Warhammer Fantasy RP Expansion Project

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by ChapterAquila92, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Heyo, ChapterAquila92 here!

    I've been humming and hawing at the prospect of expanding upon 4th Edition Warhammer Fantasy RP for some time, and so I've decided to go ahead with the idea and put pen to paper to do just that.

    Thus far, I've been working off of information provided in the 4th Edition core rulebook, as well as sourcing reference material from several 2nd Edition supplements to which I've been fortunate to find PDF copies for (especially Children of the Horned Rat, Ogres, Knights of the Grail, and Tome of Corruption). For the purpose of servicing unconventional campaigns however - my primary aim with this project - this still leaves a considerable collection of regions and factions unaccounted for.

    Fortunately, the old WFB army books can work well in a pinch for lore and part of the base statlines for characters and bestiary entries.

    Due to ongoing military commitments, I might not always be able to post more than snippets for the time being. I will however do my best to share what progress I've made. I'm also open to suggestions from you guys as to what to add, remove or improve.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I'm not familiar with Warhammer Fantasy RP. Is this a more advanced Warhammer Quest?
  3. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    I've never played Quest, so I don't know for certain. I can say however that it's core mechanics are percentile-based, and that character base statline bonuses are comparable to unit statlines in WFB.
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  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Interesting, where did you buy your books?
  5. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    I've got both hard and PDF copies of the 4th Edition core rulebook, and I lucked out with getting PDF copies of the 2nd Edition books via torrent close to a decade ago.
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  6. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    I know I got quite a few 2nd ed. books through a Humble Bundle a couple years back. 4th ed. can be bought in Drivethru RPG, 2nd ed possibly as well.
  7. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    As a brief rundown on the base template I'll be using for creatures and races, with the baseline Reiklander human from the core rulebook for reference:

    Base Attribute (Abbr): 2d10 + Racial Bonus (Average value)
    Attribute Bonus: Base Attribute/10 (rounding down)
    Movement: comparable to movement value in WFB
    Fate and Resilience points: because WFRP can be a bit of a killer dungeon, PCs and important NPCs have a limited means of cheating death over the course of the campaign, either through luck or sheer gritty resolve. In general, the better the overall racial bonuses for a given race, the fewer the number of points allocated to each. This also applies to bonus starting points which can be allocated as the player sees fit during character creation.
    Skills: Characters of this species start with free advances (think in terms of D&D's skill ranks) in 6 skills selected from this list, separately from skills granted through their given career. These are otherwise not counted as class skills.
    Talents/Traits: Characters of this species start with all traits and talents listed here. Some traits may be interchangeable and are denoted as such with an or operand. Some species also have access to a number of random traits which are rolled for.

    Human (Reiklander)
    Weapon Skill (WS): 2d10+20 (30)
    Ballistic Skill (BS): 2d10+20 (30)
    Strength (S): 2d10+20 (30)
    Toughness (T): 2d10+20 (30)
    Initiative (I): 2d10+20 (30)
    Agility (Ag): 2d10+20 (30)
    Dexterity (Dex): 2d10+20 (30)
    Intelligence (Int): 2d10+20 (30)
    Willpower (WP): 2d10+20 (30)
    Fellowship (Fel): 2d10+20 (30)
    Wounds (W): SB + (2 x TB) + WPB (12)
    Movement (M): 4
    Fate points: 2
    Resilience points: 1
    Bonus points: 3

    Skills: Charm, Cool, Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Evaluate, Intuition, Language (Reikspiel), Language (Bretonnian), Language (Wastelander), Lore (Reikland), Melee (any), Perception, Ranged (Bow)

    Talents/Traits: Doomed, Savvy or Suave, 3 Random Traits
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Since this is Lustria Online, what better way to kick off this project than with some Lizardmen.

