Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Suddenly Omeotl halts the group. Without giving a word, the chameleon lets loose the dart loaded into his blowpipe before, now no longer concerned with remaining quiet, speaking for his chameleons, Xlauax included to unleash their worst upon the disorganized warmbloods



    Wiping away a small trickle of sweat from his forehead, one of the loggers takes a step back taking in a deep breath of the ash filled air. Bracing himself, he grips his axe, readying to take another chunk out of the tree he was working on. The lumbering process had been going well today.

    Rather abruptly the sound of snapping branches breaks the relative monotony. A handful of multicolored birds fan out, spraying from a denser group of tree’s up ahead, making alien shrieks as they go… Unaware of the heavy breathing the noises hide, the warmblood's mind is eased as the gentle dribble of conversation beside him continues alongside the distant sound of crackling flames. Perhaps another logging group had been assigned to their location and was on the way.

    That assumption however, could not be more wrong.

    Suddenly a whizzing sound rips past his ear. Turning to face his companion, the logger watches in horror as his partner’s eyes open wide, his pupils black as death, his mouth frothing with a red foam. A bone dart is lodged in his partner's neck, penetrating his trachea with a small, minuscule dribble of blood.

    As the body collapses to his side, the logger turns in the direction of the shot to see the alien face of some two limbed reptile recede back into the brush, merging with the undergrowth and disappearing. His heart skipping several beats as he breathed in heavy.

    Before the air could even escape his lungs to shout the jungle in front of him erupts. At first it looked as if the undergrowth itself was shifting out of position, begging to charge forward, but now out in the open it became clear. They had arrived.

    With a singular guttural snarl Tezka lifts up a hand before releasing his fan of saurian warriors. The panicked shouts of those several warmbloods first to notice the lizardmen pierce through into the clearing are quickly drowned out by the deep, guttural roar’s of the saurus and now skink directed kroxigors. This would be a massacre.

    Within seconds the saurus were upon them. 3 of the 5 strong group of loggers immediately before them cut down in a display of brutal efficiency, coating a handful of the Saussure in a spray of blood as the other two humans began to run to the larger group behind, screaming and scrambling as they did so. Their efforts where however in vain, their running forms tumbling headfirst into the mud seconds later as darts filled their faces. Fitting. They who had brought such pain upon the land would now fertilize it with their own blood.

    Now realizing what was at hand, what looked to be not an elf, but a man coated in shining metal and plumbing feathers rapidly ordered for his loggers to begin mounting the carts, trying to send a handful of men towards the saurus in hopes of halting their advance. They, however, were not suicidal, many deciding to instead begin scrambling away in a frenzied run for the jungle.


    Meanwhile, Uykar strains to hold the Ahuatli in place, looking down to the priests with a cruel smile before giving a nod to the skinks below, allowing them to follow in pursuit of the saurus with their kroxigors, Quas getting rapidly swept away towards the combat before his slow question was even considered.

    Likewise, Xiuhcoatl suddenly thrashes on her leash, the thick smell of blood on the air reaching her smoking nostrils as the sound of shouting shatters whatever smooth calming sensation that was affecting Xolek-zi as a result of his pipe.
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka removing his spear from an unlucky logger spots the armored individual. Knowing the heraldry likely signifies higher standing, he spurs his mount on, both carnosaur and saurus striking at the commander. Tezka jabs for the throat, hoping to impale the man while texcoco tries to pin him.
  3. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax emerges from the brush racing towards to plumed human, he sees Tezka trying to kill him with his young carnosaur and Xlauax tries to stop him from killing him, this human would be better alive...

