Blog Suds Painting & Kitbashes of 2020

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Not sure how much more I'll get done tonight, but I wanted to share my Progress for WIP Wednesday :)

    Began work on Haset's mask and Celestial Disc, combing elements of Hathor from Egyptian Mythology & my own homebrew this is where we are at!

    The disc above Hast's head represents the Waxing and Waning of Hysh and Ulgu, and more to the point her own power. As a twin God, with her twin residing in Ulgu, her strength is tied to her twin; as ones power rises the others falls in a continuous cycle. The disc, like the twins cycle, is continually changing and shows which Realm and God is the dominant.

    Having a lot of fun with this project ☺
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Morning everyone!

    Very small update!I started my first endless spell ever, the twin orbs

    I'm doing one as light and one as shadow, both primed in Chorax White and then for now just constrast and shade work 20201107_140225.jpg
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey all!

    So, not a whole lot to update you on, but I do have a few things [​IMG]

    Haset hasn't had a lot done on her, she has however had some of her Chalice of Shadows worked on a bit, base shadowing [​IMG]

    She is also seen here with my two WIP gemini orbs, one representing Light & the other Shadow!

    "When Light & Shadow come together, there isn't anything one cannot accomplish. For Light & Shadow draw their power from one another, and when a balance is found and true discipline reached... Light & Shadow consume all" - Haset, Primordial Goddess of Hysh and master of both Light & Shadow speaking to her twin in Ulgu.

    Probably the most exciting thing on the list is my new kitbash, a long horned Pegasus for my Dawnrider Steedmaster! I had some left over Phoenix wings that were already chopped up + a left over horn from the Stegadon kit... and I just love to kitbash lol I think itll be a fun project.

    Last but not least, I finally primed all of my first 10 wardens, including shields (not shown)!

    Hopefully Ill have a more exciting post for you later IMG_20201109_112302_976.jpg 20201109_111711.jpg IMG_20201109_203143_614.jpg 20201107_103617.jpg
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    because why not ;)

    He already looks great.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Ryanj4043 likes this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you :)
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    He has a little degree of Unicorns and rainbows to him though :oops:

    Grrr, Imrahil
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Unicorn was apart of the plan;)

    A unicorn/Pegasus hybrid? Heck yeah!
    Ryanj4043 and Imrahil like this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hey all!

    Been about a week since I posted, honestly there hasn't been much development overall. My Steedmaster project has seen the most attention, the Pegacorn is coming along nicely!

    The armor, of course, is the same coloration as my Banner Bearer Dawnrider (Russ Grey, Dragon Bright Orange, Lugganath Orange, Screaming Bell, Leadbelcher, Casandora Yellow, Fuegan Orange + Special blend of a grey-bluewash for the Russ Grey parts). The Pegacorn herself (named Aella, which means 'Whirlwind') I decided on a Zebra feel, and fuck (excuse the language) did it work out (imo)!! I was pretty unsure of the design at first, but the more color that got added the more the Zebra look really started to make the piece (to me). Kinda reinforces to go with your gut, that patience is ultimately key when bringing a design and scheme together; sometimes you just haven't linked that one puzzle piece that allows you to see the whole picture.

    The greenstuff work I'm actually really proud of, and I think it shows that I've definitely have improved my GS game a bit! It really feels like feathers in the front, and honestly I can't even tell that this wasn't how it was designed by GW themselves. Very proud of myself on this one more than many of my other kitbashes. Looking forward to getting more work done on them!

    Overall, I'm doing well, with the pandemic on going for the for seeable future I've picked up and have started to reinvest in other interests as well. I've started playing WoW again a bit, with the new Expansion around the corner, how could I not? Also The Isle & Path of Titans a bit more too. More exciting when it comes to models, I've begun to fiddle with Zbrush some! So hoping to design a few things in the distant future, primarily monsters. So that'll be fun to share when I'm able! At the moment I am trying to design glyphs and an Obelisk, failing horribly haha.

    Anyway, more posts to come! Kijda just took a small break from painting but I have some goals to finish a few models by the end of the month if able (Thanksgiving may make it hard and release of Shadowlands lol)

    Hope you all are well and staying safe in the crazy world we live in! Happy Hobbying

    Percia & Aella progress:
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  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Percia & Aella's AoA warscroll, still to be edited a bit (primarily ability names and descriptions). This is my first delve into what will be a homebrew Wind Temple Hero, GW hasn't released anything on thenother Temples, but they all fascinate me. I have plans in my head for all of them, the river temple idea I have certainly is something that'll be fun to work on.

    I have the warscroll broken down by both AoA cost rules and then my own custom cost break down. I feel that the GW cost system is too expenaive to truly make AoA heroes worth it, and at that point.. whats the point for many? So cutting the fat off, per say, i brought the cost down to a more reasonable cost to field.

    One major edit to come is either aj increase to damage or to increase her ability to cast 1 spell to 2 spells, not both. Either make her very good in melee or a strong support character.

    Break downs:

    Percia & Aella the Pegacorn

    Aelf - 3 dp
    Spear/Sword + Shield - 3dp

    Wizard - Curse of Damnation

    Mounted Beast - 8dp
    fly - 4dp
    vicious charge - dp 1
    Extra Armor - 2dp
    Ward -3dp
    Savage Frenzy - 1dp
    savage ferocity -1dpx2
    Decapitating Strike - 4dp
    Archmage - 3dp

    34 dp total

    340 points

    Reworked AoA System Totals:

    Aelf - 1dp
    Spear + shield - 3dp
    Wizard - Free
    Mounted Beast - 4dp
    Fly - 2dp
    Vicious Charge - 1dp
    Extra Armor - 2dp
    Ward - 2dp
    Savage Frenzy - 1dp
    Savage Ferocity -1dp x2
    Decapitating Strike - 2dp
    Archmage - 2dp

    22 DP total
    220 Points

    So, to explain the cost changes:

    Race DP: I have always thought that having to spend DP to pick a race is stupid, they all have pros and cons to them, it shouldn't cost anything to pick the race you want. In the case of fairness however I kept it at 1 DP.

