Have WOC, Want LM

Discussion in 'Trading Forum' started by Mojothesaurus, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. Mojothesaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    Mojothesaurus New Member

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    After trying quite a few armies I've settled on both Empire and Lizardmen. I have about 2500 pts worth of warriors of Chaos stuff. I'd be looking to either trade an army of lizardmen for this army, or this army for cash. I will happily take offers, I will also note if any of my items are painted. If you have any questions please PM me. All are current edition models

    One Khorne Lord (on base with all the skulls) painted well
    One Khorne Hero with hand weapon and shield, painted and almost finished
    One Lord riding the daemonic mount, base coated black
    One Lord riding the juggernaut, base coated
    One tzeentch sorc. base coated black with familiar
    One Nurgle sorc. base coated black

    24X Marauders with HW/SH also FC
    36X Warriors of Chaos, half HW/SH, half 2HW. (half are basecoated mechrite red, a few are almost done)
    10X Chosen, FC basecoated black
    10X Marauder Horsemen, 5 with flails, 5 with axes all basecoated
    5X Chaos Knights FC, basecoated
    1X Chaos Chariot unassembled
    10X Chaos warhounds
    3X Dragon Ogres, painted to a very high degree
    1X Shaggoth painted to a very high degree
    2X Chaos Spawn basecoated
  2. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    Would you be willing to trade part of the army, or is it just all or nothing?
  3. WeeDawgNYC

    WeeDawgNYC New Member

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    I have a sealed box of Empire Battle wizards & 1 addition on sprue.. take a look & lmk if we can work something out

    I recently purchased a WoC army & need these to complete it:

    1-Nurgle Sorceror-Festus
    4-Ogre Ironguts w/Gr.Weapons
    5-Warriors w/any
    5-Chosen Warriors w/Gr.Weapons
    10-Marauder Horsmen
    20-Marauders w/Flails

    Misc Bits

    5-10 Bloodletter Heads
    5-10 Bloodletter arms w/sword only
    5-10 Warriors Gr.Weapons

    I have these:

    1-Box of Empire Battle Wizards (sealed) NIB

    1-Empire Battle Wizard on sprue with plenty of bits to make any type of mage you choose to.

    15-Skeleton Warriors w/spears shields & full command on x2 regiment bases (4 models each) painted & based to tabletop quality standards

    15-Skeleton Warriors w/hw shields & full command on x2 regiment bases (4 models each) painted & based to tabletop quality standards(blue highlights)

    15-Skeleton Warriors w/hw shields & full command on x2 regiment bases (4 models each) painted & based to tabletop quality standards(red highlights)

    thank you again for looking .
  4. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    hey where abouts do you live i have a lm army just deciding what army i want if i do get rid of the lm warriors of chaos dont look to bad

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