Hi, I've been lurking these forums for a while and figured I should register and introduce myself. I'm 23 from england and have been playing 40k for about 12 years on and off and fantasy (more off than on) for about 3 years. When I first started playing fantasy I went with orcs and goblins, but after a while I realised they weren't really the army for me, so most of them got converted to 40k Orks. I then spent a while researching all the fantasy armies to try to make a better decision and I was torn between Wood Elves and Lizardmen with Wood Elves winning. Long story short, I splurged a bit on WE, and before I had assembled them all the new 40k came out and distracted me from them. Now that there is a new edition of fantasy and from all reports WE have taken some real blows and take some real skills to play effectively now. I'm not that good at fantasy and my WE need a lot of work to get them fully painted so I can't motivate myself to paint an army that I fear I will struggle to play effectively. I hear that Lizardmen aren't suffering from 8th edition blues, so I'm seriously considering starting a lizardman army, initially going for a budget army based around a Batallian box set, perhaps adding a steg and slann which I believe would bring me up to a 1500 point army (with a conversion or 2 from the batallian). This would give me all the units I really love about the army plus has a reasonable pricetag. I'm not sure how effective it would be in 8th, but that's where you can help . I'll probably be posting an army list tomorrow to get feedback. I think I've said all I need to say, possibly more, but look forward to chatting on the forums.
Sounds like a good start to Lizardmen I used to play Wood Elves and yeah, they took a pretty bad hit this edition from the new rules to skirmishers and also since they will have virtually one unit that will benefit from steadfast... Poor guys :/ Keep going with your ideas for buying the Batallion box and then get whatever you want after that It's a good start!