AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Another thing is that there aren't as many aura buffs in AoS as there are in 40k. For example, we have very few. The only one I can think of is from the Astrolith Bearer. The rest of our buffs are targeted and activated by specific triggers or by spending CP. Then you get armies like Khorne, for example, that have all sorts of "All units within x distance of hero y get effect z" buffs built into their army. So a system like this would hurt them much more than us.

    *Disclaimer:* Of course, as a follower of the Old Ones and their Great Plan, I believe Chaos deserves every nerf they get. :p

    The Wholly Within rules are annoying, to be sure. But auras effecting individual units means you'd usually have to have your hero bubble-wrapped in the middle, or in the front line of the unit where they'd be more vulnerable to attack. I think an interesting way to improve on it somewhat would be to allow heroes, or at least infantry heroes, to attach themselves to non-hero units. While attached to a particular unit, that single unit doesn't have to be wholly within a certain range anymore, but the hero can now only buff that one unit and has to follow unit cohesion rules or become detached. The hero still resolves attacks separately and is targeted separately from the other unit, so you wouldn't be getting a free bodyguard effect. But it would allow for that single unit to be more flexible in it's formation while still benefiting from the hero's buffs.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    I do, especially when you turn a small unit of say 10 skinks or saurus into something capable of standing up to say a gargant (even if only temporarly).

    However, I have to admit I'm not a fan of some of the more obscenly powerfull offensive combos that allow you to oneshot basicly anything. Or similarly, combo's that have so much defensive power that anything less than an equally buffed unit wouldn't be able to stand up to it.

    Admittadly, this isn't just due to how powerfull these combo's can get. There's other factors here as well, like the fact that overkill damage can carry over. If it didn't I'd find the super powerfull offensive combo's less annoying.

    Provided you put in some rule to limit it's vulnerability (e.g. you can't attack him unless he's the closest model, or he gets a superpowered look-out-sir ward save while surrounded by friends) I'd honestly be fine with that. Bit more of a risk-reward.

    Limiting it to just buffing that unit might be a bit too limiting, especially as this only really works if 1) you're attached to a horde unit (small units won't struggle with the wholly within as much) and 2) your support hero and horde unit are equally fast. I like the basic idea though.
    ChapterAquila92 likes this.
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    What problem do you think a change like this would solve?

    In 40k it was done for a specific reason, a reason Age of Sigmar doesn't suffer from.

    So you'd have to keep track of which models in a unit of 40 got buffed? That sounds pretty cumbersome.
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  4. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    As mentioned before, it could help tone down some of the super buffed combo's, especially stuff like individual heroes on behemoths who buff themselves to extreme heights. And mostly I'm just curious if it'd be a good one or not for AoS.

    meh, honestly I'm not a terribly big fan of 40 man hordes since I find them cumbersome regardless. But yeah, I guess that'd be a significant downside, since some buffs can be triggered outside of the phases in which they're relevant. A quick solution would obviously be for effects to only trigger during the relevant phase, but that might cause other issues.

    I would still find it one of the cleaner solutions though. But the fact that I don't particularly care about 40 men hordes does help :p
  5. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    This would be a massive change for us. Right now you can buff stuff in the hero phase and either run them elsewhere or teleport them across the map. You wouldnt be able to do those things.

    It honestly sounds like you just want to dump down the game for the sake of making it easier to play. Keeping track of things being wholly within X” is not that difficult when you can measure the range of things 24/7 unlike oldschool fantasy. Having only certain models within your unit buffed creates the old Plague Monk issue where you will have to make multiple different piles of dice.

    In the case of 40 Skinks, you just measure to your buffer and move your dudes accordingly so they stay within range.

    Im not too sure what you are trying to achieve with this idea.
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  6. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Hence, might create other issues. Might because losing the ability to buff then move isn't necesarly a bad thing (both buffing then moving or first moving then buffing have their advantages and disadvantages for a game).

    My issue is that I dislike being forced to keep the entire unit within in range for the buff while only part of the unit might be in range for combat, and thus only that part might benefit from the buff anyway so I don't care about those that are out of range to begin with.

    e.g. in this brilliantly sketched scenario:

    I don't care that 1 2 & 3 are out of range of the buff, cuz they're also out of range for combat anyway.