    Drawing his Pain and his Justice, he gets ready for a fight to subdue this human. (Potentially spending one skill point to stop Tezka from killing him?)
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek amongst the commotion looks up and then down towards the Salamander, he nods at her and as many times before before releasing her to her instincts places a hand on jer forehead to regain some sort of control (-1 BH point). This takes but a moment now. As the connection as grown during their jounrey in the jungle, and soon Xolek-Zi closely follows Xiuhcoatl into the jungle and towards the slaughter.
  5. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Seeing their spawn-brothers charging, Quas' eyes widen with excitation while their jaws partially open. One could observe how quicker the hulking crocodile became as most of its mass was gone few long days ago as they turned and darted on all fours charging side by side with the Saurus, leaving a path of destruction in the flora below the Kroxigor.
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    --- Tezka ---

    The infectious, and ever intoxicating smell of blood rapidly began to overpower the scent of burning, meanwhile the melody shouts and screams of warmblood and reptilian alike formed to melody. Tezka was in his element, the sounds of war dancing besides him.

    A spray of crimson, fresh warm blood jets forth to paint his ancient, mud encrusted scales as Tezka rips his spear from the ribcage of some logger before tossing the broken body aside, both his and Texcoco’s eyes setting upon the armoured individual up ahead. Kill the snake by chopping off its head.

    With little more than an exhale, the old blood thrusts forward his spear - the blood coated obsinite blade reflecting the backdrop of dancing flames as it slashes through the air towards the officer’s neck. (-1 Battle Point) The spear however continues to sail with a satisfying swoosh, missing the captains soft, now sweaty skin - A hair's breadth from becoming unwound.

    The captain’s efforts were now however rewarded with a sudden sharp jolt, the air being forced out of his lungs as Texcoco leaps forth. The young carnosaur’s out stretched claws were disappointed - met with the cold feeling of metal over soft flesh, the officer’s armour plating helping to deny the creature’s claws a griping. Shortly after the warmblood takes full advantage of Texcoco’s position, able to shift the weight just enough, barely side stepping the pounce in a stumbling motion. Truly, dancing with death.

    Able to voice his luck, the officer quickly barks another shout to the men behind “WE CAN TAKE EM BOY’S, COME ON!” His voice is shaken, but still manages to convince a handful of loggers to at least turn - Inspired by his display of skill three of the braver men grip their axes hard, clenching their teeth before charging towards Tezka to at least help relieve their commander of this saurian scum.

    Meanwhile, to the side, another two men begin to engage a singular saurus, an additional logger turning to face the hulking reptilian pursuing him, It was fight now and die in glory, or be driven into the mud in a vain attempt to run.

    --- Xlauax ---

    Watching from the brush, Xlauax runs into the open giving up his camouflage for a chance to not kill, but take the officer alive. His heart and veins throb as agile legs help him dart between saurus and fallen branches towards the warmblood - Despite these not being Druchii, it still felt good to have weapons in hand once more.

    Approaching closer however, the chameleon finds one of the three men engaging on Tezka blocking his way, the bearded logger gritting his teeth before running in an attempt to strike down this seemingly frail reptile. (Roll to dodge)

    --- Quas ---

    His slower intellect taking a handful of seconds to process to events unfolding before him, Quas eventually begins to charge forward, bursting out of tree’s in an explosion of bark shrapnel. The hulking kroxigor’s mighty frame bounding forward with building momentum, his instinct driving him forward towards Tezka and those few men who had decided to turn back in their officer's aid. What would their courage be worth now in the face of such strength?

    --- Xolek-Zi ---

    Xiuhcoatl squirms in place for just a moment, before subduing to Xolek-zi’s will and their growing bond - The salamander looking towards the fated oracle with cruel, instinctive eyes before begging to dart forward along the side (-1 BH Point). The creatures serpentine body almost slithering over log and around tree as Xolek-zi likewise sprints towards the sound of slaughter, the many golden tassels and feathers which carpeted his scales - those which signified his sacred position and apparent relation with so called Sotek clinkinging as he went.

    Upon reaching the clearing’s edge, a sudden light fills the skin's vision before giving way to reveal the several groups of men. As for those that did not turn back, most sprinted towards the three carts - One of which was already begging to move forward, its horses driven by fear alone. The other two however remained stranded as a handful of men struggled to attach the reins and scramble the horses out from the makeshift pen beside them.

