Raising Awareness of the CCP in the news [POLITICAL]

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Scalenex, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I could say they fought for the right reasons, but definitely for the wrong cause.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This video has a clickbait title about the CCP possibly falling. The video should be labeled, "Various governments warn their citizens about travel safety in China"

    I don't think a decline in tourism will topple the CCP. But China is experiencing a famine. They are seeing a reduction in investment. They are facing sanctions and diplomatic pressure. Also, they are not handling their diseases well.

    Decades ago, Mao said something like, "The Soviet Union of today is what China will be in about 50 years." Mao was a murdering fool, but at least he believed in slow and steady wins the race. The Berlin Wall fell down in 1991. That means the CCP will collapse in 2041. Eesh, a lot of bad stuff can happen in 21 years.

    Even when the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia didn't exactly turn into a free democracy. Putin is an ex-KGB cleaner and he is running things via sham elections. Even that would be an improvement though in China. I don't see the people rising. I see a CCP civil war ending with the winners changing their names and announcing they are done with Marxism which was a flawed western idea anyway.

    The best case scenario of a CCP collapse in the 2040s would be freedom and independence for Hong Kong, Inner Mongolia, the Uighers, and Tibetans. That's assuming these groups aren't purged by 2040. That's why the international community needs to keep up the pressure on the CCP and not let them hide anything.

    Of course things aren't always black and white with oppressors and victims. If the CCP collapses indigenous people in China's outer region might take their revenge on Han Chinese who are not responsible for their past oppression.

    While there are tourist sites in China I would like to see, I cannot guarantee that no one has pierced my online personas. I do say "mahrlect" in real life when I get upset and some coworkers figured out I was Scalenex by googling mahrlect. I do not know if the CCP is hunting down Scalenex or not.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2020
  3. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    how tf is China uncensored not reporting on trump's secret bank accounts in China, or the apparent accusation that he paid 200,000$ in taxes there? xD
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    It's covered on their spinoff channel America Uncovered.

    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, i just noticed shortly after posting. I'm not sure why they'd not post it on their main channel since they're some pretty serious allegations (but then again, maybe people are beginning to get used to a presidency involved with multiple business dealings).

    I'm not sure why he hasn't gone over other significant portions of the NYT article. I suspect it's because a large majority of youtube users wouldn't be bothered to pay them just to see one article. But opening the article in incognito mode appears to work, at least for me.

    I'm not sure how it wasn't a secret. The Chinese bank account of a previously known business was only found through an investigation of his tax records.

    Anyway, he didn't go over the article's reporting of a 5.6 million dollar penthouse sale to a American-Chinese business woman who apparently has ties high-level ties to the CCP




  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    "Secret" is relative. Trump's tax records are not secret but at the same time they are not as widely available. There is some gray area between "secret" and "full transparency."

    All the things you mentioned are worth investigating but none of them are smoking guns.

    Let me use a clunky metaphor. Years ago, I had a male high school teacher that showed blatant favoritism to attractive female students. I was 95% sure that he was not sleeping with his students or doing anything outright amoral or illegal BUT I was not 100% sure.

    I brought these concerns up to my father and he said "It's important not only to avoid committing amoral acts but it's also important to avoid the appearance of committing amoral acts." That's something Trump fails at, badly.

    Jimmy Carter is probably the most moral president the United State States had. Possibly ever, certainly the most moral president of modern times. When he became president, he divested himself of his peanut farm and put the proceeds in a blind trust to avoid conflicts of interest.

    I don't think any other president has done anything like that since. Reagon, Bush Senior, Clinton, Bush Junior, and Obama all had business dealings they were not divested from. Trump certainly has more business ties out there.

    I believe George W. Bush was the worst president of modern times. Thanks to him I set the bar for acceptable presidential behavior very low. Bush and Chenney's Halliburton ties were suspicious and seemed to influence their actions.

    You cannot prove either, Trump acts like Putin has leverage on him. By his actions, Biden acts like the CCP has leverage on him.

    Wealthy Chinese have been trying to move their money out of China and much of that money is being moved by buying real estate in North America, especially Vancouver. It's not really possible to be a real estate magnate and not be indirectly tied to this. It should be looked into and it is being looked into, but it's not a smoking gun.

