Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    having exhausted your options you all decide to look for help. having gained the key stone to the Wizard tower Omen shiro and for some reason Bang head toward the city gates.
    Threespears decides to consult a old friend, the archivist is the grand master of the library and the blind monks. if there is information in this library the books have probably told him what you need to know.
    it's a good thing kobolds can see in the dark where you are going light is not allowed fire is out of the question and some of these texts are so old that even lesser lights could cause them further damage. you walk ever deeper under ground into the heart of the archives passing blindfolded monks who nod to you as you pass you are one of the few out side the order that can make use of this place and have been a common sight since you have been granted access. when you reach your destination it almost mundane a siting room with a bed a chair and a man sitting holding a closed book in his lap. he is very much awake and intent on his charge but when you enter he puts it to one side. "latter friend hospitality calls."
    "welcome Threespears it has been some time. what brings you to my home?"
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the three on a more magic quest head into the outer hills the evening winds are cold but not to the degree they where when you arrived.
    the trek to the tower is uneventful once you arrive omen holds up the key stone. you would have expected a door to appear to grant you access but instead the world lurches violently around you every thing seems to twist and fade and when it calms down you are no longer outside instead you stand in a foyer that is much bigger then the tower should have been. the key stone turns to dust in your grip and fades away.
    the atmosphere in the tower is strange you feel almost light as if nothing in the world could go wrong and that no matter what all will be well. t's the same feeling you might get from a grand temple of one of the good alined gods. but underneath that there is something cold vast auras that seem angree and vile Omen and shiro especially feel it like it is lashing at your souls and it is not wholly alien to you.
    at the far side of the room is a spiral stair case heading upwards.
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Nodding to Ohmen, Shiro mutters "You are the expert here, my friend. Take the lead."

    Shiro's sense of danger is somehow heightened as he looks around the bare space. The alien feeling he cannot quite put his finger on haunts and Azaphor seems to be... breathing heavily, or at least she is on edge.

    Shiro stretches his magical sense to the limit as well as the physical to perceive any kind of threat.
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    taking a moment you study your surroundings. looking closely at the walls and floor omen and shiro find that it's not made of stone. it looks to be made out of celestial glass not the strongest of materials but a anathema to all evil plainer beings all threw the glass is laced veins of silver and cold iron bound into runes and glyphs. omen takes a moment to consult with wisdom and manage to translate some of the arcane signs. you see binding warding and several names of good aliened gods. each brick in this room is worth a small fortune in it's own right and beings of hell would be hard pressed to even touch them let alone break them.
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro mutters to Ohmen and Bang that he can detect many Fiendish Presences around them and to be on their guard.
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Good afternoon! I dislike to pester you, but I have been given some new subjects to look into and was wondering if you had any suggestions on where to start my researches? I need any information you have about the current local noble lines - particularly lines of succession - and any information you have on incorporeal living-impaired apparitions?"
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Steadying himself, Ohmen allows the dust from the keystone to filter between his fingers. And as the particles fade away, he steps forward… Deep, in what could only be described in his heart, He could feel both warmth and coldness in equal measure, The room was awash in grandeur, each brick carved in the likeness of benevolence… Yet, the changeling would not let himself get ensnared in these feelings of comfort and security that surfaced, for there was another feeling. A feeling of vast, coldness beneath his feet, one which served as a reminder to remain keen and aware… Something.. Malign, something terrible hung low in the room's air. This so called presence, it was not seen, nor heard. It was felt, not by the skin, but with the soul…

    Breathing shallowly, Ohmen looks around the room, studying its intricacies as his eyes trace the walls and flooring.. Meanwhile Wisdom had too felt the underlying magics that tugged on their emotions and soul at play, and In response the bird had however gone deathly silent. The raven going on to close his eyes, as if further exploring the senses that had been awoken from within..