    And I find that increadibly akward & game-y. Especially once you start taking into account terrain & other obstacles, which may screw up positioning, as well as the fact that a unit (or even individual models) can get quite large. Not to mention the fact that cramming everyone into the little buffbubble might just be bad positioning in itself because you're forced to say leave a gap in your lines.

    And yes, this is currenlty part of positional play & as such a part of the game which people may or may not enjoy. I just don't. I'd rather partially buff units that are positioned how I want them, and deal with keeping track of which individual model is buffed than deal with fitting my units in an arbitrary bubble just so my 10 guys in front have a buff and while the 30 guys in the back are mostly just standing around not doing much.
  7. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    I get what you are trying to achieve in theory, the issue is that it wont make the game smoother in a number of situations, quite the opposite.

    Imagine your line of dudes being 5 Saurus Warriors. Now you introduce a Skink Starpriest, Scar-Veteran and an Oldblood into the mix. Warrior #4+5 is only in range of the Starpriest, so 6s to wound deal 1 MW. Saurus #2+3+4 are in range of the Scar-Veteran, so they have exploding 6s to hit. Saurus #1+2 are in range of the Oldblood, so they have +1 to hit.

    This creates a situation where when you roll for:
    Saurus Warrior #1, you have to add +1 to hit.
    Saurus Warrior #2, you have to add +1 to hit but also have to keep track of any 6s to hit exploding into 2 attacks.
    Saurus Warrior #3, his 6s to hit explode into 2 attacks.
    Saurus Warrior #4, his 6s to hide explode into 2 attacks but his 6s to wound deal 1 MW.
    Saurus Warrior #5, his 6s to wound deal 1 MW.

    Effectively you have to roll dice for each single model, rather than add all your attacks together and roll them at once, knowing that ALL of them are +1 to hit, 6s to hit explode and 6s to wound deal 1 MW.

    Hence why I asked what you were trying to achieve - Because making the gameplay smoother or faster is certainly not the case. I get some people might not want to bother too much with measuring correctly all the time because they play "casually" and just want to have a good time. In which case I think a much better system would be to loosen up on how strict the game is for you guys. Like if your dudes are 18,5" away from the buffer, inch the guys a little bit back so they are wholly within 18" if that is the buff range.
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  8. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Basicly I want to not have to worry about my left flank when I'm trying to buff my right flank. And yeah, buffing individual models would require a bit more bookkeeping as you can see in your example. But personally I'd prefer that.

    Also, I'm sceptical as to how impactfull it would actually be in reality, I'm not entirely sure if even your example with 5 differently buffed models in the same unit is something that's viable to happen without purposefully setting up your units in rather odd ways. 3 differently buffed models within the same unit seems like the limit in a realistic scenario, especially with most buffs being similar in range and your support units generally prefering to be in similar positions anyway. Which imho shouldn't be too complicated to keep track of.

    Of course there's also other potential solutions to ensure that you don't need to be overly worried about your left flank when trying to buff your right flank. You could give people some leeway as you mentioned, or for example require only say 50% to be wholly within so the other flank can do whatever. Hell, given that the rephrasing to "wholly within" only came around because people were starting to make ridiculous congalines improving unit-cohesion could even be a potential solution so we can go back to a more relaxed phrasing for buffs.
  9. Grotpunter

    Grotpunter Well-Known Member

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    You can quickly get into situations where Horde units get multiple buffs and this means models on 25mm bases potentially attacking in 3 ranks. That is a lot of models and a lot of dice you have to split up and keep track of. To add another dimension to the bookkeeping, imagine piling into multiple units. Now you need multiple piles of dice for multiple units. It sounds like a nightmare to me and I still dont really see the net positive outcome of changing the system to something (IMO) much worse. From what I gather this change is essentially just to fix "laziness". The easiest solution instead of messing up the entire game system would simply to get better at moving models and measuring stuff, or to implement some in-house rule where you arent as strict on "correct positioning" of your models.

