earrings, a torc, some bracelets, and - of all things - a gold tooth that got knocked out of someone's mouth during the fight...
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang, now carrying heaps of food is nearly invisible, save for his legs and feat carrying a small mountain of gear, weapons, and armor.
    "Alright check this for enchantments before i dine"
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    All told, in the fortress, the lot of you uncover the following:
    8 hobgoblin halberds, 12 short bows, 7 shortspears, 4 longspears, 12 short swords, 4 longswords, 5 battle axes, 3 war-picks, 4 steel breatplates, 1 suit of scale mail (damaged) 5 suits of studded leather (damaged), 3 chainmail hauberks (damaged), 7 suits of leather armor (damaged), 8 metal helmets of differing makes, several skullcaps (metal or leather), 8 rings, 4 amulets, 15 potions, 5 shields (3 round, 1 kite, 1 heater), 1 pair of bracers, 1 torc, 1 gold tooth, 2 wands, 1 possibly magic staff(?), two suspicious bags (intact and oddly fine weave), 235 gp, 128 sp, 400 cp, 6 ornamental tapestries (damaged and very dirty), 3 candelablras (might be silver under the tarnish), and a fancy-looking chair that might be a spare helm.

    The secret-doors room is still shut.
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk pauses his map making duties to cast detect magic and rummage through the pile the had amassed, after he seperates out the magic from the mundane, he casts identify to catalogue them.
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Meanwhile, in the port, Bigbang has gathered up:
    17 short-spears, 3 longspears, 5 shortbows, 8 throwing axes, 14 short swords, 4 hobgoblin halberds, 2 longswords, 1 bastard sword, 27 daggers, 17 knives, 1 punch-dagger, 9 slings, 2 horseman's flails, 3 horseman's maces, 89 gp, 102 sp, 39 cp, 5 rings, 2 amulets, 7 metal helmets of different designs, 1 steel breastplate, 2 suits of studded leather (damaged), 1 pair of oddly light gauntlets, 3 unlooted warehouses(!!!!!) and something that appears to be a small cannon.
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drakk: At the fortress, the following items are magic: 1 hobgoblin halberds, 2 short bows, 1 shortspear, 2 short swords, 1 longsword, 1 battle axe, 2 war-picks, 1 steel breatplate, 6 rings, 3 amulets, 15 potions, 3 shields (1 round, 1 kite, 1 heater), 1 torc, 1 gold tooth(?!?), 2 wands, 1 magic staff(!!!), two suspicious bags (intact and oddly fine weave), and a fancy-looking chair that is probably a spare helm.
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Also Drakk: Taking a moment of your time, you head down to the docks to see if any of the stuff the rabbit gathered is magic. You find: 1 short-spear, 1 longspear, 2 shortbows, 2 short swords, 1 longsword, 1 bastard sword, 3 daggers, 1 horseman's mace, 2 rings, 1 amulets, 1 metal helmet(?), 1 pair of oddly light (and enchanted) gauntlets.
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Hobgoblin halberd +1, 4 short bows +1, 2 shortspears +1, 1 longspear +1, 4 short swords +1, 1 longsword +1, 1 longsword +2 frost blade, 1 battle axe +2, 1 war-picks +1, 1 war-pick +1 keen, 1 bastard sword +2, 3 daggers +1, 1 horseman's mace +1, a pair of gauntlets +3 (for punching things, not defense), 1 steel breastplate of command, 3 protection rings +1, 2 protection rings +2, 1 ring of swimming, 1 ring of water walking, 1 ring of blinking, 3 amulets of natural armor +1, 1 amulet of mighty fists +1, 15 potions, 3 shields (1 round shield +1, 1 kite shield +1, 1 heater shield +2), 1 torc (alternate amulet of natural armor +2), 1 gold tooth (Apparently enchanted to keep the user's teeth from decaying?!?), 1 wand of magic missile, 1 wand of lightning bolt(!), 1 magic staff of enchantment, 1 helm of underwater action, one bag of holding (type 3), 1 bag of DEVOURING (cursed item), and a fancy-looking chair that is DEFINITELY a spare helm.
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Gathering the party together, Shiro tells Drakk and Ohmen about the hidden door that he found in the fort and the fact that it is sealed against daemons.

