Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by Lizards of Renown, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    So, taking advantage of the new thread so nicely put up by @The Red Devil (long may he ribbet), I'm continuing to branch out into the other armies that I own.

    I did a decent thread on Tomb Kings (which I will update once I've actually played [gulps]) and now I'm looking at my next favourite army: Ogre Kingdoms

    What a hilarious Army Book they have. I was hooked as soon as I read the lore and descriptions of all the troops, what a bunch of ridiculous fat things!

    Anyways, I digress.

    I have read all of the tactics and advice forums on EEFL, but it's a bit dry on this site.

    Are there any LO members who play OK? And if so, any general points of advice?

    (This thread will start with general ideas and questions and go from there)


    Best, LoR
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I don’t have any but I’ve played against them twice, once with Dwarfs and once with Lizardmen. I lost both times but I enjoy playing against Ogres because like you I do find them pretty funny. The game I had against them with my Lizardmen wasn’t a complete whitewash because I knew more about what I was up against and my Solar Engine Bastiladon vapourised four Leadbelchers in a single magic phase with Beam of Chotec :D
    Warden and Lizards of Renown like this.
  3. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    Hey there, I might be able to help a bit as I have been playing ogres for the last 8 years. They are a super fun army to convert, paint, and most certainly play.

    I think the best way to describe them is a sledgehammer force. Usually whatever you aim them at they will destroy but if your opponent can maneuver around that initial strike they tend to crumble real quick.

    Now there is a couple ways to run them but, I tend to run a solid block of ogre bulls in the center with mournfang and iron guts on the flanks. I absolutely never leave home without a BSB and a butcher/slaughter master. The Bull gorger spell (+1str) from the butcher can elevate a unit of ogre bulls to be able to take on almost any unit and smaller monsters.
    With ogres fairly low leadership and the fact that static combat can easily not go your way as combat drags on the BSB can really help when the heat is on.
    I know some people really go heavy on the ranged options (which is a totally valid build) but I don’t usually bring more than 4 leadbelchers and a ironblaster cannon. As an example a local guy brings 12 leadbelchers and 2 iron blasters then starts the rest of his list.

    I don’t want to put a huge wall of text out there at once so if your looking for a bit more let me know.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Thanks for the input and, in the words of Macbeth, "Lay on MacDuff".

    (meaning I'd appreciate any gems of wisdom on the subject)

    I'm a total, like absolutely total, newbie on this army. I was collecting them with an aim to play them, but mostly as they're really run. But now I'd like to get some battles in so have been studying up on EEFL and asking here.

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  5. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    So for context I typically play against warriors of chaos and vampire counts. on top of that I have been playing mostly 6th edition for the last year.

    • Lords
    • Tryant-Expensive for what he does but is a great beatstick. I don't usually get magic armor on him as his high toughness and wounds normally see him through a game
    • Slaughter master- I normally start my list with this guy as gut magic is a great tool box and glittering scales/fencers blades make him a tough nut to crack
    • Heroes
    • Hunter- Really cool model shame it is collecting dust. The harpoon should be useful but its not and he doesn't add much to a Stonehorn for the points.
    • Bruiser-I never leave home without one. With the fairly low leadership the reroll is a must. I like to run the Rampager's standard on him and run him with my iron guts
    • Butcher- scroll caddy
    • Fire belly- I don't take him often but I play him aggressively so make use of the breath weapon. Its also fun to throw the hell heart on him
    • Core
    • Ogre bulls-I like to outfit these guys with iron fists as I like the extra defense on the way to the enemy. Not much to say here as they are your basic dudes. MSU is an option but I normally take a block of 8.
    • Iron guts- These will kill just about anything. I've had zombie dragons, chaos lords, grail knights have all fallen to these guys.
    • Gnoblars- I use these guys as rather flank coverage or a speed bump with trappers. They can't keep up the the ogres but they can charge the flank of the guy who flank charged your ogres and man will you need their static combat rez.
    • Special
    • leadbelchers- great ranged option. it might be tempting to have them hang back and just shoot all game but they are still ogres and will still wreck most chaff in hand to hand
    • Gorger- Great to hunt warmachines but he tends to come in too late to make a real difference. I tend to forget he is in my list and doesn't make it on the table. Its a silly reason I don't take him I know.
    • Mournfang cav- The mournfang tend to put in more work than the ogres on their backs but with a low save and high(for cavlary) toughness these guys can mess up an armies flank easily.
    • Sabertusks- Here is the chaff of the army. They also make okay warmachine hunters in a pinch.
    • Yhetees-The -1 to weapon skill isn't as helpful as it could be. any unit that is really hurt by the -1 ogres wouldn't have been a problem for ogres to began with.
    • Maneaters- my absolute favorite unit lore wise. The been there done that rule makes them a swiss army knife. unfortunately it must be gold plated because they are quite expensive points wise.
    • Rare
    • Giant- Great looking model but a bit too random for my tastes
    • Scrap launcher- Fun to take against low toughness high armor units. Killing blow on a template weapon is gross and I love it.
    • Iron blaster- This is considered one of the best cannons in the game as the high movement makes it easy to get fire lanes. It has a strength 10 grapeshot and is no push over in hand to hand combat.
    • Stone horn- This monster will kill just about anything it make contact with and with the stone skeleton it might actually make it to the enemy.
    • Thundertusk- It has a fun mix of ranged weapons that seem a bit at odds with it frost aura. I let it sit back and shoot unless i see a easy flank to charge into.
    I hope this all makes sense. Please let me know if you have any more questions or if you want to change anything I've said here.
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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Charlemagne You should put your name down on our index of WFB armies and the forum members who play them thread. Just post a message on the thread with a list of all the 8th edition armies you play and I'll add you to the index! :)
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    All great advice and I'm mid digesting it.

