Mysterious monolith appears on island off coast of England... And also in Romania and US?!? 2020 the movie is getting to the crisis stage of the story evidently... I just hope no-one mahlecting touches it... Or that we don't suddenly get a bunch of apes dancing around it... Have you seen this article @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl ? Have any of the LO users in the US heard about the one supposedly in the US? Seems like someone is coordinating this intercontinentally and I have to say hats off to them as this will be an active internet conspiracy
If I'm not wrong, the one in Romania appeared a couple of days later, and it was apparently made with some haste (there were signs of welding). So i'd say it's more that someone has been ready to react.
The US one was in Utah, if I am correct. And already was removed because of the damage done to the surrounding nature by visitors. Grrr, Imrahil
Last sunday anotherone appeared in Friesland, the Netherlands this time: (This is the first English link I could find, there are several Dutch articles) Grrr, Imrahil