AoS Draedstar Force

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Salamander Tactics, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. Salamander Tactics

    Salamander Tactics Member

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    The Draedstar Force consists of two Dread Saurians, which have been radically altered by Time and Space. These Dread Saurians are even more hardy then their forebears, and especially the Coalesced versions are perhaps the most durable entities of the Age of Sigmar.

    They can charge, in the entirety of the unit, as a group, and each gets a special bonus to charge attacks, along with all other bonuses.

    In fact, the Charge attack is amazing. Each Steggadon (all 4) damages every single unit within 1 inch. On a 3+ that UNIT takes D3 Damage. That means it can cut through swarms. But the Dread Saurians are worse, on a 2+ (!?) that unit takes D3 mortal wounds IF MONSTER, none-monster take D6
    mortal wounds. That means every combined charge is going to take out 50% plus of enemy forces just by the charge, combined with weapon attacks, and pluses to attacks, additional sometimes healing, sometimes damage from the Engine, that can be used twice a round. It can easily decimate large numbers, and with that many Dread Saurians, and Steggadons with high Rend, large enemies too. There is probably a way to beat it, but it would seem like the enemy needs a SUPER-SPECIALIZED build to beat it, meaning they could then be countered by a more standard build. (I mean anytime another player can beat you with "a more specialized build, knowing exactly what you will bring. " ) That means they lost and want an unfair match. I mean, I could say I want to beat their counter-build with my counter-counter-build. Like if they want to bring a Giant-Slayer army I can bring Swarms. Like okay, you get to bring a super-specific counter army to face mine, I get to bring one to face yours. You get 2 armies - I get 2 armies. Otherwise, it needs to be said for some reason you get way more Points then me. Or you get to see the Future or whatever.

    Anyways, if we are both bringing an army, and we don't know what each other is bringing, mine will win. The only way the enemy can win, is if they already encountered my army, and we willing to anticipate it. In which case, I can bring a Swarm army to counter Giant-Slayers. Swarms can counter Giant-Slayers cheaply and efficiently.

    But yeah, even then to be truly efficient, like over multiple battles, they would need to bring in GIANT GIANT-SLAYERS. Cause Dread Saurians can take down most giants, so super-specialized giants, needed for Giant Slaying, would be needed to counter. And those would likely be extra-susceptible to swarm or standard armies.

    Just saying, if you are making most of your army GIANT-SLAYERS, you are relinquishing the initiative and making a likely fatal mistake on the strategic scale.

    So anyways, here is my army:

    Remember, wounds for each unit are increased by 2, so Dread Saurians are 37 and Stegadon's are 12 instead of 10, and the Engine is 14. So 224 Wounds.

    With that,damage is reduced by 1. That is also huge, it can mean up to 50% damage reduction per game easy.

    The CHARGE abilities, which do things like D3 damage per enemy unit 1 inch on 4+ (which means half-75% of nearby enemies may die easy) vs against unit vs charge, --- or Dread Saurians, which are D3 on 2+ (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????) for MONSTERS, and NON-MONSTERS D6 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - straight up brutal. So charges negate numbers even without other attacks.

    Main thing is it is fun, and exactly 2000 points. SO FUN. Like 1 foot balloons.

    Keep in mind with this, Dread Saurians get extra attack and damage in some areas. They get +2 Wounds (not a joke. Imagine +2 wounds for Saurian Warriors. ) They get -1 Damage ( min. 1 ) via Coalesced.

    I chose Skystreak, cause charges already deal with swarms, and even vs Swarms the Throwers kill 20% of enemies in immediate range. And does 1 damage. The Skystreak does 3 DAMAGE ON HIT (!!) which is awesome, and it has 3 Attacks, so I mean, to take out 2 enemies, the Thrower would need to be surrounded by 10 models, whereas the Skystreak on average does 4.5 damage at much further range. So on average the Skystreak kills twice as many enemies or does twice the damage, with -1 Rend. To really matter, the Thrower has to run into 30+ enemies or so. And if that is the case - I say go for it.

    So Wounds are actually 124. A LOT. And this does a LOT of damage each unit, and has healing. It is just sheer brutality.

    Anyways, the main thing for this is to have FUN. That is 100 percent my main purpose of the game is to run a FUN build. So yeah I do argue for utility/functionality (of course) but I will tell you at front, that is secondary. Dread Saurians are FUN!!!
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
    Dread Saurian likes this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    @Dread Saurian you got a superfan
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  3. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    (Stirs bathtub sized chalice) quite (grins)
  4. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    Outstanding my fellow but don't forget one of my colleagues also has the abilities to basically force an enemy to use cp on battleshock tests. I havent run it in a while but when I'm feeling particularly memetastic I whip out my 3 DS featuring skinks and a frog

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