I love the fluff for the Lizardmen army, but I'm not a huge fan of some the models. I'm carefully considering all options to fill-out my ranks. These guys could make good Kroxigors with just a little conversion work, I reckon: Gatormen Posse, from Privateer Press Has anybody tried using them? Are there pictures?
I'm pretty sure the scale is comparable (they both stand on 40mm bases), 'cept the Privateer models are about $29.99 for 3. Just a thought.
Well if you like those guys, check out "Wargods" Sobeki army.... http://www.crocodilegames.com/secur...=26&pageHeading=Items - Miniatures - Aegyptus
Oh wow! Yeah, I DO like those! Man, I'm going to have to see if my local game store can get those in!
They are really cool but they are too small to use as Kroxigors (I wanted to use them that way myself), being only slightly larger than the average temple guard. They do make great scar veterans or old bloods however.
I just checked the wargods page (should have done that before I posted...) and found a guy that could be used as a kroxigor after all, being mounted on a 40 mm base:
All those crocodiles, would fit perfectly in my chupayotl army, but I was already planning to use rivertrolls as kroxigors. Well I can always use a sobeki one as scar-vet, he would be the only crocodile, well I just gotta make a story up that he's blessed and turned into an underwater creature.
I am thinking of the River Trolls too as the GW Krox look amazing but are SUCH A RIP OFF! £14 for what used to be about £8? I hate GW, I am looking at converting some of these; I may have to change the whole look of my army to fit them in but I AM using Kroak as my Slann so could begin to 'gothic' up my army to match them.
awesome idea, plus it saves some cash. I might have to order some for my list. Are those the only 3 poses?
Just so you know som GW stores have a very strict "sod off" rule about non-GW models about on the same level as paper armies. For example some stores even ban certain GW games my local you ar'nt allowed to play battlefleet gothic