    Skink/Chameleon Skink
    WS: 2d10+10 (20)
    BS: 2d10+20 (30)
    S: 2d10+20 (30)
    T: 2d10+10 (20)
    I: 2d10+30 (40)
    Ag: 2d10+20 (30)
    Dex: 2d10+20 (30)
    Int: 2d10+20 (30)
    WP: 2d10+20 (30)
    Fel: 2d10+20 (30)
    W: SB + (2 x TB) + WPB (10)
    M: 6
    Fate points: 2
    Resilience points: 1
    Bonus points: 3

    WS: 2d10+20 (30)
    BS: 2d10+10 (20)
    S: 2d10+30 (40)
    T: 2d10+30 (40)
    I: 2d10+15 (25)
    Ag: 2d10+20 (30)
    Dex: 2d10+20 (30)
    Int: 2d10+10 (20)
    WP: 2d10+30 (40)
    Fel: 2d10+10 (20)
    W: SB + (2 x TB) + WPB (16)
    M: 4
    Fate points: 0
    Resilience points: 2
    Bonus points: 3

    WS: 2d10+20 (30)
    BS: 2d10+10 (20)
    S: 2d10+40 (50)
    T: 2d10+30 (40)
    I: 2d10+10 (20)
    Ag: 2d10+20 (30)
    Dex: 2d10+10 (20)
    Int: 2d10+10 (20)
    WP: 2d10+25 (35)
    Fel: 2d10+10 (20)
    W: (SB + (2 x TB) + WPB) x2 (32)
    M: 6
    Fate points: 0
    Resilience points: 2
    Bonus points: 2

    Skills & Talents


    Skills: Climb, Cool, Dodge, Evaluate, Language (Bretonnian), Language (Eltharin), Language (Saurian), Language (Khazalid), Lore (Lustria), Melee (Basic), Perception, Ranged (Throwing), Sleight of Hand, Swim

    Talents/Traits: Amphibious, Cold-Blooded, Flee!, Fleet-Footed or Strider (Any), Hatred (Chaos), Lightning Reflexes or Nimble-fingered, Night Vision, Resistance (Chaos), 2 Random traits​

    Chameleon Skink

    Skills: Climb, Cool, Dodge, Evaluate, Language (Bretonnian), Language (Eltharin), Language (Saurian), Language (Khazalid), Lore (Lustria), Melee (Basic), Perception, Ranged (Blowpipe), Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim

    Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Amphibious, Cold-Blooded, Flee!, Fleet-Footed or Strider (Any), Hatred (Chaos), Lightning Reflexes or Nimble-fingered, Night Vision, Ranged (Blowpipe), Resistance (Chaos), Stealthy, 1 Random trait

    Skills: Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Intimidate, Language (Saurian), Language (Battle), Lore (Lustria), Melee (Basic), Perception, Swim

    Talents/Traits: Acute Sense (Smell), Battle Rage or Strike Mighty Blow, Bite (SB+4), Cold-Blooded, Combat Aware or Fearless, Frenzy, Hardy or Very Resilient, Hatred (Chaos), Resistance (Chaos), Stout-Hearted or Strong-Minded, Very Strong or Warrior Born


    Skills: Endurance, Intimidate, Language (Battle), Language (Saurian), Melee (Basic), Swim

    Talents: Amphibious, Battle Rage or Strike Mighty Blow, Bite (SB+4), Cold-blooded, Frenzy, Frightening or Menacing, Hardy or Very Resilient, Resistance (Chaos), Size (Large), Strider (Marsh), Strong Back or Sturdy, Strong Swimmer, Stupid, Tail Attack (SB+3), Very Strong or Warrior Born
    Thoughts? Queries? Concerns?
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Where do I find what the percentile stat scores mean and interact with each other?

    And where do I find the definitions for the skills?
  10. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    All of that information can be found in the 4th Edition core rulebook for WFRP.

    To elaborate more on the percentile system used in WFRP, the percentile stats dictates the likelihood of that character succeeding on a challenging test using that attribute or skill (that is, a test without modifiers), effectively meaning that this is a game in which you want to roll under the target number.
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  11. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    After thinking this one over, I suppose an explanation may be in order.

    I've largely been writing this under the assumption that this is meant to be used as a supplement to the core rulebook and not a complete re-write of it. However, if need be, I can provide an abridged summary of each skill and talent when I get the chance if you'd like.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    If you can, would be great. Otherwise, I'm keeping an eye out for a PDF or hardcopy rulebook.

