Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    " she did yes the features where similar but about 20-30 years older and she had a different nose. i have been taking care of the countess since since she was a child and the spirit didn't recognize me. that seemed to make her angry like she was looking for some one and we weren't them."
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    This gives the kobold pause. "Twenty... to thirty... years... older?" Thinking for a while, he begins to tally years on his fingers as he tries to work something out. Alas, as a kobold, Threespears doesn't really know human biology. "Interesting. Perhaps a mother or aunt? Would that be the right number of years? For a kobold, thirty years could be a grandmother..."
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    yes or some ancestor that died at that age or remembers them selves at their best at that age
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    after their respective interviews Shiro and omen return to the library. guided back to their alcove by one of the blindfolded monks.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ooo, yeah, doesn't have to be a DIRECT ancestor. Could be someone several centuries up the family tree if looks run close enough in the line...
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Wishing Piran well, and paying yet more respects to those who had been taken too soon, Terrowin leads out of the room, having extracted the mortician for all information he could provide him.

    It was good to be back outside. Despite the outside air being cold, the room in which he had just spent the shorter part of an hour in was colder, one thing was for sure though, the fresh air felt good in the lungs partnered with the gentle breeze as it combed from Ohmen’s now longer hair.

    As he walked, facing away from the building behind him his features once again warped and shifted. Whilst his attire remained the same, Ohmen gently reaches down, placing his deer antler headdress back on, a crown of bone atop reams of long black hair and strangely symmetrical features and sparkling eyes.

    Taking a deep breath, he turns the corner, His noble lordly robes shifting into the plain, yet ever more striking black cloak, its surface shifting with hints of colour.


    Minutes later, Ohmen greets Shrio, unfurling back his hood before once again walking through the Libraries archways, discussing the details of the information he had collected. Meanwhile, as the changeling discusses what spells he will need to collect along with other possible supplies they should be interested in, Wisdom soars, wings beating slightly faster as the bird enters such a palace of knowledge.

    Giving a nod to once of the monk’s besides him, Ohmen gestures with a gauntlet covered hand asking “Would you care to tell me where I can find some information and lore about various monsters? More specifically, those of the undead kind? Oh And does this library have any sort of repository of magic scrolls? Or should I be visiting the mage tower’s for more magical errands. I too have heard you have maps of the local area, these could be particularly useful for the task I have been set toward by your Barron

    Hailing the response with a bow, The wizard quickly summons Wisdom back to him before the bird threatens to wander too far, having it land on his wrist as he turns to Shiro. "The others will be arriving he any minute I Imagine, Wisdom will watch the library doors for them and inform us, until then there is much I think we need know from the information I have gathered with Piran. Once we have all consolidated our knowledge together, and I will write such down, we should consider supplies and visiting the magi"
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    of course sir i can bring what you need. unfortunately we do not have scrolls, they require up keep and matanance that does not allow for a large supply to be housed for a long time. we do have supplies that can be used to make scrolls if that would help
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Thinking for a while, Threespears asks a few other questions of Madame June, then thanks her as he finishes his tea. "I thank you for your assistance, and tender my apologies for asking you to relive such a terrible experience. The tea was, as always, lovely," he adds with a smile. "I do hope the brass polish works out for you!" Standing up, he bows to Madame June, clasping his hands together before him. "I shall take my leave now. A good day and life's blessings be upon you."

    Returning Madame June's reply happily, the kobold takes his leave, dragging Drew along for the ride. As they pace down the street, he begins to think out loud. "A possible ancestor of the Countess," he muses. "I think it is time to return to the library and check out the genealogical records. While most people would not have such records, the Countess comes from a long line of nobles, so there is bound to be a record of her ancestors, possibly with sketched pictures."
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Gently responding to the monk with a nod, Ohmen takes in a deep breath, allowing the sounds of quiet research, gentle muttering and the occasional sound of footsteps to wrap around him before continuing and gathering his thoughts.