    --- Return to Tezka ---

    Finding himself now surrounded, Tezka watches from atop Texcoco as the two men sprint towards the young carnosaur with axes in hand. Compelled by adrenaline alone, the two warmbloods overcome the sight of terror, crashing into the beasts side, one of them reeling back to strike the carnosaurs hulking leg muscle - Whilst the other with a cry attempts to bring down the old blood with an attack to Tezka’s non-mechanical shoulder. (Tezka roll to dodge) (Texcoco roll to dodge)

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
    bOdziO Wolf, Tk'ya'pyk and Lizerd like this.
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    [Decided to go ahead and work on a new system in terms of stats, Ill keep you guys updated and we will try to use them when they are finished, they are based off the TW stat system which I know very well and is fairly simple to use. I will probably adjust the 'point' system in the following days, and let you all know how many points you have]



    Xolek spells
    - Enchant with venom (1 magic point) this spell will add venom to an allied weapon

    - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.

    - Blazing Aurora (1 Magic point) The casters body begins to slowly illuminate, a strange cerulean light buds from their tail until their whole body is consumed by it.




    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    Tk'ya'pyk, Sudsinabucket and Lizerd like this.
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka snarled, this warblood leader proved more adept than he had expected, and worst of all he rallied some of the spineless loggers. Tezka twisted deftly to avoid a strike, but texcoco was not as fast, the carnosaur bracing for incoming impact. As his mount braced, Tezka lashed out with his mechanical arm, attempting to snare the commander while he struck to impale another logger.
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Before the fight started, the war-leader briefly conferred with the priests to ask if they had any objections to them falling upon the invaders. It took but a moment of thought and discussion for the answer to come. "No, they are desecrating a sacred site for our people. Do what needs to be done." As the warriors rushed into the clearing and began to massacre the loggers, the priest held back, his unflinching gaze wandering over the destruction that had been done to the lands around the Emerald Pools. Shaking his head slowly, he emerged from the treeline and walked out into the deforested lands, keeping well behind the warriors as they began to drive the loggers back...
  10. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    They all charged in their own pace. Sauruses more quickly, Quas more slowly... accelerated. It was not long after this hulking form of muscle and scale called Quas was almost rolling down the hill. Navigating their feet by instincts they noticed the group of humanoid warmbloods in melee with Tezka. Attracted like a piece of magnet they accelerated towards the largest mass of bodies.

    Seconds before crashing a spark of recognition raced through the mind of Kroxigor. Was... were that humans? The ones who taught them? Instinct of blood-lust and hunger fighting with another of doubt. But it was already too late to react. Their hands clawing the air in desperate attempt to stop or change course Quas was about to smash into Tezka's back if they don't move aside...
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    --- Tezka ---

    With gritted teeth, shouting as they came, one of the logger’s had managed to strike a hitting swing amidst the chaos. Focused on trying to pin down and eviscerate this officer Texcoco’s rage filled eyes were elsewhere as the chipped, harsh surface of an axe made contract with the young carnosaurs sinew and flesh. The frontal scales were crushed, the axe’s thick head embedding itself into the beasts leg muscle before being torn out, letting a small stream of blood pour down over the beasts scales, painting them in reflection of the scene of violence. As the red liquid splashed, similarly staining Tezka’s scales it became impossible to tell whose blood was whose - For Tezka had also taken a blow to the side at hand of the loggers. (Tezka Health = 160 - 20 = 140/160) (Texcoco health = 220 - 24 = 194/220)

    Grunting with a harsh guttural noise, Texcoco whipped around, attempting to deliver a blow to one of the warmbloods in response - The young carnosaur pouring it's now pain fueled rage into a mighty slash. The loggers however expected retaliation, able to barely side step the beasts jagged knife like claws which tore through the air in front of them.

    Seeing as his mount’s mouth frothed and boiled, Tezka moved rapidly, intending to end this fight before more cold blood could be spilt. Take down the commander, and the rest would fall apart. A tried and proven tactic that had promised to work ever since his spawning all those long centuries ago.

