hey guys i had a flick through the lizzie army boo and noticed a couple of awesome coour schemes mainly dark colours highlighted with the colour with a tad of white in i couln't decide so i wanted you advice on what colours they should be and how hard it is to achieve the desired affect. Cheers once again. Calum
Blue would potentially be easier since it is GWs scheme so there will be lots of good guides around for it... Why don't you try several of them on a few models and see what you do and don't like? It is very hard to judge how a scheme will look until you put it on a model. Oh yeah, not sure what your level of painting is, but if you are a beginner probably stay away from black. It can be difficult to make it look good and not just lose all detail.
to be honest im not a beginner but im not pro im somwhere in the middle so hopefully i caould give black a go but yh when i get mi skninks ill try the schemes on them ,,, ta Calum
I bought a box of skinks and every 1 is different so i could trial schemes and techniques until i found 1 i liked. Bear in mind that you could pretty much use 2 colours and a wash and complete a squad.
I want to see someone paint some Violet purple colored skinks. you could probaly just base them purple bry brush/blend their bellies and then do a light bry brush on the betails, then wash eveything in levithan purple.