Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "it is we can provide transportation and housing it will be on a island about a days travel from hear."
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Listening to the size and scope of the job, the knollosi frowns. "This can be done. It will take at least a month to do though," she explains. "I am a craftsmaster, as such my skills do not come cheap. My price is two hundred in gold per week for myself, and another five in gold each for my two assistants, here," she adds, gesturing to the human and dwarf across the table. "It will take us a few days to gather our tools and supplies, and Dvorek will want to look into your 'lady' first to get some inspiration for his sketches, if that is all right?"
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "that seems reasonable our ship can be found hear. i doubt you can find much on her she is not widely worshiped. think i am the second most knowledgeable person on her. but i welcome you to try it will be good to hear of her.
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, she holds out a hand for you to shake. Do you take it?
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Clasping your hand in hers, she gives you a handshake that feels like it could pull your arm from your shoulder socket and nods, once. "Done and done. The pact is sealed. Give us three days, and we will be ready to go. Where is your ship docked?"
  6. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "i look forward to working with you. we will need to talk more i would love to learn your language and i will have to tell you all i can about the subgect"
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, she turns away from you and begins to speak with her assistants. Mostly, sounds like she's talking about gathering up tools they'll need, but there is mention of checking someplace called the Palace Library?
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As the conversation sets off between both Izema and the Knollosi, there is a certain apprehension in the air, the clicking of wisdom’s talons against the wood only furthering the uneasy atmosphere.. Despite being unable to be directly involved in the negotiations due to the language barrier, Ohmen remains animated, adding his, or now her charming smile, a smile Kithmali recognised, that of a younger human form; the same one that had been used upon his first visit. Black cloak replaced with that of white and bountiful locks of well-tided hair, Ohmen studies the sadness in Izema’s wistful eyes, placing a hand onto his shoulder. ‘Perhaps sometime you can tell me more about your deity and to all that she works.’

    What seemed like hours, but was mere minutes later Ylkhanes shake hands with Izema, a clear sense of relief washing over him.. And now, with the deal concluded, the no doubt lengthy, and costly process of bringing Izema’s vision to life begins... All of this for the approval of some deity… at least this one actually knew he existed unlike other even further-flung so-called ‘gods’.

    rising to his feet, Ohmen lets Izema know he is heading to sell those gems from all those weeks far gone. Wishing Ylkhanes well, in whatever form he can, Ohmen takes the breastplate Izema hands to him before making his way out. There was much on his mind, ranging from a new inspiration to learn Knollisi, the want to pick up those herbal books he had looked for those weeks ago, and likewise a need for restocked spell ingredients and scrolls.

    (Given that I am allowed and it wouldn’t in any way break the cities rules, Silently and discreetly Ohmen casts Raiment of Command, and Glamour Upon himself before heading to the gem market in order to sell:

    In Gp:
    Gems - (Crew fund) 3000 + (Various crewmembers) 3600 = total of 6600 of gems, divided between these members:
    Ohmen - 607
    Drakk - 900
    Izema - 1500
    Shiro - 500
    Bigbang - 200
    Drew - 93

    In gems:
    3 purple garnets (1500 altogether)
    5 amethyst 5 spinels, 5 red garnets, 4 amber (1900 altogether)
    1 onyx, 1 jasper (200 total).
    The group fund was spent on 1 cats eye opal (1000gp) and 4 purple garnets (2000gp))
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    (Has the spells Glamour and Raiment of command applied, Means he gets more diplomacy among things of that nature)

    As Ohmen casts said spells with worlds of old, he shifts into the form of some far wiser wizard.

    His outfit becomes gray, just as his beard, the cloth of such entwined with strange embroidery and symbols, much like his face, now wrinkled and old.

    Walking, and talking with a slow, yet serious pace, it is as if there were a sudden aura of importance surrounding him. His sheer influence and knowledge almost physically reaching out to enrapture those around, numbing their minds Ohmen continues forward, his cloak moving as if suspended on some ethereal wind.

    Augmented authority and presence in his steps, Ohmen follows Wisdoms recollection of those steps they had made weeks back, heading toward the gem sellers. This time however, he was under a new name, one aided by further magic’s.,

    Shouts from sellers breaking hte constant background hum of chatter, the changeling works his way his way toward storefront after storefront.

    And now with Drakk a thousand miles far, and aided my his own magic’s, Ohmen weaves the web and tells the tale of each and every gem, giving them the price they truly deserve.


    Ohmen 1256 GP and 2 SP
    Drakk 1862 GP and 5 SP
    Shiro 1034 GP and 8 SP
    Big Bang 423 GP and 9 SP
    Drew 192 GP and 5 SP
    Izema 3079 GP and 1 S
    Crew fund after the shopping is 24300