    Blood rushed to the saurian’s burning muscles as they launched forward, thrusting his obsinite spear towards a gap in the officer’s plating only for the warmblood to once again parry it with a simple maneuver - A slight smirk on his face, the officer opened his mouth to shout another command. In doing so however, he had dropped his guard for but a fraction of a second… Before he could realize it his breath was pushed out of him, his shout coming out as little more than a pain filled gargle as Tezka rapidly swung the spear back around. Its sharp edge grated past the officers shoulder pads and into his soft skin, returning coated in the thick, dripping warm ichor of blood, shaving off a chunk of the shoulder as it did so.

    Gasping, the commander fought off the urge to grip his wound, instead looking distant over Tezka’s shoulder for but a second despite the pain which no doubt rippled through his side.

    --- Xlauax ---

    Pain and Justice’s metal surfaces simmered with Xlauax’s passion, the chameleon’s agile form sliding beneath the cumbersome axe strike launched at him.

    The sound of the weapon still slicing through the air above, the chameleon took advantage of the opportunity releasing a flurry of his own strikes. Whilst individually weak in force alone, Xlauax’s attacks made up for their lack of sheer strength by being fast, and sharper still.

    Only able to block one of the agile, wicked Druchii blades, the lumberjack’s face tensed as Pain had managed to slip past his efforts. Cutting into his side, Its sharp surface made full use of the chameleons charging momentum, digging itself deep into the logger’s unarmoured flesh - its twisted metal able to gorge on the fresh blood delivering only what its name had promised - Pain to those who stood in Xlauax’s way.

    Stumbling back, the logger’s hand returned from his side dripping in blood. He knew as well as any other those on the carts would not wait for him. If he was going to die here, in this tropical hell hole, he would at least take one of the vile creatures down with him. (Striking at Xlauax)

    --- Return to Tezka and Quas ---

    As the battle raged, Tezka could suddenly feel the vibrations of heavy feet as they impacted the earth below... only now realising what the commander had been focused on the old blood wrenched backwards on Texcoco’s reigns, the carnosaur already leaping out of the way for nothing stands in the path of an avalanche - and that was what Quas had become.

    Unable to decelerate his approach, the hulking kroxigor hurtled forward down the slight incline of the clearing. Seconds later what had been a brutal engagement turned to a desperate scramble, although the two logger’s time was already out.

    Crunch. Rib’s shattered, Organ’s splaying out.

    One of the, arguably more lucky warmbloods had been instantly killed underfoot, as the other was thrown forward several feet with such momentum. Skidding across the floor, the man’s shattered form reflected a mound of flesh and cloth after landing. (85 Damage to one logger, 88 Damage to the other - Both dead) (-1 Strength point, leaving Quas with 0)

    However, out from the small explosion of dust came the spluttering voice of the commander who had once again narrowly avoided the strike. Grasping at any hope to hold off the lizardmen incursion, his hoarse voice rang out “MEN BRING IT DOWN! BRING IT DOWN!!” as he leapt back into the combat, taking advantage of the sudden shock to release wide slashing attacks for Tezka’s mount - Only Once Texcoco had been disposed of and the Oldblood was down on the floor could he truly begin working him down. (Striking at Texcoco x2)

    Replying to the officer’s calls came the whispering voice of arrows as they whistled through the air. It appeared the brave attempts of those now bloody logger’s had given their fellow warmbloods enough time to both mount now two of the three carts, one of which had already began to trail away as the horses panicked - But at least three or four of the wretched men had equipped themselves with an arrangement of crafted short bows, preparing to unleash a handful of final arrows before the cart’s would whisk them away from the scene unscathed.

    And of their volley, three of the five or so arrows whizzed their way towards both Tezka and Quas - The rest soaring to hammer down elsewhere among the crowds of approaching saurus and skinks. (Quas roll to dodge x2) (Tezka roll to dodge or block with shield x1) (Xiuhcoatl roll to dodge x1) (The other arrows curve off into other saurus fighting alongside you all)

  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek-Zi burst through the thick jungle to a large clearing, infront if him Xiuhcoatl was already sprinting forth to the nearest group of warmbloods. Flaming saliva dripping from her maw, the young salamander out running both saurus and skink infront of her, both however gaze her a wide spacing. Her gaze was wild, though Xolek could feel her intent, a group of archers had just emerged snd her flame was meant for them. Stopping dead in her tracks, her body began to blister with heat,and became apparent to all around when her sails began to smolder (attack point for Xiuhcoatl)

