Hi all. New player to Warhammer. Historical gamer for 10 years with heaps of Warhammer Ancient Battles experience under my belt. Mainly use Dark Age armies for WAB. Also massive WWII and Vietnam gamer. I was watching those Beast of War videos on the new 8th Ed and got sucked in. Checking out all the armies I have decided that my calling is the Lizardmen. I have been browsing the forum and there is some good stuff here. I am looking forward to being a member. Cheers Paul
Welcome to warhammer fantasy. Lizardmen are a good introduction to the game, and can compete in all phases. Being the oldest of all the races, Lizardmen always know best. Looking forward to your perspective on things as you learn the game, being from an historical gaming background.
Thanks Caneghem. it's a very similar game to WAB so I should have no difficulties with movement, combat and shooting etc. What makes me nervous is the magic phase. I really have no idea about this part.
Yeah, I can see how it would be a little bit daunting. Best way to learn would probably be taking a skink priest in a low point game. Just go through the steps and anything that doesn't make sense you can ask in the rules section. We have a pretty quick response time here.
Welcome to the game (shoot, I just lost... ) Getting used to the magic phase will just take you a little bit of time my friend! Just do as the Can-Can has said! Take a little priest and try things out. You don't even have to really be in a battle to try it out, just grab your priest (or anything that you want to imagine is your priest), and follow the rules in the book going step by step until you get what's going on