  13. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    I'll do what I can. There's a lot of contextual information for the talents and traits, so I'll just be focusing on the skills for now.

    A brief pre-description summary here: basic skills do not require advancements in them in order to be tested, but advanced skills definitely do.

    Here's a brief run-down on the skills available:
    • Animal Care (Int, Advanced) - ability to tend and care for animals, and heal them if they fall sick or become wounded.
    • Animal Training (Int, Advanced): your understanding of a particular type of animal, and your ability to train them.
    • Art (Dex, Basic): your ability to create works of art in your chosen medium.
    • Athletics (Ag, Basic): your ability to run, jump, and move with speed or grace, and to perform any general physical activity.
    • Bribery (Fel, Basic): your ability to judge how likely a person is to accept a bribe, and how best to offer the bribe so they will accept it.
    • Channelling (WP, Advanced): your ability to call upon and control a given Wind of Magic.
    • Charm (Fel, Basic): your ability to make people think favorably of you, your opinions, and proposed actions.
    • Charm Animal (WP, Basic): your ability to befriend, quickly calm, or subjugate animals.
    • Climb (S, Basic): your ability to ascend steep or vertical surfaces.
    • Consume Alcohol (T, Basic): your ability to handle alcohol without letting it cloud your judgement or render you unconscious.
    • Cool (WP, Basic): your ability to remain calm under stress, resist fear when faced with horrors, and stick to your convictions.
    • Dodge (Ag, Basic): your ability to avoid things, through ducking, diving, and moving quickly; used to resist attacks or avoid damage in combat.
    • Drive (Ag, Basic): your ability to guide vehicles (including carts, coaches, and the experimental creations of Imperial Engineers) along roads with as little incident as possible.
    • Endurance (T, Basic): your ability to resist or recover from various conditions and helps you recover lost wounds.
    • Entertain (Fel, Basic): your ability to delight crowds with the spoken word (i.e. singing, acting, comedy, etc).
    • Evaluate (Int, Advanced): your ability to determine the value of rare artifacts, unusual trade goods, and works of art.
    • Gamble (Int, Basic): your ability to measure the likelihood that a bet will pay off, as well as successfully engage in various games of chance.
    • Gossip (Fel, Basic): your ability to ferret out interesting and useful news, and spread rumours of your own.
    • Haggle (Fel, Basic): your ability to secure better deals when negotiating with others.
    • Heal (Int, Advanced): your ability to deal with injuries and diseases.
    • Intimidate (S, Basic): your ability to coerce or frighten sentient creatures.
    • Intuition (I, Basic): your ability to get a good feel for your surroundings, leading you to notice when something is wrong, and a sense of when people are hiding something from you.
    • Language (Int, Advanced): your ability to speak and understand a given language beyond your native tongue. Also required to cast spells.
    • Leadership (Fel, Basic): your ability to lead others and command their respect.
    • Lore (Int, Advanced): your ability to recall relevant facts in a given branch of specialist knowledge.
    • Melee (WS, Basic): your ability to use a specific type of melee weapon.
    • Navigation (I, Basic): your ability to find your way in the wilderness using landmarks, stellar bodies or maps.
    • Outdoor Survival (Int, Basic): your ability to survive in the wild, including the ability to fish, hunt, forage, and build fires and shelters.
    • Perception (I, Basic): your ability to notice things with your senses, including magical or non-human senses.
    • Perform (Ag, Advanced): your ability to entertain crowds through a given physically demanding art.
    • Pick Lock (Dex, Advanced): your ability to open locks without their proper keys.
    • Play (Dex, Advanced): your ability to make music with a given instrument.
    • Pray (Fel, Advanced): your ability to invoke or otherwise commune with a deity.
    • Ranged (BS, Advanced): your ability to use a specific type of ranged weapon.
    • Research (Int, Advanced): your ability to seeking useful and frequently obscure knowledge from libraries and other similar sources of information.
    • Ride (Ag, Basic): your ability to ride a particular group of animals.
    • Row (S, Basic): your ability to pull an oar and moving a boat through the water.
    • Sail (Ag, Advanced): your ability to operate and manoeuvre a sailing vessel, including knotwork, steering, gauging the wind and water, and more.
    • Secret Signs (Int, Advanced): your ability to use clandestine markings only intelligible to members of a select group.
    • Set Trap (Dex, Advanced): your ability to set and disarm traps of all varieties.
    • Sleight of Hand (Dex, Advanced): your ability to pick pockets, palm objects, and perform minor tricks of prestidigitation, as well as cheating with games of chance.
    • Stealth (Ag, Basic): your ability to creep quietly and conceal yourself in shadows in a given environment.
    • Swim (S, Advanced): your ability to swim in water without drowning.
    • Track (I, Advanced): your ability to follow subtle trails left by others.
    • Trade (Dex, Advanced): your ability to create something or provide a service, as well as your knowledge of the relevant lore surrounding your given trade.
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  14. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Not quite an update, but with my recent purchase of several adventure modules and supplements from Cubicle7 in PDF format (including 4e conversion tables), I'm thankful that some of the work I'll need to do has already been done. The Middenheim expansion will be especially useful for its alternatives to the regular Reiklander human, and as study material going forward when working on regional variants of other species.