    Still with magic and disguise in full effect, and now the sound of platinum partnered with gold weighing heavy in bag, Ohmen makes his way toward the nearest Scribers shop, Inquiring about Scrolls of Dispell Magic, Slow and Heroism. Likewise, being slightly more subtle, those of suggestion, hideous laughter (If Ohmen knows any of the said spells are against the law here in kithmali, he wont ask.)
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Slow and Heroism are easy to find. Dispel Magic is a utility spell, so you get a 100gp DISCOUNT to buy that one. Everyone has THAT for sale. Suggestion, due to its possible uses for personal gain, are not frowned upon, but scarcer, so 100gp more to buy. T's Hideous Laughter however is used for non-lethal takedown and easy to obtain.
  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    with the work completed and the dragonflys hold full the crew of 2 return to the ship.waiting for the work force to gather takes a few days during which a message arrives by runner addressed to "the Raven walker, the Star born Drakeling,and the Dark Blade" it is a scroll bound in cord sealed with a mark of herons flying over a anvil and humming slightly. for some reason Izema is unable to break the seal to open it.
    once all have gathered the ship heads for home.
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    upon their return Izema heads to the temple. walking in he goes over the the current shrine and smashes it. this takes him some time as he is very deliberate about it leaving no piece bigger then a egg he reduces the effigy to rubble along with all other religious items in the place. once done he takes a bucket and the holy waters he bought in town and pore them in, then he takes out a knife and bleeds himself into the bucket mixing it well and begins to sprinkle it around the entire room.
    "May the blood of the divine cleanse this place"
    when he has covered the whole place he cleans up sweeping all the ruble out and burying it.
    Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro paced the battlements of the fort.


    He knew that his fellows worried about him. Light! He worried about himself!

    Each night since finding out that this was a Fortress of Light, he found himself unable to sleep. Each night somehow his steps brought him to the battlements to pace and gaze outward, as though answers or salvation hung in the heavens or were laid out in the patterns of the sea.

    The whole fort mocked him.

    It mocked his belief in himself. It mocked his belief in the Eternal Order. How were they to bring Order and Light to the universe when they were unable to bring it to themselves? How was the master of this place unable to keep his own charges from fighting each other? How was he forced to seal away dangerous items from his very people?

    This tormented him. The light of the moon, the soft sounds of the distant waves did nothing to assuage his multi-layered feelings of guilt, betrayal and failure.

    Even Azaphr had tried to comfort him, speaking soothingly to himinhis ownmin drang him into dreamscapes to try to reason with him or bolster his morale.

    Nothing was working.

    The only thing he resolved in the end was to direct all his energies, all his intention and power that he possessed into questing for and eradicating evil.

    Izema and Ohmen were returned now.

    This day, he had gone to Izema and urged him to find them a mission. He spoke of his growing guilt and despair and that he needed something to bring his attention outward, some small victory over the shadow that could bring him some release.

    For now he paced. Mocked by a calm sea and serene moon, he paced.
    Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    After helping Garum set up shop, Drakk quickly noticed the potential of the tower as a study. Casting Unseen Servant to aid him, Drakk set to work going through its contents and restoring or getting rid of them to make room.
    Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    You know, the daemoness said, speaking inside Shiro's mind, you really shouldn't trouble yourself worrying about something that happened over a century ago. You had nothing to do with this, and you don't know the whole story. I guarantee you the Order on this island did not sunder itself willingly...
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Meanwhile, the crew Izema and Ohmen brought back from Kithmali survey their surroundings. The Foremen look around, examine the existing buildings, and commandeer three of them - two smaller buildings and the warehouse with the stuff for Vyapor colony - as their living quarters and an enclosed workspace. Before anyone can ask about it, the crew have emptied the Vyapor colony supplies and stacked them neatly into a re-organized second warehouse, carefully shuffling the ship parts and weapons aside to make room. The foremen take over one of the smaller houses as their living quarters, the other gets cleaned and repurposed as living space for the laborers.

    Meanwhile, Ylkhanes and her assistants head up to the fortress to look around. (On the map, the tower marked #11 is the Chapel) They peek into the Chapel as Izema is at work destroying the old altarpiece, noting the large window over the altarspace, fragments of shattered glass still held in the leading of the frame. Nodding to herself, she then heads out to inspect the other areas. She and her crew begin to set up shop in the back section (on the left of the map) of the chamber outside the Chapel, blocking off the gap between their area and the stairwell. (Room #8 is now cut in half, with the left section accessible through room #9 - the 'wall' is made from crates, but serves to denote their living quarters. They'll be working in the right half of room #8 while they are doing the sculpting. Yes, this will make getting to room 9 and the South tower annoying, but you'll have to live with it).


    Back in the port area, the laborers and foremen have gotten their spaces set up to their liking. When they get a moment, they seek out Izema. "Where would you like us to start? Do you want us to repair the warehouses, more of the other structures in the port town, or work on the fortress? If we are working on the fortress, where would you like us to start?"
  17. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Izema dusts his hands off and turns toward the ware houses talking while he goes. "first and foremost we need infrastructure. we do not have all the supplies needed to complete our task so the first thing would be to get all the worker housing staitened out and more livable then improving the forge and setting up paths to where we can quary what stone we need and the forest for the wood. after that buildings come next and then the main fortress wall and towers." when reaching the store rooms izema heads towards the block of marble. "i have no illusions about the scale of this job it will take time. more workers will be joining us in the future and i will be making trips for more supplies that we can't make hear. let me know what you need and i will make it happen." he leans down and grunts as he lifts the massive stone block and sets it on his shoulder heading back to the temple. "i will be hear for a while to help you if you need it same with my groups mages if we can help or make your job easier just ask." saying so he walks back to the shrine and sets the block down.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the first steps completed izema heads off to see drak and hands him the scroll that was delivered."hear i think you will have a better idea of how to figure this out then i would." when drak takes the scroll one of the cords binding it shut unravels unaided and the scroll begins to glow.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk stares curiously at the scroll before he begins to read it's contents to the group.
  20. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    well he certenly tries to but several of the cords are still bound tightly preventing him from opening it.

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