    Xolek-Zi looked on towards Tezka and Texcoco, both being in the thick of battle and both having taken blows. Lit pipe in his mouth Xolek-Zi takes a deep breath and inhales the smoke, as he exhales he says a prayer of venom and as the chant ended Tezka's weapon began to drip with a potent and deadky venom (1 magic point). Smiling Xolek enters a slight craze and charges straight towards those carts still struggling to move forward. His scales begin to glow as his craze grows.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and bOdziO Wolf like this.
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    --- Result of the first volley of arrows ---

    Following a cry coming from the carts Quas felt a sharp pain piece his chest, and then another - this time his shoulder. Chipping and pushing the scale’s apart, two arrowheads had managed to slide into the kroxigor’s softer flesh fired from a handful of the more cowardice warmbloods ahead. Though the wounds were both shallow, they each individually stung as if a serpent bite - the arrow shafts lodging themselves into the kroxgior’s hide.
    (260 - 36 = 234/260 health remaining)

    It was at that same exact moment Tezka abruptly twisted his form, flexing muscles he didn’t even know he had. Bending low against Texcoco’s bloody saddle the Old Blood listened to the satisfying signature whistle of a missed arrow whizzing past above his head. In doing so however, he was unable to provide the cover he needed to, the officer besides him managing to get a swing in for Texcoco (194 - 40 = 154/220)

    Despite Tezka’s display of skill, Xiuhcoatl was suddenly forced to brace in her advance as an arrow shaft plunged into soft, slimy skin. Digging deep into her side, the salamander’s orange hide stained red as the beast's mouth frothed with volatile saliva and foam, nostrils steaming with both pain and rage. (180 - 29 = 151/180 health remaining)

    Likewise, what looked to be two or three arrows similarly flew into the crowds, one striking a skink, and the other a saurus in the chest - the reptilian warrior quick to firmly rip the arrow from his flesh, tossing it to the ground before roaring in both pain and defiance towards the nearest logger. It was now the other hulking kroxigors had arrived on the scene, Skinks weaving between them sending forth a hail of darts and javelins which sought to strike down any who prevented the lizardmen's advance.

    Amidst the battle, a saurus besides Quas had fallen down, struck in the neck and leg by two loggers - In his place however roared his cold blooded brothers, who now fought with evermore fervor, striking down one logger, and cutting down the other as it ran.

    --- Xolek-Zi ---

    Despite the captain’s intense commands, and the ranged support from behind - a rout was almost at hand. Noticing the opportunity, Xolek-zi pushed forward, chanting to the sky as he breathed in the fumes of battle - Blood, fire and the intoxicating smoke of his pipe.

    His word’s holding power with the arcane he could almost feel the magic saturated air curve and contort as his words rang out. At that same moment, Tezka looked at his weapon to see the obsinite itself oozing venom - The slimy, thick ichor stinging his eyes as it dripped, sizzling on the ground as it searched out for flesh to bless with the serpent’s gift.
    (Enchant with venom successfully cast. Target: Tezka. Duration: 100 seconds. -1 Magic point)
    (+ Poison: On contact deal 1d6 Damage for 1d6 rounds, - 25% Base weapon Damage, -25% Base Missile Damage, -25% Speed, -10% Melee defense)

    To the frenzied Oracle’s side Xiuhcoatl slithered forth coaxed into firing by the sharp jab of an arrow in combination with Xolek’s favored words. In a fluid, yet aggressive motion the beasts sails flushed with blood, pushing up twice their normal size in a great display of intimidation before the creature’s mouth and neck shivered. Watching with horror filled eyes the number of archer’s felt a wave of relief wash over them as the salamander produced little more than an underwhelming guttural grunt - That wave of relief was however short lived, replaced with a sudden roaring tide of flesh searing flame.