    The Chinese Communist Party is trying to stop their citizens from buying these properties. Ergo, it's difficult to see how Trump is compromise via these exchanges. That's not to say Trump doesn't have some shady associates (cough cough Mafia), but his shady associates do not seem to be CCP agents.

    But it was abandoned after State Grid became ensnared in a corruption investigation by Chinese authorities.

    Every CCP official and organization is corrupt. The only time CCP officials and their puppets get investigated by Chinese authorities is due to an internal CCP dispute. An abandoned deal to a company on Winnie the Pooh's naughty list is hardly a smoking gun.

    The heartening thing is that people are looking for ties between Trump and the CCP. Every high profile political figure should be vetted for CCP ties all the time. Australia seems to be doing a good job on this especially., but media should not report on their investigations until they find something.

    Yeah, definitely a lesser of two evils sort of thing. Until and unless cultists successfully summon Cthuhulu, I believe the greatest evil in the world is the CCP.

    It's not a crime to have multiple business dealings. I am pro-capitalism, but I would like the president to be like Jimmy Carter and be completely removed from business dealings. But if wishes were fishes I'd have lots of fish.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, for a politician or any person with some public authority, that should be the norm.
    the old "above all suspects"
  8. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I dunno. I guess it's pretty semantical, which is fine, but from my view, If a sitting president tries so hard not to release his full tax records, which every other president since Nixon has done except for Gerald Ford, It only rises suspicions. Then again, he isn't legally required to do so, but it doesn't help him optically whatsoever.

    I don't think this is a claim most people are making. I'm pretty sure people are concerned that Trump is conflating national interests with his own personal business interests.

    I'm not sure if this is fully true.

    Scalenex and LizardWizard like this.
  9. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I stopped respecting Chris Chappell as a journalist after his bad reporting on Uranium One. I would characterize him as deliberately misleading. There are better independent journalist out there. Sadly not a lot of people cover much of the Asian theater of politics and policy in general though.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This posted about an hour ago.

  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In my opinion, China Uncensored is the closest thing I found to unbiased reporting. I try to compensate by sampling a wide variety of news sources.

    TFGlobal has a pro-Indian bias which is a nice change of pace after watching so much American media. A cursory internet search suggests that TFGlobal is not some weird Indian fringe group. Mainstream India opinion seems to be hawkish on the CCP.

    NTD has a pro-Conservative bias, but they seem to stick to the facts...mostly unless Christians are being inconvenienced somehow. I myself have wondered why the pope seems to keep caving to CCP pressure but on the other hand Chinese Catholics seem to be treated less poorly than Budhists, Falun Gang, and Muslims. At least they are not being killed. They are just having the core beliefs watered down and bastardized.

    Most Left leaning sources don't focus on the Asian theater much. The best I found so far is the BBC.
  12. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    It's a bad side when you have to build a wall to keep your own people from leaving. Berlin Wall, part two. Not that long ago, Vietnamese were illegally immigrating to China.

    Also, it's not a good sign for the CCP that Vietnam views them as rivals and not friends now.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  13. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    China Uncensored is unironically more biased than main stream media is. Chris Chappel presents a clear bias to Trump and conservatism. Personally, I don't have a problem with such a bias, however, my main issue is that hundreds of thousands of people actually think China Uncensored is an unbiased news source.

    In the last video regarding Trump's bank account, he shows a clear willingness to defend Trump.

    Again, from what I've been seeing, most in the MSM isn't even claiming the CCP is paying him or using him as a pawn. The main concern isn't even the outright assumption that he's guilty of corruption, but more so the fact that such findings from his tax records arise suspicions of conflicts of interest (and rightly so for the American public).

    imo, these non-sequiturs that Chappel uses (such as claiming that the MSM is reporting that the CCP is paying off the president) shuts down the possibilities of having a debate.

    From my perspective this only makes it only more imperative for Trump to be more transparent with his financial information.

    Anyway, I also have quite a lot of problems with his second video regarding his business dealings in China. Much like before, he mainly just defends Trump.

    Non-sequitur. MSM sources have not made this claim, from what I've seen of articles a few years old (this story is pretty old).

    Regarding Trump's decision to save ZTE, He left out a pretty important sentence of a paragraph of a NYT article he was quoting, which said that experts were divided on whether Ivanka recieved special treatment.

