Other Miniatures

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by asrodrig, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Hey, I've been looking around for places to buy alternative miniatures to the GW ones. Many people probably know a lot of other sites, so you can add them to my list, but here's what I've found so far:

    Avatars of War - These are pretty popular. Anyone who frequents CollminiOrNot.com will recognize some of these.

    ReaperMini - I'm pretty sure everyone knows about this one, but I thought I'd add it just in case you haven't.

    Black Tree Design - I'm pretty sure these were produced as a substitute to normal GW minis. The site doesn't display them very well, but I've heard good things about them.

    Privateer Press - This looks pretty interesting.

    Hell Dorado - Brush up your French if you plan on ordering anything from here. Personally, I love these models!

    Crocodile Games - A lot of people are familiar with this as well. I've seen some of their models on this forum before.

    Dark Slave Miniatures - 32mm scale. One or two models may pique your interest.

    Alkemy Miniatures - I'm not sure the scale of these, but they look about right.

    Anima Tactics (couldn't find the official site) - Not a whole lot that is actually useful, especially to Lizardmen, but there's some models with potential for Elven armies

    Fenryll Miniatures - Some of these are really goofy, but some others are really cool looking! Also in 28mm scale.

    AT-43 - Useless unless you're a 40K player, but there's some really amazing models and a lot of people haven't heard of this, so I thought I'd throw it in.

    Darkson Designs - Again, only really helpful if you're a 40K player, but there's some neat stuff if you are. Not sure what scale they are, but I'm guessing somewhere in the 28-33mm range.

    Andrea Miniatures - a lot of models are too big (54mm scale), but some are only slightly larger than Warhammer models (32mm scale).

    Confrontation - Some pretty cool stuff here, too. Plus, it's in the proper 28mm Warhammer scale!

    Dark Age - More cool stuff at the proper scale here

    Enigma Miniatures - Only look at the Massive Darkness range of miniatures, as they are the only ones small enough.

    Anyways, these are just a couple of the sites I found today (I was bored, can you tell?). If you're really interested in finding more sites, there's millions more! Feel free to post any that you have found!

    Some notes: A lot of the minis from the sites listed above won't fit on GW bases, or form perfect ranks.
    GW will not let you use any non-GW models, so you're pretty much restricted to using them for friendly battles.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    That's some good work there mate, well done :)
  3. doom_diver
    Cold One

    doom_diver New Member

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    At-43 rules. You realize it is a actual game right? Not much conversion options for 40 K though. Maybe for Necrons....

    Avatars of War are pretty kewl.

    Surprised no WarMachine....
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Now if you could find some good native american miniatures at 28mm scale I'd be majorly impressed. All the goo dones seem o be at super high scale.
  5. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Warhammer Historical: Legends of the Old West would be your best bet. They're tricky to find, though.
  6. doom_diver
    Cold One

    doom_diver New Member

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    I use Black Scorpion for LEgend of the Old West. Have great looking guys.

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