    Personally I love the movement game of AoS a lot and find it super interesting. To me the most exciting part of AoS isnt just max moving everything across the board and throw dice. I like the tactical element and the movement game is a huge part of it.
    LizardWizard and Erta Wanderer like this.
  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    it wouldn't even fix having to measure things as now you have to make sure if each model is within range instead of the unit. and you don't want to have all your buff heroes in the same place that's a really good way to loose all of them in one go
    LizardWizard and Grotpunter like this.
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Sure, but generally speaking your unit will be divided into 2, maybe 3 groups with relativly clear boundaries between them. It doesn't really matter that each of those groups themselves consists of multiple models. All you need to establish is that group A consists of say 10 models and group B of 11 and then you just roll the respective dice for those two groups, at which point it's the same as it originally was. The only added difficulty is that you now have to figure out group A & B, which honestly I don't find exactly complicated.

    The same holds for piling in. And unless you've made an especially confusing brawl, this isn't exactly complicated either. Especially as chances are your two groups of differently buffed models most likely correspond for a significant chunk with how your unit is split into attacking the two different units anyway (unless you make a truly confusing brawl, but at that point you're basicly just weaving units through eachother for the sake of it...)

    I disagree, but ultimatly fair enough :p

    it's not a matter of laziness, nor is it a matter of getting good at movement, it's not all that difficult to keep everyone in range. I simply dislike being forced to keep everyone wholly within range to buff a unit when I only really care about buffing, say the 10 guys in front. The guys in the back should be completly irrelevant in this context and I don't want to care about them being in range or not. They're not doing any of the fighting anyway.

    Imho, that tactical aspect would still be there if you could partially buff a unit. The only difference is that with respect to buffs you no longer need to consider the irrelevant models that aren't going to be able to use that buff anyway. That doesn't mean you can all of sudden just run stuff across the board at max movement & hope for the best. It's not like being able to partially buff a unit suddenly takes away all positional requirements.

    I don't mind having to measure every model. I dislike having to worry about models being in range for whom the buff is irrelevant anyway because they won't be able to actually do something with said buff because they're, for example, out of attack range.

    I mean that generally speaking you'l see this:

    Much more often than this:
    You won't necesarly stack your support on top of eachother, but generally speaking they will be in sort of the same general area, e.g. behind your own lines hidden from enemies. And not randomly in the middle of the enemy for no good reason.
  12. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    I say just get rid of the "wholly within" wording. bam problem solved. even if you have to reduce the range of the buff to account for it. if I only have to have one guy in for the unit to be buffed, I no longer need a 2 foot aura range
    Canas likes this.
  13. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    the issue is that then you get people conga-lining across half the table so they can artifically extend the range of their buff, which is why we originally got the "wholly within" wording. But yeah, if they just did something else to limit congalining this'd be a decent solution as well.
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    you really wont deep strikes fixed that problem a while ago
    LizardWizard likes this.
  15. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    What do you mean?
  16. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the probelm with stringing your guys out for any distance when almost all armies have access to deep strikes or teleports is getting pincered. having to fight 2 full units when you can only bring a third(if you are luck) of your lets be honest very large valuable unit is not a plan for success. heck even if their job isn't to kill you this hurts i used to do this with 2 10 man skink units if the enemies screens where to wide
    LizardWizard and Canas like this.
  17. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Ah, like that. I'm surprised it's had that great of an effect, but if thats all that's needed to keep conga-lining to a minimum then yeah we should just go back to "within" phrasing instead of "wholly within"
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Are we just brainstorming for fun?
    in this case, to limit congalines, i would introduce units (or better, heroes) with the "sniper" ability… guys that can shoot and pick which model will be removed.
    At the risk of breaking the cohesion of the unit, you would be careful in stretching your conga line.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  19. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Some love(mostly paint) for our beloved Seraphon.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Grotpunter, Just A Skink and Canas like this.
  20. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    yup :p

    imho, if you take this route that ability needs to be increadibly common, otherwise you're going to run into issues were certain lists just lack the ability to do so. And an ability like this being common seems conflicting with with factions generally being themed around a certain style of battle (e.g. cavalry focused, or ranged focused or magic focused or full of swordmasters etc. ).
    Though it might be enough to discourage the playstyle to the point people simply forget it's an option even when they do face a list that can't punish them for conga-lining.

    I like the colours on these.
    Imrahil likes this.

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