New To Painting Lizards

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Acehaphon of Roses, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. Acehaphon of Roses

    Acehaphon of Roses New Member

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    Hello! I've painted older models before and had some prepainted one but I bought the Gwakamoli Gator Crators (the bloodbowl team) and would like to know what advice you have to paint our Lizard friends? THeyll be the first true Seraphon and super nice sculpts im painting
    Any advice? tips? tricks? traps ?

    Im really afraid to mess up this ones I really like those sculpts a lot
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    It is best to use multiple thin coats of paint. Spend time looking at the model before you start to prime or paint it. Get a good feel for all the details in the sculpt. You don't want your eye and brush to arrive at place on the model and not know what the detail is suppose to be. The best trick is to mindfully apply paint. I try to avoid an all over color application. A good way to this is through zone painting. Pick a portion of the model and then paint that space. Then move onto the next. In terms of traps, be sparing with washes. It is very easy to gunk or frost a model by applying too much wash or too many layers of washes without the previous layers properly drying.

    Most importantly, have fun. You can always strip the paint off the model and start over.
    Acehaphon of Roses likes this.
  3. Acehaphon of Roses

    Acehaphon of Roses New Member

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    Thank you very much! thats exactly the time of advice I needed !
    LizardWizard likes this.

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