    I may yet go back to revise the skill and talent profiles I've listed for the various lizardmen based on this.
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  15. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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  16. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    I set aside time during my off-watch hours to look up homebrew content for WFRP, specifically content relevant to the Asur kingdoms of Ulthuan. Nothing for 4th Edition so far, but apparently someone did an entire fully illustrated homebrew supplement for a supposed 3rd Edition back in 2012. I'll be seeing how to best adapt this for use in 4th Edition.

    In the process of doing so, I also stumbled across this Reddit thread featuring someone else's 4e Lizardmen homebrew. It's more free-form than I was expecting, with a few things I likely wouldn't have considered, but it's pretty insightful to review in comparison to what I've already posted here.
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  17. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    Stumbling into more homebrew content online to help make this project easier.

    So far, I've managed to discover unofficial 4e supplements for Skaven and Nehekharans (!), both of which should prove entertaining, as well as some bonus content for Bretonnian NPCs and careers.
  18. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    As a bit of a side-project, I've taken to writing up an unofficial supplement specific to Lizardmen for 4th Edition WFRP, since what's currently available doesn't really jive with their lore in the World-That-Was. I've gone ahead and revamped the starting attributes, skills, talents and traits of 6 species (4 of which technically Skinks), along with writing up some 7 additional careers (most of which being alternatives to those featured in the core rulebook) and a small armoury of Lizardmen-specific weapons and armour.

    On that note, does anyone have a rough estimate on population demographics (preferably expressed in percentile form) among Lizardmen? I understand that Skinks make up the overwhelming majority of Lizardmen society, followed by Saurus as its "warrior class", Chameleon Skinks, and then Kroxigors in that order (I'd include slann if they were ), and that the Southlands had been receiving fewer Saurus spawnings than their Lustrian counterparts.
    Imrahil likes this.
  19. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    I suppose I answered my own question here by re-discovering @Scalenex 's population analysis from a while back.

    As it stands by their calculations, a typical Lustrian population is comprised of around 86% skinks (including Red-Crested and Chameleon varieties), 8% saurus, and 4% kroxigors. A Southlands population, due to saurus being rarer there, could easily see upwards of 90-92% of the population be comprised of skinks instead, and saurus distribution being closer to that of kroxigors.
    Imrahil and Scalenex like this.
  20. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This is pretty solid. Your numbers are in the ballpark of what I envision. I would boost the Southlands Kroxigor by a few percentage points.

    I also think smaller settlements would have proportionally more Saurus than the Big Four, but that's probably not that important in the grand scheme of things. The Big Four (referring to the four continuously occupied temple cities) probably over shadow all other Lizardmen settlements population at least 2:1 but I always found smaller settlements more fun to write/read about.
    ChapterAquila92 and Imrahil like this.

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