    He asks them what they found while going through.
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Now that the party have all shared their knowledge and identified their loot. Shiro suggests that they survey the warehouse and then work out what kit to keep and what to sell.

    Ignoring Drakk and Drew's argument about celestial alignments and whether this will impact what they find in the warehouses, Shiro chivvies the group back down to the Port area to look through the warehouses.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Taking a couple of slow steps forward, Ohmen finds himself admiring the clear, undeniable age of those rocks and stones which were cramed together, like skulls in a catacomb, to form this building's ancient walls. Walls which had laid witness to every step taken, every word spoken in this very room. There was a certain power in that.. The sheer amount of races, and their intentions, whether for good or bad, this castle’s rocks had seen... Despite the howling wind’s screams and the ocean’s plea’s to consume the island itself, this fortress still stands, allowing its towers to rise up high in defiance of the baking sun. a sun which could now be seen peering between the cracks and holes, those born of age, in the ceiling above. And among all of those gentle rays that manage to slip through are those that land upon Wisdom’s feathers, illuminating their navy colour and intricacies in all their beauty as the raven squawks.

    In a sudden burst of movement, Wisdom had lept from his position atop Ohmens shoulder, and down to his hand, going as far as to grab one of his fingers within their beak. Warning Ohmen to not open the ancient door in a gargle of voices.

    Knowing far better than to ignore one of Wisdom’s warnings, even those in the birds seemingly erratic or random ramblings, Ohmen backs off. First heading to Shiro, then toward the group where solid loot was now being stacked. And as Ohmen passes by, Wisdom eyes light ablaze with a deep-seated thirst for knowledge, the raven diving down to study each new item and trinket getting piled in, intruding on both weapon and jewellery with claw and beak alike.
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk organizes all of the items into groups and explains what each does before asking whether he could have a torc and a ring.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Once that is done, the lot of you head down to the warehouses.

    To your surprise, the warehouses are reasonably organized. The first contains bales of wool, crates of ore, and... well... dead sheep. Someone tried to make salted mutton, but obviously didn't know what they were doing. It is still edible, but Garutis would probably find it a better meal than the rest of the party. The bales of wool and crates of ore all have Silgis trading marks stamped crudely onto the surfaces. Some - possibly all - of this likely came from the settlement on Vyapor.

    The second warehouse is a mix of ship supplies, spare weaponry for said ships, and the armory for the orcs and goblins. By the time you have tallied the contents, evening is setting in. You find: 50 shortspears, 25 longspears, 30 shortbows, 15 shortswords, 10 suits of leather armor for short humanoids, 15 suits of leather armor for taller humanoids, 5 suits of scale mail, 5 hobgoblin halberds, and enough parts to make: 6 ballista (4 light, 2 heavy), 3 catapults (2 light and a heavy), 4 siege crossbows, parts to make some kind of... well, you're not sure - looks like a ballista that shoots buckets of scrap? Plus several hundred feet of normal rope, hawser for ships, anchors, sails, stacks of un-shaped brass and copper armor plating, and what Bigbang proudly declares to be a 20-pounder cannon.

    The third is a mix of random stuff that was obviously stolen in raids and from traders. Rugs, bolts of cloth, balks of timber, bales of wool (not stamped for Silgis this time), barrels of apples, pickles, and so forth, wheels of hard cheese coated in wax, two barrels of nails, various metal-work pieces (hinges, door handles, etc), a pile of cannonballs for the 20-pounder in the other warehouse, four barrels of what you suspect is gunpowder, several boxes full of brass piping and parts, a really really heavy box that turns out to hold lead ingots, another, bigger but lighter box that holds iron ingots, a stack of books that someone just tossed into a heap - might be moldy and ruined you have not looked - some tarps, random clothing pieces, several empty crates, several empty barrels, 3 barrels of kind of iffy wine, what appears to be the parts for a traveling forge...
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Izema takes time talking to Omen and DrAkk about the items. he goes over each one checks it for quality and then hands it to the team member he thinks could most use it. a few items he keeps for himself but the rest go in a communal pile
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    while working Izema Drakk and omen have a philosophic debate about the value of life and the merit of necromancy
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang hearing a shriek bolts towards the the sound, dropping off his loot in a heap after picking some choice pieces for himself.

    "Ohhh maybe they found a butterfly"

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