LORD: -Slann, 4th Generation, Tepok Plate HEROES: -Saurus Scar veteran, Jaguard Warrior charm, Enchanted sword, Great Weapon, Light armour ,shield , Sotek , Quetzl -Skink Priest, scroll -Skink priest, cube of darkness CORE: -10 skinks -10 skinks -10 skinks -10 skinks -16x Temple Guards, shields, Full command, Chotec banner SPECIAL -3 Terradons -3 Kroxigor -20 saurus warrior, full command, Sotek -10x Saurus Cavalry, full command, Totem Huanchi RARE: -Salamander -Salamander TOTAL: 2495 Full lore of fire Slann and skins priets just there in order to provide line of sight and 2 magic dice. I think about dropping at least 2 skinks squad and the banner of the Temple guards (not so usefull if the enemy can directly target the slann...) any ideas? whit this list (or with 3 different ones) i want to face skavens, wood elves and ogres. I know that these are 3 completely different armies, but i wanna know how to change depending of which enemy i'm facing. I also need to learn which unit can cover which role.
Sorry i just read the "no individual point values" rule and i edited the first post eliminating said point values
I think we are probably safe when it comes to 6th edition. GW isn't defending that particular intellectual property especially fiercely but I appreciate you being carefully. As for feedback. From what I remember from 6th edition this looks pretty competitive. 6th edition rules for skirmishers was very generous so you have a lot of options for unusual formations with your 40 Skinks. You got all your bases covered, Terradons and Skinks to go after warmachines, Saurus Cavalry for combined attacks, solid infantry, Salamanders for ranged attacks. Your list doesn't have a lot of fat to cu t.I might say that you want more Temple Guard (if your Slann dies the game is probably lost), but I'm not sure where you would get the points from. Your list doesn't have a lot of fat to cut. The Standard of Chotec becomes more valuable in large units than in small units and 16 is pretty small. It might be better to drop the standard and take a few more Temple Guard bodies, but I'm not sure where to trim points to boost your Temple Guard.
Well maybe i could drop some skinks to put more temple guards and the Cupped hands of the old ones magic items.for the slann, that 5+ save for the Temple guards seems useful. this is the list with those changes: LORD: (MAX 1) -Slann, 4th generatio, Plaque of Tepok, Cupped Hand of the Old Ones HEROES -Saurus Scar veteran, Charm of the Jaguard Warrior, Sword of striking, Great Weapon, Light armour , shield , Blessed spawning Sotek , Blessed spawning Quetzl -Skink Priest, scroll -Skink priest, cube of darkness CORE: -10 skinks -10 skinks -25 saurus warrior, full command -20x Temple guard, Shields , full command SPECIAL -3 Terradons -3 Kroxigor -10x Saurus Cavalry, full command, Totem Huanchi RARE: -Salamander -Salamander TOTAL = 2497 POINTS
Total noob here (just 1 game of 6th under my belt) but maybe drop the Krox if you're looking for extra points? That said, in the game I've had, at 1500 points, the krox did sterling work against wood elves (although I might have been lucky). Maybe drop a couple of cold one cav?
Another noob here with only one game of Warhammer played using an undead army I bought Second Hand. I just write to say thank you to Peryuri for the list, which I will use as a base for a Lizardmen army I am about to build.
One possible change would be to ditch the Temple Guard, and take a unit of Saurus with Blessed Spawning of Tlazcotl (gives Immune to Psychology) and possibly Blessed Spawning of Quetzl (+1 to Scaly Skin save). One Blessed Spawning makes them Special, two makes them Rare.