    I thought Wizards couldn't take armour or magic armour? You have your Slaughtermaster with Glittering Scales...

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The author of the book screwed up (see below). He allowed them to take ironfists, which means they are technically able to take magic armour.

    Page 500 of the BRB reads:

    Since an Ironfist is 'normal' armour, they can select magic armour.

    It was clarified in the FAQ entry:

  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Oh wow...

    Now I understand the EEFL tactics section about taking a Slaughtermaster and tooling them up for close combat.
    Imrahil and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  10. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    @NIGHTBRINGER Hit it right on the head with sources and everything. I gotta step my forum game up lol.

    @Lizards of Renown With that build and the fact gut magic heals you it makes it very hard to shift a slaughter master in hand to hand combat. If you are looking for a build that doesn’t take advantage of a accident I would take Grut’s sickle and a sword of striking. I don’t load this build with much as his base stats are good and he might kill himself with the sickle.
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    So, as I've been covering in another thread, I've been teaching my wife 8th Edition. We've done so sample/mock battles so far but she's quite competitive and wanted to play a proper game where she chose the points and worked out her own strategy.

    (I love her to pieces :D and love it when she gets all feisty like this)

    So we did a 1K, no scenery, simple Lizardmen (her) vs Ogres (me).

    Start of game:


    She did well considering it was her first battle where she called the shots.

    In the end, the Mournfang Cavalry killed the Skinks on the left (she charged me), the SV on CO behind them and killed her general as well.

    The small Ogre unit killed the 10 man Saurus unit and were then poison'ed out of existence.

    The Slaughtermaster and Ironguts killed the Skinks on the right, then killed all of the CORs.


    Next step is more training on choosing magic items and on use of the different troop types.
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    This last battle was fun, even if it was small, as I got to run two Mournfang Cavalry who ate first a SV on CO and then an OB on CO!!! My wife hadn't given either of them magic items (my fault entirely as I've been the one teaching her!) and the Mournfangs made very short work of them.

    I'm right in thinking that the Mournfang stomp is at the Mournfangs strength right? S5? @Charlemagne ? @NIGHTBRINGER ?

    My Slaughtermaster with Armour of Destiny, Ogre Blade (how ironic) and ironfist didn't really get a chance to do much as we conceded the game when her general died and half of the remaining forces ran away.
    Imrahil and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Yup. (against infantry, war beasts or swarms... hopefully you didn't use stomp against your wife's SV/OB on cold one)
  14. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    No :) but I realized that I had that question.
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  15. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Hey everyone, I have been playing ogres for a little over a year now. I very much enjoy the army's play style. I also like how many different options are available in regards to how you set up your army. I was tinkering with some list building and I created an idea that I would like your thoughts on. For just under 1200 special pts (so playable in a 2400 pt list) you can make a 18 man horde of Maneaters full command and dragon hide banner, with the front 6 armed with brace of pistols, second rank armed with great weapons, and the 3rd rank just hw. Assuming full frontage this will pump out 48 st 5 attacks at initiative 3 and 18 st7 attacks asl. Have the ability for 12 quick to fire st 4 AP shots for stand and shoot and possibly clearing chaff. That is a nasty unit. Now the kicker is giving them stubborn and scout for their special rules. So scout them 12" away from the middle of your opponents army and charge turn two. You still have enough points to fill your core and have a slaughtermaster and bsb in your army.

    Now my question is this; is this A) absolutely filthy stanky cheese and noone is going to like you (if this is the case why have I never seen it before?) B) all your options in one basket, (i know a single purple sun would lose you the game but that can be the case for many ogre armies, at least this way they only have one turn before you're in combat) C) A unit that could bear the brunt of an entire armies charge and with stubborn come out swinging on the other end (if you can get the dragon hide breath weapon off on the scariest unit turn one it will help keep your ogres alive) or D) an interesting strategy that has its strengths and weakness'

    I have not tried this, and if there is a rule conflict that disallows this i would be happy to know about it. Let me know your thoughts!
  16. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    I would also like to add this is not the style of army I usually use, I very rarely engage with hordes, unless I am hoarding (hording? Hordeing?) Up against the massive amounts of orcs and gobbos.
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    First, welcome to a fellow Ogre player!

    I can't see any illegal build elements on first inspection, let me have a think about this one.
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  18. Cptn Timmy
    Cold One

    Cptn Timmy Active Member

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    Sounds good, I realize that throwing half your army in front of the other player means they will take a metric tonne of fire power but with the scout you can have quite the placement advantage. And backed up with a slaughtermaster possibly even with grits sickle can put the pressure on very early. The enemy just popping 2 chaff units in front of them could be a strong counter but thats kind of the pitfalls of all horde units.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Theoretically using Scouts would nullify the chaff units.

    I think if your opponent didn't know this one was coming it could be a real problem for him. I always find it's good to try unconventional tactics as you build up a little bit of mind games.

    Meaning, your opponent knows that you have fielded this in the past... so he's trying to spend points to make sure he doesn't get caught with his trousers down. Then you do a double-bluff and spend your points knowing that he's trying to counter one tactic and you do entirely another.

    Part of what I love about 8th is choosing the strategy and choosing the army list. Easily my favourite part is making the list.
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  20. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Member

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    Hey guys, my gaming group just started a eighth edition map campaign since we are vaccinated. The fluffy piece is that we have two characters that gain experience and lead an army each. The drawback is they are locked into the equipment they start with for the rest of the campaign.

    Now I had a question what ogre characters would you choose?

    The armies on the board are warriors of chaos, tomb kings, wood elves, ogres(me), and skaven.

    I’m leaning towards a firebelly and a butcher. I was thinking bruiser but I feel the wizards are going to benefit the most from leveling up.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.

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