    I think i'll stop here. But i'll probably go on about Chinese Uncensored later. Especially on a video in which he suggested the Proud boys were not a hate group because a rally of theirs was organized by a person of color, despite the group is well known for their ability for espousing white nationalist views. Or Chris Chappel not acknowledging the Falun gong's racist, homophobic beliefs.
    LizardWizard and Scalenex like this.
  14. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    They at least stick to facts and outcomes.

    A lot of Right wing media says Trump is great with near religious fervor while Left Wing Media says Trump is the anti-Christ with a near religious fervor.

    China Unscensored don't work backwards from a conclusion and they generally keep emotions out of it. The crew of China Uncensored are single-issue voters though. If the CCP is the only political issue that counts, I don't see how any rationale can make Biden the better candidate and that comes through Chris Chappel's words.

    Fun fact, at one point a Facebook algorithm pegged China Uncensored as "Very Liberal" probably because they focus on human rights and the environment a lot, something traditionally associated with Leftist media.

    I agree.

    Experts said the timing appeared to be a coincidence, given how quickly Ms. Trump won her previous trademark requests from the Chinese authorities, though they differed on whether she appeared to receive special treatment.

    This sentence is phrased so as to raise ambiguity, it's not really adding anything and it's arguably misleading.

    Did aliens set up Stone Hinge? Experts differ on whether known ancient Celts could have tools to create this.

    I don't know about the Proud Boys. I have done no research on them. I cannot speak there but when I see bad press for them, it's for them saying bad things not doing bad things. I think the Southern Poverty Law Center and organizations like it go too far. I am a free speech absolutist and this means sometimes I have to hear awful things. If you don't allow people discourse to say what they want, you will shut off debate and discussion, push them into an echo chamber, and drive them underground.

    In any event, we need a better system then the binary subject is a hate group or is not a hate group. Whatever the Proud Boys are, they are not as bad neo-Nazis and the Klan. If they get labeled as a Hate Group and treated like a Hate Group this could push the Proud Boys into the arms of real Hate Groups.

    With free speech at least you can keep on eye on them.

    As for the link on Falun Gang I didn't see any citations or sources which makes me suspect the article you linked is from the CCP's online propaganda wing. Worst case scenario, if true it proves that one teacher in a decentralized group is racist not that the movement is irreparably tainted by racists.

    Chris Chappel did address the accusations that Falun Gang is a cult and the negative implications the word "cult" carries with it. Every group that is accused of being a cult has multiple ex-members spilling the beans on the group's darker practices. The China Uncensored team could not find any ex-Falun Gang member doing so.

    I hate to use the argument that two wrongs make a right, but I cannot name a single religion EVER that was never accused of using their beliefs to justify evil actions.

    Another two wrongs make a right argument is that homophobia, racism, and sexism all seem pretty common in China. These isms and phobia did not seem to originate from Falun Gang. Given that the three core values of Falun Gang are Truthfullness, Compassion and Tolerance I would guess that if the CCP took their boot off of Falun Gang's neck China would gradually become less racist not more racist. Bigotry is clearly a deviation from Falun Gang, not an intrinsic trait of Falun Gang.

    Even if Falun Gang practioners are racist, sexist, homophobic bigots, they don't deserve to be incarcerated en masse and they certainly do not deserve to have their organs sold around the word.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  15. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure what media groups you're referring to, if they're Breitbart and Infowars as right-wing media companies, or The Young Turks and The Palmer Report as the left-wing ones. I'm mainly talking about MSM media sources, mainly CNN, ABC, Fox News, CBS, NBC, and other main stream sources. From what i've seen of most of their reporting, they're not directly stating that Trump is either great or bad. That is the point of factual reporting. A reader of an news article should come to their own conclusion after reading the facts of the matter; the article itself shouldn't make the conclusion itself for the reader. And articles that are conclusive with a bias are tagged as opinionated in these MSM media sources. Regarding Chris Chappel's reporting on Trump's business ties and deals in China, he was very much conclusive in stating that Trump was largely innocent despite the wealth of evidence pointing towards the need for more questioning of his financial history.

