Blog Ryan's Flaming Lizard Shelf

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Ryanj4043, May 23, 2020.

  1. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Got a day to paint so i thought i'd finish up my skinks.
    The gang is all together.
    Skeleton skink: Bit of white paint, zandri dust and agrax earthshade. Eyes look good for a change
    Scaven skink: Mournfang brown, with carroburg crimson wash (i don't think it shows imo), and a light brown highlight that really isn't visible on this side.
    Gloomspire Git Skink: See previous post.
    Slyvaneth/Leader skink: See previous post, i added some tuffs for a more fitting ghillie suit.
    Nurgle Skink: See previous post.
    Next up is my Caledonian Mormaer, William Wallace and Highlander Caterans from Corvus Bellis infinity. I'm really looking forward to these but u did not get the scale until i compared them to some saurus and skinks.

    This also brings me up to 1790pt of seraphon but that is heavily weighted towards HQs so i will probably end up picking up another start collecting box and i can definetly get a 1000-1500pt game going with a solid number of battle line. Even i take 10 skinks as slot fillers and carry with knights.
  2. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Couple of progress pics for my CHA guys. Really happy with it. I'm still not a face guy, just so fiddily.

    Been washed. Now highlight, tartan stripes, basing and then done.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
  3. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    My small pile of shame is done. No more models left to paint. My 3 scotsmen are done.

    All three in there highland bases. Some stirling mud and warlord brush for the grass, you can feel the miggies nipping at you with that much grass.
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    So Caledonian Mormaer with AP HMG, or the why can't you be just a little better. Colours: Primed White, Armour: leadbeltcher with 2 thicker washes of nuln oil, Weapons: Abadon Black drybrushed with stormhost silver, Uniform: Vallejo Olive Grey, Leather bags and straps: Mornfang brown with different mixtures of white and black added in, Saltire: Macragge blue little bit of white and then a white cross over it, Kilt: Mephiston Red, carronburg Crimson and black stripes for a generic Miltary Tartan.
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    William Wallace, or the clone of. Colours are the same as above, Hair: Mournfang brown, Skin: Bugmans Glow, then lightened with white for highlights and Riekland fleshade to wash it. Honking great Claymore: Leadbeltcher and nuln oil and a stormhost silver highlight.
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    Highlander Caterans, big base for some reason. Colours are as above with the stone being mechanicus standard grey, dry brushed with corax white and agrax earthshade. Red bricks are mephiston red and morunfang brown mixed together.
    Scale Picture.

    So thats my first steps into Infinity, I really love the models. Probably will pick up a starter set for MO, Pano or JSA. These really taught me how to do skin and faces and i need to work on that but they are acceptable.
  4. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Post this in here since i don't want to create a new thread. So im probably going to get another SC seraphon box and i want my Oldblood on carnosaur to really emphasize the whole flaming legion thing. I was thinking of using some flame bits from some models but im not sure where to source them from.
    As you can see from my quick notes in paint i was thinking of putting the flames from the extaled flamer of tzeench on either size of the jaw, with green stuff and trimming im sure i can make this work, even if the flames look a little flat. However, its the weapon im not sure about as flames i find from some kits have brazier which will make it more difficult to sculpt to the weapon. Any suggestions or previous tutorials would be helpful.
  5. Eagle Warrior

    Eagle Warrior Active Member

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    The Empire wizard kit has a flaming sword option. You could probably pick one up from a bitz website, and keep the hilt but swap the blade.

    Fire is also pretty easy to sculpt if you are confident with your greenstuff skills.
    LizardWizard and Ryanj4043 like this.
  6. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Good shout i had forgotten about them, may take a little work to saurus the blade up but that isn't hard. I tried greenstuffing flame before and it uttertly failed. I think i might be more succesful with flatter flame especially if i can base it on the flaming sword.
  7. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    So i had some spare models left over and i wanted to try two to learn technique. Detailed saturation like in a recent rerolling ones video, and OSL. Ill save everyone a sentence or two and i didnt do that and ended up trying to redefine my flaming lizards scheme. I did want to keep to ideas form Detailed Saturation, i want as few blocks of colour as possible, black body, red crest and chin, firey back and bright bronze weapons and armour. Mostly so i can paint an army with a theme at a reasonable speed while it still being not tedious. Here are the results:
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    Right to left: new colour scheme, old scheme and a failed one. He is half finished but he taught me that no i dont need some grey in there.
    The difference to old scheme is simply i dry brush the firey back on rather than paint it and it works alot better. Not sure the yellow and orange come through but i can work on it. Weapons are also washed with reikland fleshshade rather than agrax and it looks a little brighter again which is the idea. I also tried zenithal highlight without a air brush and i think it helped get the red bright.

    I need to stop rambling and paint more. Make that my October motivation.
  8. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Picked up some models recently. Got my self another SC seraphon so ill make and paint the battlelines soon and then go for a full magnetisation for the carnosaur/troglodon, after watching Calebs video on the matter i may copy his approach and expand on it but ill plan that soon enough. Anyway in the mean time i also got a Warden king and 10 Oathmark Heavy Infantry. I'll make another post in this blog comparing them cause i think they are almost interchangable, certainly nothing green stuff can't fix.
    Left most guy in above picture is the banner bearer. You can't see it but its a boar. Right most has two axes which was a mistake but now reminds me of that meme with the two hot dogs.
    Just missing a Musician. Might make the middle guy one. I didn't realise the arm i clipped of was his for the left side and then just rolled with.
    Better picture of what ill call Steve the dwarf with too many swords.