    As Shiro ( who was after little debate likewise granted access to the tower, an act which Ohmen was now much grateful for given the mysterious circumstances they now found themselves in) begins to speak, Ohmen suddenly lifts up his hand, stopping him before gesturing for him to come closer, pointing out that the walls were not seemingly made from stone, but rather of celestial glass. With a step closer, Ohmen shows a handful of arcane signs carved into the surfaces, following them with his finger before speaking in a hushed tone as he reads the names and wards out aloud... Wisdoms calm voice breaking the uneasy atmosphere “Your tongue, Ohmen, has the pleasure of speaking virtuous names, the names of many a good-aliked god…”

    It is only now the changeling turns back to Shiro, noticing the heightened sense of danger in his eyes before replying “I suppose there’s little more we can do than continue on, watch your step and of course remember,” Ohmen looks to Big Bang “We are here on the hospitality of the tower, so keep the mage’s words close, and your senses closer.”
  8. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    ah interested in who our new lord will be? that is fair enough and the answer is easy there is none. at the moment the only man woman or child that has a claim to Evermarch is the Baron and he wasn't born a noble so his claim lasts only until his replacement is found. a sad story that they where such a fine couple. he became the warden of the wall so he could gain the minor title he holds. just so the late lord Leo would accept him as son in law.
    but we won't know who is next in line until the King choses some one. Evermarch isn't a popular title to hold considering the responsibility, what ever wealth it holds goes to the wall so some even think of it as a punishment rather then a boon.
    as for spirits you know how many voices this building holds do you know what we are dealing with?
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    as shiro and omen clime the tower the underlying coldness only gets stronger. you pass many floors on your way up most hold wizards sitting or standing in magic circles channeling power into the tower its self and maintaining the wards. above them you see scribs odd that they would hold a higher position in the tower then the wizards it is named after. they are in a library arguing over a scroll they are working on but no sound passes threw the open door. one of them has the robes of office of a barrister.
    then a few floors up you encounter your first deamond.
    a creature of shadow is chained to the floor and it isn't alone almost a dozen feinds are held each within a complex magic circle not drawn on the floor but engraved out of silver and cold iron you recognise inward facing circles of protection from evil and depending on the being inside law or chaos. holy symbols are set up all around the room facing inward. and this is not the last floor like this.
    as you ascend more strange and ever more powerful outsiders are found. ever more complicated wards are in place some have guards and a few are in transport heading up the tower ahead of you bound in chains flanked by archons. with several leed lins held by wizards and clerics.
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looks around at the ugly things in cages
    "yeach, what are these things They smell awful" Bang rudely comments. Completely oblivious to the fact that most of these creatures could take his head off in mere seconds. However bang isnt concentrating on these nasty critters, instead he is focusing on his schematics which are near complete, with only a few more adjustments left
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro watches impassively as they are led through the upper floors of the mage tower. None of the entities caged and trapped within affect him, other than his already heightened senses being raised even higher on impending danger.

    Azaphor, however, is not so calm.

    Shiro feels her smoldering anger and panic as she views these beings through his eyes and her own perceptics. Anger at the imprisonment and panic as to whether she could or would be so trapped. In Shiro's mind, her emotions reached a fever pitch, further adding to his own sense of on-edgeness as despite himself both he and Azaphor gather arcane energy to themselves to protect against one of these bursting free or suddenly becoming the target of these entrapments.

    "Nothing good will come of this prison." Shiro mutters to the others. "No-one has ever successfully used these creatures as a power source (which is evidently what they are doing) for long without dire circumstances."

    As they move on, Shiro mutters to himself "This is a disaster waiting to happen."
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Remaining mostly silent as they begin their ascent, Ohmen can be seen looking toward each of the creatures as he passes by, his eyes spending a little longer on them than others… It is only when they pass yet another, The changeling speaks.

    “Their souls. Black as Death. Their bodies. Twisted and Maniacal. Malice made manifest. Oh.. Such power."

    His voice is calm and slow, melodious in a way… His eyes find themselves guided towards one of the creatures before him as he delivers yet another sentence. Before which Ohmen turns to look at Shiro, his tongue both cruel and kind, as if it were fighting the very nature of the words he spoke.

    “alv oar idd zmyur yooarzw, myry zmyh duy. Liuv das vorv vrujyl ulza zmy pfv. (Infernal - “And for all their efforts, here they lie. Laid low and driven into the mud.”)

    With a slight sigh, Ohmen continues

    “To continue in such ignorance, I too suppose such bliss, they would like to say there was no such thing. A fairy tale, A myth… and in doing so allowed it, like a wound in reality, to fester, down in the dark.”