    It is unfortunate (though not for me), that the vast majority of Trump's policies regarding the economy, climate change, and foreign policy flies in the face of science and expertise familiar with these problems. Even a completely non-biased reporting on these policies of Trump will make him look optically bad in the perspective of the average consumer of news, unless of course the American public sees the media's critiques of the president as illegitimate. That is dangerous to the functioning of democracy.

    If they're going to support a US president based off only one policy position and ignoring the hundreds of other policies a president supports, then that's highly emotional. imo.

    Ambiguity is the entire point of a article that doesn't have evidence to support any conclusive claims. Chris Chappel used this portion of the article to support the notion that there was no evidence of any wrongdoing, despite the sentence he left out supporting otherwise. And again, optically speaking, this makes Ivanka Trump look bad despite the need for more evidence.

    I don't know about that as well. For one, Trump has shown that he doesn't know what he's doing through his trade wars with China and elsewhere. American consumers and companies have been suffering the brunt of his decisions of a trade-war centric foreign policy. Specifically with tariffs on China, Trump was forced into bailing out the farming industry with taxpayer money due to massive losses incurred from the trade war.

    The Proud Boys have a fairly long history of inciting violence and committing it. They participated in the "Unite the Right" rally in 2017 which resulted in the death of a woman. They were apart of a caravan riding through Islamberg, a historically Muslim-majority community founded as an escape from racism in the 80s.

    Multiple organizations have called the Proud Boys a hate group.

    The problem with free speech absolutism, is that as a concept, it is impossible. The voices of minority groups such as the LGBTQ community, women, and many ethnic minorities will always be suppressed in a society that has no restrictions nor censorship on hate speech. It's a sorry fact, but white, heterosexual cis-gendered men have the majority of institutional power in the US. Without the attitude we have on hate speech and hate groups, their ideology can easily outpace the influence that minority groups have, leading to the exclusion of minorities.
    ravagekitteh and LizardWizard like this.
  16. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Before the industrial revolution, water may have been the number resource people went to war over. Now it might happen again. Given that most of L-O members are in the United States, the UK, Australia, or Canada, there is not much we can do about this, but it's worth watching.

    I enjoy listening to TFGlobal for China related news but they are little a hawkish. A cursory dive into other Indian media shows that TFGlobal is that this group does not seem to represent a hawkish fringe of Indian society. Mainstream Indians are very anti-CCP right now.

    It's possible that the next war with China won't be started by the PLA, but by India.

    Hopefully this won't start World War 3. If China and India start a war, I don't expect the war to spread to others but it's worth watching given that both China and India are nuclear powers. One good thing about the disputed region is that it's very remote so it's hard to send thousands of soldiers to their death in one go.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  17. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    At this point, I think Hong Kong is beyond saving. But the Hong Kong people are not beyond saving. I would like to see the free world make it very easy to immigrate.

    Not only is it good on humanitarian grounds but Hong Kongolese are hard working and love freedom. I met some Hong Kongers who immigrated to the United States in the 1960s as children. They started as a waiter and and waitress and retired as restaurantiers. Their adult children went to college and make six figures now.

    "Refugees" implies the state is temporary. I think we should take in Hong Kongolese (Hong Kongers?) and keep them.
  18. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This hasn't stopped, so I'm not going to stop talking about it.

    Systematic organ harvesting is the worst thing the CCP does and that's saying something.

    Only three nations have banned organs from China. UK, Canada, ad the United States are not on the list.

    Write your Congressman or MP about it!
    Warden likes this.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Watched this video earlier today.

    Boggles the mind.
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  20. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Holy Carp! I didn't realize Henry Kissinger was still alive!

    In any event, Henry Kissinger was the powerful advisor who advised Nixon to normalize relations with Communist China in the 1970s. Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Senior, Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama all followed some variation from the Kissinger doctrine to guide their US-China relations. "If we cooperate with China they will gradually pick up our ways of freedom and help us fight the Soviet Union/develop the global economy/fight the War on Terror/Fight Global warming."

    Kissinger's actions were intended to put pressure on the Soviet Union and that seems to have worked, but for the most part it's not a good idea to keep your foreign policy unchanged for almost fifty years! I think Kissinger is a victim of the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Or maybe he is just a narcissist who doesn't want to see his legacy become tarnished.

    I hope no US president ever tries the Kissinger Doctrine again.
    Warden likes this.

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