    Mount: Overly priced, most everyone I talk to says this as a major complaint, I cut it down in half from 8 dp to 4 dp, I could see an argument for 5 dp or maybe 6 dp, beyond that is too expensive imo.

    Fly: Another major complaint in price in my circles, again, cut it right in half from 4 dp to 2 dp

    Decapitating Strike & Archmage I cut in half, and in Archmages case rounded up to 2.

    Since these will be for casual games I don't see the price changes being an issue, I hope. If they are, oh well, still have a badass Steedmaster.

    C&C Welcome received_3467924929955846.jpeg
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    That winged horse is quite epic
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! Definitely super happy with her thus far, taking that chance with the Zebra pattern ended up paying off I think!

    Trying to do a day (or most of a day) of painting today, hoping to work on this and 2 other models a bit.
    Imrahil, Lizards of Renown and Warden like this.
  12. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    The sculpting looks great, pretty natural wing-like.
    I am not yet sold on the Zebra look, though. I like it on the horse, but feel like it is to much on the wings.
    Perhaps in the end it all ties in together, I'll wait and see ;)

    looking forward to the results

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Out of curiosity, how would you do the wings? I was originally debating a different pattern, and admittedly the wing design came before the Zebra design
  14. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That is an interesting and fair question. As I look at the model I think it would benefit from an 'easy-going' color scheme on the wings.
    The first thing springing to mind is the wings of a Stork. White 'shoulders' and black-blue-ish 'fingers'.

    What do you think?

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Im a fan, though I would maybe darken them a bit. I had considered a dark blue-black look, much like the Blue Obsidian backing I did for my Star Seers palanquin backing.
    ChapterAquila92 and Imrahil like this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Been awhile! I have been busy but also pretty sick the past month, but I have a rather big update!

    Some major work on Haset (shown here originally:

    Ive been doing a lot of Copper and Gem work, the copper and green gems really go with her blue skin and her pink garments. I have also redone her sword twice now, though finally I love how it looks! Just like her sword, I had to redo her horns twice, originally I had them a gold/bronze yellow (Pallid Wytch Flesh, Nazagarr(sp?) Yellow Contrast and Skeleton Horde Contrast) but decided the blue-grey of Ferisian Grey fit and looks much better. I did however use the old horn color for her hair, though slightly tweaked.

    I've also been writing, have begun my first story that deals with the Spirefall in Hysh, specifically in the Great Nation of Ilithia which is here: if anyone wants to take a gander at the first few pages. There are a few things I need to fix, or add more descriptions for... but I think its a good rough start for the first 5/6 pages

    As for Haset, here she is as of last night!

    C&C on anything is welcome :)

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  17. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Great to see someone else is writing their own unofficial Warscrolls too!

    I've been writing my own for a couple of unofficial army ideas to bring Tomb Kings and Bretonnia into AoS with an evolved storyline. You can see them here:

    Love your Hyshian Minotaurs too! Are they going to be a faction in their own right?
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Oh yeah! I love making unique warscrolls, I have quite a bit especially for my Seraphon, Lumineth warscrolls will probably be limited in comparison, for the time being at least.

    Ill have to check out your stuff for sure! Love seeing other homebrew stuff

    Thank you! I just love Minotaurs but really don't like Chaos... so yeah, here I am lol GW really opened that door for me, so im grabbing it by the horns.

    Im slowly building up my homebrew for them, and am hoping to build a small unofficial battletome for them when its complete. I'm trying to mimic the official battletomes but a bit more indepth. I have no idea how to format it like a GW battletome though, sadly... so I'll have to figure that out eventually.

    My goal is for them definitely to be a faction in their own right lorewise, TT wise they're specifically (for the moment) meant for my Lumineth army as Kroxigor equivs essentially. I have however been thinking/designing what types of mounts theyd use (two types I have in mind depending on the purpose), ranged weapons, how their magic users are (I really want to build a Hathorian light caller/balance weaver), etc... so definitely their own faction in their own right, just often used my the Lumineth, specifically Ilithia (Hathorians have a rocky history with Syar specifically)

    I still need to do greenstuff work on them to give them longer hair, like longhorn yaks
  19. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Awesome! I’m a big fan of the Minotaur models too, and having an Order-themed Minotaur army would be brilliant, like the Tauren in Warcraft III. You should create a special ‘unofficial AoS faction’ thread in General Hobby Chat as I have done for the Nehekros Imperishables and Order of the Sacred Lady, so we can see the development of all the profiles and rules for it. I look forward to seeing what ideas and conversions you come up with! :)

    Regarding Battletome design, yeah I’m at a loss on how to go about it too. I’ve found that 8th Edition Fantasy army books are pretty easy to make, but AoS Battletomes have a lot more special formatting and so on that is much more difficult to replicate in unofficial publications. I’m going to keep looking out to see if I can find any websites that help with it, and if you find anything please let me know, as I’m in the same boat :D
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tauren are a core reason I made them, along with Kaz from the Dragonlance series! So yes, we are in agreement there :)

    I will definitely set something up in the future when its a bit more fluid. I haven't begun ti think of allegiance abilities or anything like that yet beyond a few hero warscrolls

    Im definitely on the look out too! Ive seen some pretty good ones, but might be more the 8th edition format you speak of

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