    Wisdoms gaze, unlike others, remains fixated on the eyes of the evil’s and good's alike as the bird passes them. The bird stared into their souls, and they stared back… “No tree can grow to heaven without its roots in hell. You must wonder if it was judged better to bring good from evil than for no evil to exist at all. Such as it is, Those in debt to one another, can only steal what is already owed... To fight monsters, You must know them. And if you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back.” the raven slowly speaks.

    As each set of stairs continues spiraling upwards, each one seemingly taller than the last. Ohmen looks at the ever more powerful, ever more malevolent creatures, most of which Ohmen had never heard of, let alone looked upon..

    “I thought I knew too much, But now, every day I see that I know nothing, nothing at all... To whatever end keeping these creatures here works to, I will make sure I am far from this place when but a single link chain comes loose… for that is all it would take for the dam to break, and for a thousand lifetimes of enmity and malice to flow forth, reckless, enraged.”
  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    when you reach the top of the tower you come across a scene between a very impressive being and one less so. on one side is a monster 15 feet tall with Thick muscles cling to his gigantic frame, armored over by dense, bladed scales capable of deflecting all but the most potent assaults. Fangs as thick as daggers fill his maw all held withing a beastial vistage the hints at the vast intelegence within. and on the other stands a almost friendly looking man only 5'2" and with a bit of a paunch and balding he looks almost comical standing opposed to this master of hell. if you didn't know better. upon closer look the Devil looks almost desiccated if such a thing can happen to such a being. skin taught across his powerful muscles his skin has a sickly pallor to it.
    the man turns toward you "please come no closer friends i am in the middle of something." and just like that the devil surges forward just to crash against a invisible wall at the edge of his circle.
    "Release me mortal! how long have we done this? how long have you held me? how long must you torment me? have i not told you what you wished? why must you ask more of me? you have already built up a reconing in hell to rival even the greatest of paladins or heros. me and mine know your name we will hunt you till the end of time. must you further add weight to your scale?"
    "you know the terms i set forward all you have to do is agree to them. do not try to shame me no amount of your words can make me pitty a creature like you, and nothing can make me fear your retribution i know better then all what my actions will cost me and those that aid me i also know what has come of my work and i count the cost cheap as do all the rest hear."
    "Do they? and what of the people that harbor you? what of the lands you protect? are you willing to sell all of their souls as well? what of these new comers?" it turns to look your way and it's gaze burns. Azaphor quails within shiro's chest pulling back as deep as she can to avoid being seen. "are they willing to suffer for your crusade?"
    the man sighs heavily "why must you talk in circles? you repeat your ask the same of all our visitors and my answer is always the same. as of yet you have to hold over them you know not their names" at this he casts you a pointed glance" nore have they committed any action against you if their own actions take them into your realm then that is on their heads not mine. your torment lasts until you sign." at this he unrolls a vast scroll the end just passing into the circle. "the terms will not change no matter how much you beg i can hold you hear as long as i must. is one human life span really worth this? so what will it be? will you agree to this or must we repeat this sherad again in a year and a day?"
    the silence that comes next streachess longer then can be counted in this room seconds seem like hours under the constant pressure exerted by the 2 wills clashing finally the one breaks "so be it mortal, i also tire of this you ask much. but i will do as you say in exchange for your name"the devil reaches down and touches the base of the scroll. with a flash it winds back up and lands on a near by table.
    the wizard nods and the circle vanishes. he then begins casting and a large portal appears" you have it feind my name is Nazaric for all the good it will do you. instead of flying at him the devil only nods and walks threw the portal. and then it closes.
    the wizard deflates all the confidence and strength he was showing goes out of him. "well that never gets any easier. now how can i help you three to day?"
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looks around and considers his options. He pauses to consider his words then speaks
    "Hello, do you know how to make a Banshee fuck off? One of them is causing a client some trouble and we would like to get it to booger off."
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro winces at the brash words.

    "Please forgive our long-toothed friend. He is loyal and trustworthy, but likes not the exchange of pleasantries and manners which oil the mechanics of human relations."

    Giving Bang a meaningful look, he continues.