    “Understandable, that is as I suspected, Especially considering I have already heard scrolls are being stored with you cities magi. What do you recon? If I were to take a visit to them do you think they would be willing to help me, under their Baron of course.’

    “As for else, It would be appreciated if you could provide us with a terrain map of the area around the lords manor. Along with leading us to where the monster lore is situated, there we can begin research. “

    Turning to Shiro, Ohmen continues

    “After the others have arrived and Wisdom comes to me, we can all consolidate our knowledge. Meanwhile I would not be opposed to using the opportunity presented to us and meeting the so called ‘Nazaric’ . There I need to find some certain scrolls from the repository.."

    "There is much preparation to do, and much knowledge to learn all with urgency. The clocks hands are knives, and it ticks in deaths and suffering not seconds or minutes. ”
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Out of nowhere, bounding from either a barrel, a bag, or some cabinet leaps the one. the only. BigBang.
    Madly scrambling with what looks like the rail gun (although it is hard to tell with all the new stuff strapped on) Bang scurries to the party.
    "dont worry guys I got this!" Looking around bang looks at the two strangers near the party and loads what looks like a new railgun cartridge
    "Time to start taking some heads!"
  11. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew sees the little maniac, and says, "hang on little buddy, these people are friendly."
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang skids to a halt, magazine in hand and railgun half set up
    "Oh... friends? You mean, dont shoot them?" Bang appears to be contemplating this for a few minutes, to such an extent you can almost here the gears in his brain turning. Finally seeming to come to a conclusion, Bang snatches the tea kettle and silverware and starts chowing down. It is neither quiet or clean as scraps of iron and steel fall from his mouth.
    "Mhh.. good metal this. Anyways who are these people?" Bang says through a mouthful of the tea kettle
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Threespears stares at the odd rabbit for a moment, then decides he does not want to know at this time. Heading inside, he bumps into Ohmen before seeing anyone else and passes on Madame June's information along with his own suspicions. (Obviously we're already acting on this info, but I figure I should fill in the gaps anyway) Having said his piece, he heads into the history section and begins digging around in the genealogical records and anything related...
    Nazqua, Erta Wanderer, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looks around and blurts out
    "Guys I think we're hunting a banshee. I cant explain why but something tells me its ugly and loud" Bang looks around for a few moments and considers his options
    "So I got 2 ideas, I make an incendiary round or find some spooky ghost expert, would any of those be in the room?"
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Giving another deep sigh, Ohmen skims over a page before closing the book’s lid in a jarring action. A slight anger, or rather annoyance, in his deep breath, Ohmen gestures to the many book crammed shelves which surround the room. “And yet the knowledge we speak still remains hidden amongst the uncountable volumes of years long past..” Swallowing, he gently throws the book down on the table, the noise produced being louder than expected, as he looks to Wisdom, following the birds idle gaze towards both Drew and Threespears who had now caught up…

    Turning back to the raven, Ohmen continues “Hopefully the others efforts have not been in so much vain for these last few hours” before standing, approaching not only the kobold, but the all so important knowledge he had hopefully collected. “Threespears, wilcumian sîn fs æleðurhwlîtan êow ednîwan… Mîn ]m¯æst bôchord ârfæstnes sôðlicw¯ære of nytt âlecgan me, hûru yfel efne ongietan ungehw¯æde Piran” Ohmen hisses, before clearing his throat as a strange glance is given his way, returning to traders tongue. “Welcome back Threespears, take a seat, I can only hope you have much to tell us about, as have I"


    Minutes, or maybe even hours later, for it was in times like this where time had a habit of slinking away in the silence, Ohmen continues, scribbling down notes as the kobold speaks to the very word. “Interesting.. Thank you for enlightening me, us, on her words, this knowledge will come to much use in the coming days I am sure. But yes, the genealogical records would be useful, Do not hesitate to add your findings to the information we already have. Although perhaps....”