    Ill get these painted up soon. Probably blue and silver as clean as possible. I'll be running these as Iron Breakers.
    Lizards of Renown, Imrahil and Warden like this.
  9. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Oh I like that, good luck. I'll have to take a look at that video ;)

    Nice Dwarfs, dynamic looking :cool:
    Have fun painting

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden and Ryanj4043 like this.
  10. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks its down to the oathmark kit. There is so many different options. I think 7 different 1 handed weapons, two-handed and sheild arm options, all for 5 different bodies so plenty of choices.
  11. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Dwarf comparison post between the Warden King and Oathmark Heavy infantry. I'll paint these guys up hopefully this week.

    So Ill start at the top of these little guys.
    Heads are pretty comparable with GWs being a little bigger. You could interchange them and i think it wouldnt be silly.

    Similar hieght again but GW has broder dwarfs. i think this maybe a difficult one to kit bash but at the same time a little green stuff on the arms might just do it. When i get my hands on some Irondrakes/breaker kits ill see if they are more compatiable. Oathmark dwarfs also look medival Germanic/Scandanavian and look less like they're encased in the best armour out there so that might be an issue. If you want truely heavy plate infantry you may want to stick to GW but i think you could get away with it as ironbreakers like ill be using them.


    Shields are basically the same except the Oathmark ones are flatter, which is fine if your like them that way. They are also modelled to be wooden not Iron so this could be an issue for some if you wanted them as Ironbreakers in full gromill armour. Weapons are a similar size and the oathmark arms are thinner, a running theme here, so they could be interchanged if the torso's allow it.



    Final Thoughts
    These kits are of a comparibale size and absolutely could be used within the same army, maybe not in a GW store obviously, but if you want a kit that gives you alot of options for your dwarfs you could a very diverse and dynamic army of dwarfs and mixing them would give a nice variety on the table. Minor downside is that proportions are different and could be jarring for some. Oathmark dwarfs have taken the approach that dwarfs are smaller, slightly stockier humans rather than GWs stout and squat style of dwarfs. I recommend both these kits as they were fun to build and see what i could do with the oathmark kits and to build a favourite character from TW:WH. I will be using both kits again to build out a Greywater Fastness army, with the heavy infantry dwarfs filling the roll of my Anvil of Ironbreakers and potentially the bodies of Hammers.
  12. RubyScales
    Jungle Swarm

    RubyScales New Member

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    Try using cotton wool, sprayed or hand painted orange hues.
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  13. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    I had thought about that but i was worried about how it would hold up over time and hold its shape.
    Lizards of Renown and Imrahil like this.
  14. generatorss

    generatorss New Member

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    Saturate cotton wool with PVA glue mixed with water. Or hairspray should also strengthen the structure.
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  15. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Got my warden king done. Really happy with him and i would have done more dwarfs if i had a better brush on primer.

    Before washes, highlights and dry brushes.

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    Love me dwarfs. Please let me take them as allies with my lizards GW.
    Lizards of Renown, Warden and Imrahil like this.
  16. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    Dwarfs done. Next up SC saurus and ill have a 1000pt army im happy to run once im comfortable going to find a FLGS.
    Before washes and layers:

    After: Silver armour nuln weapons and leather gloves. Blue shields are dirty and quick but honestly for infantry it shouldn't matter.
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    I tried blue cloth for gloves but i got a smurf rather than a dwarf.
    For those curious the ginger brown hair was fire dragon bright and a touch abaddon black. I need to do the bases for them but that will take some time as i need to get all the rocks ready place them and then paint it all.
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  17. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    A little more detail to the dwarfs plus some basing done.
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    To add to a couple hundred pts of saurus i can say i have 210pts of dwarfs
    btrain16, Imrahil and Explodingzeb like this.
  18. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    So christmas came and gone and i got some models and tools, but those will be done soonish. Wanted to get through them as quick as possible before i start on the Saurus Guard and NCR Ranger. I can't wait for that last one.

    So two nights work here.
    All cold ones done, the body and army of my Oldblood/scar-vet for magnetising and finally the body of my carnosaur/troglodon. Im not sure ill get the trifecta of magentisation but i will try.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
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  19. Ryanj4043
    Cold One

    Ryanj4043 Well-Known Member

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    NCR Promo ranger is done. I am super happy with this.
    Kroq-Gar for scale.
    Colours used:
    • Jeans: Macragge Blue highlighed with lothern blue, no washes
    • Armour: Abbadon Black highlighted with stormhost silver to make it a little more something. I like the idea of the armour being black rather than combaty armoury. More fear factor for LAPD riot armour in the 2077s.
    • Duster: Zandri dust and agrax earthshade.
    • Helmet: Vallejo Olive green model colour and Agrax Earthshade
    • Leather: Mournfang brown and Agrax Earthshade
    • Metals: Classic duo of Agrax Earthshade and Leadbelcher
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Great work mate. Keep it up.
    LizardWizard and Ryanj4043 like this.

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