    Spewing forth from the salamander’s mouth came a torrent of volatile liquid, its surface reacting with the air to light in a cone of sticky flame. Suddenly finding themselves doused in the substance, the archer’s had a fraction of a second before the acid like bile began to oxidize in an inferno of fire, melting skin, and burning cloth. To their side the wood of the first, and nearest cart similarly began to set ablaze. With its treated timber acting as a perfect fuel, the fire arced and leapt, quickly engulfing its surface and any unlucky enough to be stuck within in a burning haze of smoke and glow. (Roll for fire damage on 3 archers, and 2 loggers in the cart)

    Screaming rattled out as the second cart burst into motion, the horses bolting forward as those attached to the cart beside them desperately scrambled, one managing to loosen its harness enough to escape the heat - the other was however not so lucky.


    The rout was now begging to fully show. Logger’s shouted, scrambling forward - The majority were however too late, the two mobile carts swerving away as the other was engulfed in flames. The cowards had left them to die. Some tossed down their weapons, fleeing into the surrounding jungle. Others screamed, making a final effort to dive into the saurus ranks - Among those that remained, aware of their sealed doom and deaths was the logger besides Xlauax, who released a grunt and another swing. (Logger attempts to strike Xlauax)

    Similarly, A logger besides the pen had managed to strike down the nimble skink in front of it, following up with a direct charge towards Xiuhcoatl and Xolek-zi - Carried forth by his fury, the warmbloods eyes glowed with his death wish. (Logger attempts to strike Xolek-zi)

    Unlike many of his men who now scrambled and fled, the commander surged forward, gritting his teeth and murmuring a last prayer to Sigmar before striking at Texcoco and Tezka in a flurry of blows (Officer attempts to strike Tezka once, and Texcoco once), all the while doing his best to put distance between him and the hulking Quas, The kroxigor who now found himself in the trajectory of yet another arrow, the two remaining archers having scrambled away from the heat to unleash a pair of them. (Arrow flies at Quas, 10% dodge chance) (Arrow flies at Xiuhcoatl, 30% dodge chance)

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tezka snarled, this warmblood commander was proving more meddlesome than he had initially thought. He made two strikes, first trying to ram the commander with the butt of his spear. The strike went wide, but Tezka swung the shaft for a return strike. This time the blow found its mark, sliding through the thick plates of metal that covered the human leader. However tezka was far too aggressive in his swing, and the strike left him open.
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax was in the heat of battle now, Druchii surrounding him, attacking from all sides. He saw his soldiers dying in droves before his very eyes. Darkshards were pelting them with bolts, some of his troops had taken cover in a nearby ditch, holding jungle branches to catch some of the bolts. The Druchii had him outnumbered 4 of them on one, but Xlauax would not give up. He whirled around like a dervish, slashing and hacking everything he saw, the Druchii fell before him and he started to laugh. He saw 4 of his men about to cut down the Druchii captain who led this force, he would be useful for information, so Xlauax raced over to stop his men. After weaving around the fallen Druchii bodies, Xlauax said "Captain Risz! Order your men to stand down! We need the Druchii alive for information!"

    Meanwhile, from Tezka's (non hallucinatory) perspective.

    Xlauax cuts down the lumberjack in front of him, before racing over towards Tezka, Quas, and Texcoco. Running in a strange weaving pattern, Xlauax begins to call out. Tezka looks confused by the name Xlauax calls him, but Xlauax is definitely talking to him.
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Something was not right. The loggers were not reacting like the pointy-eared torturers. Frowning, Tiq'xoltiq hastened his movement, keeping his head low to make him a less likely target, and slunk up to one of the dead loggers. Carefully, he looked the body over and shook his head. Humans. Not elves. Interesting. Part of him wanted to stop the attack, to try to reason with the loggers and make them leave verbally. But another part of him insisted that the humans had it coming for desecrating the Emerald Pools. What to do, what to do?
  17. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Senses coming to them after ramming into the group of bodies Quas stood in shock seeing those little small humans trashed to the ground. But only for a small while. As arrows began to pierce the hulking Kroxigor's body they started to wave and swing their hands in disarray as if a human trying to kill the flies mid air. Those warmbloods wanted to hurt them, badly.

