6th Ed. Best Units in 6th?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by TinGodzilla, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. TinGodzilla

    TinGodzilla New Member

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    I am looking to get into 6th edition and was wondering if anyone had any views on the stronger choices/strategies? Thanks in advance!
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  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Mate, please tell us if you get a 6th edition group going. Would be a win for us all!

    Unfortunately, I only know all about 8th edition... sorry.
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  3. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    I very much enjoyed the 6th Ed. Unfortunately, the answer to the question is kind of boring as the strengths were: Slann, saurus warriors, skinks, and salamanders. Mix in a Jaguar Saurus of Doom and some supporting units of your choice and you got a good, fun list to play. Don't be afraid to upgrade that Slann to 2nd generation, he's expensive, but he's the most powerful mage in the 6th ed. game.

    Happy gaming.
    Warden, Lizards of Renown and Imrahil like this.
  4. TinGodzilla

    TinGodzilla New Member

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    Thank you for your advice! In the UK 6th seems to be doing pretty well, checkout the facebook group for events.
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  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I don’t do Facebook. Is there any other forum? Or website?
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  6. Walters

    Walters Well-Known Member

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    6th edition was when I got into the Warhammer hobby and last year I decided to get back into it again. I had Lizardmen and they were my first choice for a new force. I still play by 6th edition rules so I might perhaps come with some ideas. Worth to keep in mind

    As already mentioned the Slann backed up by blocks of saurus warriors is a strong choice. In my fledgling days I never did play using a Slann though, mostly because I was not too sure about magic and mostly aimed to win in close combat. But having a Slann makes for a neat centerpiece in the army and by making it an older generation and adding sacred cups you have a worthy general. In most games I have played last year the Slann has never done too much to win me the games though. Magic is not that reliable. It is fun, but I cannot expect it to win me the game. But since I play for the fun of it I go all out magic with an upgraded Slann and two level two skinks priests to support it. I play 2000 point games and I use lore of heavens. My opponent fields a Slaneesh themed chaos army packed with heavy cavalry. So Uranons Thunderbolt can truly turn a battle, if it ever shows up. Despite having several power dice I very often manage to roll low..

    What has helped me turn battles and win are two things: unit strength. Unit strength is very important. I have 20 saurus warriors with full command in my blocks. Even though my opponent might kill more of my warriors I still might have a chance to win the combat due to ranks and unit strength. Having a Slann supported by 20 temple guards (I really really like these) makes for a though unit to remove. Even a charge by chosen chaos cavalry might not do it. I always field a unit of three kroxigors with one upgraded as a champion. Since my opponed fields a lot of heavy cavalry having a unit with strength 7 is very useful. They have a movement of 6 which makes them relatively mobile and do not forget that they can charge through skink skirmishers (the skinks still need to pass a leadership test for this to work though). So protect them using skinks and then charge in. When my opponent charges them with cavalry it is not the end of the world. He needs to get at least 6 wounds to slay two of them. And as long as least 2 kroxigors make it they will hit back with strength 7 attacks. They are also great for smashing chariots apart! One wound is alll that is needed, chariots go bust by strength 7 attacks.

    I like to field salamanders too. They are a fun unit, mostly due to the fact that they might gobble up the skinks, and I like these random things in the game. I use them to protect flanks and to attack light cavalry and infantry.

    Another thing I have been trying out just for fun is to have a skink chief with two hand weapons, mark of Sotek (one extra attack when charging) and an item which makes its movement 9. I use this chief to charge (charge range 18!) my opponents war hounds of light cavarly. Or to simply run up and block a unit of cavalry. When charging it gets 5 attacks and it might be enough to make sure that your opponent does not get to strike back. In 6th it is important to be the one to strike first, since one might not get the chance to strike back. I have used the skink chief like this with huge success, getting rid of my opponents fast moving units. Lastly it is fun to charge a block of chaos warriors with a single skink.

    I do not have any experience fielding an old one saurus lord or cold one riders. I go all out magic these days with infantry support, salamanders and a stegadon.
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  7. TinGodzilla

    TinGodzilla New Member

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    Reddit sometimes has news on events or if you are in the UK and look up 'Black Dragon Miniatures' as they seem to do a fair few events.
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  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Really great advice on here.

    The strategy I always used was to slowly roll forward and grind down the opposition.