    As Ohmen goes to speak, he looks astray to see the familiar form of Big bang as the rabbit announces his arrival, or rather, reveals it…

    Not taken with as much surprise as would be expected, Ohmen looks towards the rabbit with a friendly, yet slightly serious glare, breaking up his conversation with the kobold “Big bang... Im glad you could finally make it out and join us. There is much in order already, and I'm sure… - Sure you have already heard of the task we are here to do , and that the suffering of many lives lie heavy upon this mission.. This opportunity is trusted unto us, do as you will, but your help will be paid in much more than coins for the suffering we can save with this”

    “Righteousness Ohmen.” Wisdom hissess “sleepless hours toward this end?”

    Overlooking Wisdoms comment, the changeling continues, turning once more to Threespears “As I was saying, perhaps you would consider coming with me to inquire with the mages? After all, you are the one with the ‘capability’ to get us council with the so called Nazaric' If so, I would much appreciate that.”
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looks at Ohmen quizzically,
    "So banish some ugly ghost? Im down for that. Do we have some paper, some matches, and some oil?" Bang asks. You can already see the grin spreading across the little rabbit's face
    Nazqua and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Wincing, Threespears nods towards the mage. "Yes, this I can certainly accomplish. I have found some books you may want to peruse while I am off making an appointment for that purpose. I shall return."

    It takes the kobold about two hours to return, and he doesn't look happy when he does. "Yes, I can get you into the wizard's tower to speak with Nazaric, but Ohmen HAS to go because you have sparked some interest in the master mage. We need to leave now if you wish to make the appointment on time," he adds, gesturing for everyone to follow.

    He leads the way out into the chill air and over to where the wizards have their workshops. But he does not lead everyone in through the front door, but a small service entrance around the back where even the servants do not tread. Instead, a lone mage's apprentice meets you there.

    "Are these them, Threespears?"

    "Yes, this is he. I shall leave them in your care and return to my research." Glancing over at the changeling, he frowns briefly. "You can find you way back to the library when you are finished here, I assume?" He waits for someone to answer, one way or the other, then shrugs and heads back towards the library.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "so im told you want to meet with the Grand binder? first know that his time is limited try not to distract him while he works. his work is ... delicate and if something should go wrong then the results could wipe evermarch off the map. touch nothing when in the tower and bring no one with you that might let their curiosity outweigh their good sense. when you leave the tower you must not speak of what you saw there not a word, and above all, do not test the masters patience. he may have brought you hear but that does not mean you are beyond his wrath and he has a short temper."
    the mage takes a stone etched in blue lines out of his robe and passes it to you "if you believe you can abide by these rules present this out side the tower it will grant you entry but only once"
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Watching as Threespears leaves the two of them, Ohmen turns to the apprentice, taking off his hood to show serious eyes and the features of youth. As it had been when he met the Baron, his features are strangely symmetrical and sharp, slightly elven yet distinctly humanoid… black hair flows down from his head and gently flows atop the breeze, reflecting the slow, almost serpentine movements of his cloak below.

    Marking each of the mage’s words, Ohmen waits until the apprentice finishes before looking to Wisdom sternly. He need not say his thoughts for the bird to respond… for In that moment, Wisdom's keen eyes almost visibly narrow, the bird ruffles its feathers before folding them tight against its body and speaks in reply. The Ravens voice is cold and slow, its tone soft and knowing, It holds hints of both benevolence and malevolence in equal fashion. “I have no doubts that I have watched worlds for longer than you have been in existence Ohmen, You needn’t remind me of what it is to be a night cloud, Above even sight they hang, from invisible branches they watch, and pay for all they observe in silence for all ever after.”

    Nodding gently, Ohmen returns the mage’s serious gaze as he takes up the stone, its surface cool in his burning palm. Lowering his voice to just above a whisper, he responds “Indeed it is him who I ask the council of, I will be as you say.”
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang considers his options. This rodent doesnt believe in ghosts, but that sure as hell wont stop him from trying to kick one in the ass.
    "Paper, pencil, now" Bang commands to anyone in the room. The wirrhing in the rodent's brain is almost audible, and he clearly is in deep thought. This could either work like a dream, or be a disaster

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