    "Our fellowship has been tasked by the Baron to rid the countryside of the Spectre that currently haunts it. Know you anything of this spirit? How to banish it? Or even why it keeps referring to usurpers?"
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  16. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew had followed the group of three: Bigbang, Ohmen, and Shiro ever since they'd entered the Wizard Tower. His cover was revealed after Bangs words when he coughed out a laugh at the brash bunny. Drew stepped out of the shadows with a grin on his face, he knelt and patted Bang on the head saying, "Settle down there friend, you probably don't want to piss off a wizard who just made a deal with a devil."
  17. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “Make It Bow.”
    Ohmen dares whisper within his mind as Nazaric turns to the creature, the scroll uncurling with a certain suggestion...

    It is however on his word Nazaric turns back, pointing a condemning finger back toward the group in reply to the devils mention of them:

    ….His words echo in Ohmens mind, eating away, gnawing… Shaking his head in denial and though, Ohmen takes a step back, the metallic, and heavy taste of realisation on his tongue. He must be careful in both word and step when dealing with those powers that be, for Evil or for Good…

    Ohmen proceeds to become interrupted as he looks to his shoulder, watching as Wisdom struggles not to speak out in either question or to deliver some supposid statement to the devil before the creature had crawled back into the portal, its hulking frame defeated by what seemingly looked to be nothing more than mere human. The bird had however, decided better, remaining silent… At least ‘devils’ had the ‘dignity’ to follow their word in one sense or another, albeit twisted and warped to the wills of evermore dangerous and wicked forces than those chaotic beasts which existed only to bring death and destruction… Either way, the denizens of hell were not to be reckoned with… Something Ohmen already knew, but would come to know once more…

    Staring silently, and remaining reserved instead of taking the initiative of the conversation, Ohmens eyes continue to stare at the space where the portal had just flickered out of existence, the words of the so called ‘Nazaric’ flowing past him as he remains fixated on the devil, its words carved out and repeated again within his head… Queries flowed between the periods of silence in the wizards speech. The creaking of the floorboards and footsteps below partnered with the groans of other beasts became questions… What was it that Nazaric wanted from such wicked creatures? Would they be broken so easily by ensnarement for a year despite their immortal lives? Surely there was more at play.

    Suddenly Big Bang breaks his chain of thoughts, just as the chains of the demon had faded.

    Receding slightly, Ohmen instead opts to stand back, His eyes interlocking with Nazarics as he waits for a response.. Perhaps it would be better to leave his own personal inquiries for later.
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "a Banshee? no i have not been out of my tower in some years binding a pit fiend takes years and he had been acting up in the last few.
    as for how to break a banshee i can help you with that, do we know anything about her? what family does she guard? remember speak no names in the tower."
    Lizerd, Nazqua, Tk'ya'pyk and 2 others like this.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "That, at least, I have an inkling of. I believe it to be some kind of banshee. One of my associates said something about an 'Elder Banshee,' if that helps? I'm not entirely certain what the difference is, and was hoping you could enlighten me. Apparently, it was shouting something about an Usurper when it killed people, and certain people who shall remain nameless for their own protection claim it bore a resemblance to an older version of the late Countess, so it may have been an ancestor of hers. Any ideas?"
  20. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "an elder Banshee? oh my that does narrow it down. let us go see if any of my charges know more about them and ill tell you what i know on the way" so saying the Archivist stands up and heds down one of the isles running his hands lightly down the shelves stopping every now and then to place a hand on one of the scripts "well to start all banshees are willing guardians they purposely give up their after life to guard their descendants, with magic protection and in some cases physical form the mere presence of one can act as a ward. a greater banshee is one who was a mage in life, they retain their minds and their spells and are much more potent protectors." he stops and takes a old tome and hold it in his hands taking it with him as he goes." ah hear we are this one will tell us more. from what it is saying if you cross a banshee there are 2 main things to be mindful of. one is that their screams bring death. hearing a banshees call strips the soul from a person so i suggest bringing wax or plugs for your ears. that said it's a spiritual thing so make sure you ward the material some how or it won't help much. second banshees are better protected then even normal spirits when it comes to being harmed. even ghost touch is not a perfect solution although it does help.they can be harmed thaumaturgicaly find something tide to them be it a family heirloom or if you are not above it even grave dust of their house and that with normal meins will allow you to fight it."

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