    Several precious seconds passed before Quas realized these are not the same humans they knew and that enraged them. The Kroxigor bowed down to fall on their hands and darted on all fours towards the place the arrows were shot at them.
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As arrows began to fly through the air, the priest made up his mind. "No," he finally said to himself, "they are not worth diplomacy. At least, not right now. Crush their desecrating loggers, then speak with the survivors. That is the answer that would please the Old Ones best."
    Lizerd, Nazqua and bOdziO Wolf like this.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    --- Tezka ---

    Just as Tezka fought with the Oldone's fury, so too did Texcoco, the carnosaur proving its battle worth through delivering yet another blow into the officer in an attempt to repay the additional wound’s dealt by the warmblood (Texcoco health 154 - 32 = 122/220). Having realized its claw’s were producing little more than sparks against the officer’s heavily armour, the beast instead opted for an alternative method of attack. This time shunting into the warmblood's shoulder, hard. Backed up by almost half a ton of reptilian fury the strike forced the officer to stumble backwards as the mental armour dented, the steel struggling to resist the potentially bone shattering strike. (Officer health = 122 - 21 = 101/150)

    Having been locked in this vicious combat with this anathema, this warmblood officer for long enough Tezka’s eyes spoke now only of a solitary objective. The rest of the battle field faded for but a second as he struck out once more to achieve his intention, This officer’s death.

    As the strike arced wide, unyielding, the oldbloods fury only grew: him following it up with yet another strike, the spear gliding through the air with indefatigable purpose - Driblets of poison flying off as it made contact with the warmblood’s armour, its sharp blade slithering between his plate in order to find its mark.(Officer health = 101 - 42 +2 (Venom) = 57/150) [Tezka: -2 Battle]

    The sheen of venom which coated the obsinite spear now flowed towards the impact having tasted blood, quickly finding its way into the officer’s sliced open veins and arteries, welcoming itself inside his ripe body.

    Vision blurred, muscle’s began to twitch and contract - Heart hammering in a struggle not to freeze up, its attempts however only helped to further spread the poison, which like the roots of a tree, sought out to paralyze and suffocate the soft organs within. (Officer, POISONED: - 25% Base weapon Damage, -25% Base Missile Damage, -25% Speed, -10% Melee defense)

    Able to feel as the cold venom washed over his insides the officer stood in silence, mumbling unintelligibly as he watched his life flash before him. - Taking up the opportunity, Tezka drew back his spear, preparing to impale and run the officer through. [Tezka: -1 Battle, -1 Skill ]A would be sight to behold, a sign to all those that dare defy the Oldone’s will made manifest in seven feet of reptilian muscle and fury.

    However, once again the commander’s hardened reflexes born as a result of experience and training kicked in, driving him to side step the strike, allowing the warmblood to follow up with an attack of his own. Consciousness had began falling him, for now it was merely instinct that drove this dead man walking’s blade forward to slice into Tezka’s chiseled torso. (Tezka health 140 - 23 = 117/150)

    --- Xlauax ---

    Hallucinations dance around the chameleon skink, the reflections of his blood covered blade’s spilling out into image’s of colour and life as he slashes into the logger with unparalleled fury and swiftness. (Logger’s health 43 - 22 = 21 /90, 21 - 21 = 0/90 DEAD) As the body tumbles to the ground, lifeless, Both skink and logger, tree and rock around him morph into the shape of Druchii warriors, the sound of simmering battle growing ever louder. [Xlauax: -2 Battle]

    A unit of Druchii surrounds him. His feet race like his heart, the chameleon weaves and leaps through the seemingly empty clearing toward Tezka. [Xlauax: -1 Skill] Calling out in a harsh twisted tone, the chameleon’s words are as disfigured as his own scarred body. Skidding to a halt besides the Old blood Xlauax’s lifts up hands in an order, muttering a foreign name as he does so, his erratic speech deciphering into some kind of plea to keep the captain alive, for he could be much more useful in life than in death. But now, the captain's chance's of survival lowered every passing moment as now freed up saurus similarly began marching on his location inorder to alleviate their Old blood commander of the threat.