    Skink skirmishers formed a giant cloud up front, flanks were secured by saurus cav (units of 5) on one side and a stegadon on the other. In the center were always at least two or three blocks of saurus warriors, maybe a fourth. Spears/hand weapons never really mattered to me, but I would only run them in units of 20 saurus.

    The last block of saurus could be swapped out for temple guard, and they would guard the Slann. The Slann would always be at least 4th gen, but I would do 2nd gen if I really wanted some unbeatable magical firepower.

    I always loved the saurus, so naturally all my armies seemed to feature them whenever I ran the Lizardmen. I never had any salamanders (not a fan of the GW models) so I can't help you there. The Slann was probably the most powerful unit we had in 6th though, especially when backed up by a few skink scroll caddies.
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  9. Walters

    Walters Well-Known Member

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    I agree and I am yet to try a 2nd generation Slann!

    But have you ever felt that it gets boring with said strategy? Blocks of saurus warriors steadily advancing with support. It is the same I am using, but I am thinking of different approaches to make it a little more varied. Our saurus warriors are great, and temple guards are fun, so I can see why one would not try not using them. For instance the Southlands list in the 6th edition army book with skink cohorts. It looks mighty fun, but would it be a playable list facing Chaos and such?

    And do you experiment with different spawnings on your saurus warriors?
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  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    For me it never got boring, but that is because saurus warriors were my #1 most favorite unit that brought me into the warhammer hobby (12 years ago?). My core list was always the saurus, but I would change it up with the support beasties backing them up (more or less skinks, trade out a few small saurus cav units for big stegadons, etc). Having a slann in the backfield only supported my strategy.

    I do think swapping out an oldblood on a carnosaur could significantly change the playstyle, mostly because you could swap out the blocks of saurus for faster-moving skinks, kroxigors, and cavalry. Kroxigors are only a recent addition to my collection (using proxy gatormen from Hordes) so I never experimented with this much. Also never attempted a southlands army, though it looks super fun.

    I am not sure if it would hold up quite as well against chaos warriors, as from what I remember, stat wise chaos warriors would grind the saurus into the ground. On the plus side, skinks wind up shining even more in those match-ups especially when a small unit of skirmishers gets in the way of a chaos-knight charge and snipes a few of them with poison! Though on the flip side they also drop like flies even faster than usual (my skinks never seem to make it to the last rounds of any battle).

    Saurus spawnings were a fun addition, I forgot all about those. My favorites were Quetzl (armor) and Tlazcoatl (immune to psychology), a mix of those really kept my saurus on the board longer against big scary creatures. Sotek (extra attack on the charge) could be fun, but I never had much luck with them as my saurus tended to be at the receiving end of most charges rather than the other way around.

    I experimented with the Sacred Hosts a few times (played Tzunki and Tlazcoatl a few times if I remember correctly) and those were fun, very thematic bonuses to play with.
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  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Uranon's Thunderbolt and Second Sign of Amul are very powerful.

    I remember reading a review. "Oh no! Skinks can only use lore of Heavens. The best lore that everyone wants!"
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  12. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @TinGodzilla Where are you in the UK?
    My gaming group (Shepperton, Middlesex) plays 6th (did pre-Covid and will do post).
    We had a small tournament January this year (3 games, I posted short reports and pics).

    With regard to good units, my salamanders tend to get focused so they are a threat. I also like cold one cavalry and kroxigors.

    if the latter can get the charge, they can be brutal.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
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  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Good man.
  14. The Dark Angel
    Jungle Swarm

    The Dark Angel New Member

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    Just played a 6thed event in Sydney last weekend.

    I ran my slann at 3rd gen. I should’ve pushed for 2nd gen or just stayed at 4th. There were no heavy magic opponents.

    salamanders are so good and combine them with second sign spell to reroll any die I’ll definitely be taking 4 of them not 2 now.

    I found the stubborn on the temple guard to be a life saver.

    my saurus block tended to get charge by my opponents heavy hitters far to often to really get a feel for them.

    but having a screen of skirmishes was great I ran 3 units of 10 with a mix of blowpipesxabd javelins I’ll be running more of these.

    the kroxigors were great for keeping chariots honest and not freely running around.

    5 cold one knights do well hitting flanks though I’m not sure I need them 7” movement is a bit slow for cav.

    bit due to the way combat works my temple guard never really got to attack often so I want to try out a beefy hero that can get some swings in and instead of rely on stubborn to keep me there after losing the combat res count by 1/2 points I get a few kills in and win by 1/2 points
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