Slann Basing

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Portent of Far, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. Portent of Far

    Portent of Far New Member

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    Hey all, I'll be investing in a Slann Mage-Priest at the weekend, but as far as basing goes, I need some advice.
    First of all, I was considering making a shallow pool of green stuff which could be filled with water effects/pva, which would both look good and supprort the flying stand, but I'm not sure if this will be practical.

    I also would like some how-to on small flowers for the base, as my Slann uses the Lore of Life.

    Any other ideas are welcome!
    Thanks in advance
  2. Gerdion

    Gerdion New Member

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    What I find works rather well for the flowers is simple... paper. If you take a stiffer, parchment textured paper, it will hold up well on the base. What I do then is I steal the sewing pins from my fiance (the ones with the really small bob-heads). Draw the flowers on the paper in the size and shape that you want in pencil, then design and color with either colored-pencils or paint. Cut them out carefully with an exacto-knife. Paint the body of the pin green and carefully (don't stick yourself) bend the pin with a slight bend. Real flowers don't stick up perfectly erect. Depending on what color the bob-heads are you may or may not have to paint them. Stick the pins through the center of the flower and into your base. Done! The head of the small pin will act as the stamen of the flower (or whatever it's called). Repeat. By placing several flowers in bunches, you can really make it look great.

    Now I was really inspired by this guy. Check out his plant basing tutorials here. It's freakin' amazing!
  3. Hookadoodle

    Hookadoodle New Member

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    Wow thats so much! That site was fascinating! Ill try doing something like that

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