    --- Quas ---

    Shaking off the impact’s shock, the chameleon’s words are all but drowned out by the sound of his heart’s hammering. However with his vision now clear, he freely looks down into the blood stained mud to see the two heaps of flesh that once were human - A feeling almost akin to an ever so slight sorrow itching in his mind. To not only see the Oldone’s creations forced into the mud, their spark of life extinguished, but also the memories of human warmbloods which still lived in his mind vividly.

    This melancholy moment was however ripped short as the sting of arrows rippled throughout his chest. (Quas health 234 - 17 - 19 = 198/280) Frantic and enraged, Quas swats at the air, yet the cool, sticky liquid of blood still continues to stain his scales. Bellowing out, the mighty kroxigor leaps forward in a sudden storm of action. A spray of ash and mud is kicked up as Quas bounds toward the archer’s on all four’s.

    Having covered the distance between him and the archer’s surprisingly quickly for such a seemingly hulking beast the archer’s desperately chuck aside their weapons, scrambling for the tree’s, the screams of those archer’s engulfed in Xiuhcoatl’s flame ringing in Quas’s ears as they do so. (2x Archer’s fleeing. Leadership reduced to 0) Mud encrusted scales shine with a blood sheen which reflects flickering images of the burning warmbloods besides him - their haunting wails and screams crying out for repentance as their flesh melts away. Yet no mercy would be given this day.

    Xiuhcoatl damage total:
    1st Archer = 90 - 43 = 47 Health left - Burning for 4 rounds
    2nd Archer = 90 - 55 = 35 Health left - Burning for 2 rounds
    3rd Archer = 90 - 56 = 34 Health left - Burning for 5 rounds
    1st logger in cart = 90 - 6 = 84 Health left - Burning for 4 rounds
    2nd logger in cart = 90 -7 = 83 Health left - Burning for 1 round

    Looking around a scene of destruction paints itself. Tree’s lie fallen and burnt from the loggers. Bodies, of both skink and warmblood lie scattered across the ashen clearing. The roar of saurian warrior’s challenges the fleeing screams of humans as they scramble away, getting cut down in droves. - The entire picture, all highlighted with the flickering of fire. Not only the flame’s which engulfed the cart and archer’s to his side but also growing patches of fresh fire which had sprung out along with the trail of the fleeing carts, those warmbloods inside having chucked out their fuels, setting them alight as they did so.

    --- Tiq'xoltiq ---

    Questions spiraled around the priest as he looked down to find that these warmbloods were not elves at all - But humans. Pressing into his mind Tik searches the options and possibilities of the group, this was however, no time to deliberate. Rapidly his stream of mind is broken by the sound of whistling arrows, their shadowy shapes plunging down into the group of lizardmen.

    It was only now he reached a conclusion. Speaking his clarity, Tik quickly direct’s the final wave’s of skinks who had been waiting for his say towards the battle. Emerging forth into the brutal scene from the brush the many skinks quickly fan out, acting as if one larger organism, they quickly single out any remaining logger’s striking down and incapacitating any fleeing warmbloods with a hail of javelin’s and darts in concordance with their priests will. He who best knew the wills of the Oldone’s themselves.

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Current points for each character:

    Point - (Amount character has), (Amount changed this round and why. Red for loss, Green for gain)
    If a point is Green, It means this character has the max amount of that type of point.


    Skill - 4 (5 -1 [Running to Tezka as an additional action])
    Battle - 2 (4 - 2 [Striking logger twice])
    Stealth - 2

    Skill - 4
    Battle - 4
    Beast handling - 5

    Skill - 3
    Battle - 6
    Handling - 1
    Magic - 1 (2 - 1 [Casting enchanted with venom on Tezka])

    Skill - 2
    Battle - 8
    Strength - 0 (1 -1 [Charging loggers])

    Skill - 1 (2 - 1 [Attempting to make special attack])
    Battle - 4 (7 - 3 [Striking officer twice] [Attempting to make special attack])
    Beast handling - 1

    Skill - 5
    Battle - 3
    Magic - 6
    Lizerd, Imrahil and Tk'ya'pyk like this.

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