7th Ed. I just read the new lizardmen codex....

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by LuckyNumbrXIII, Jan 10, 2009.

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  1. LuckyNumbrXIII

    LuckyNumbrXIII New Member

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    They didn't let me borrow it or anything, it's only for customers to read over.

    Slann have lost generations. They have a base point cost, and for 50 points you can get what they call Ancient Somethingorothers... and it has stuff like "cause terror" and things like that.

    Also Salamanders use the flame template and artillery dice.

    Finally... no more Jaguar warrior pendant, so no more Nike Saurus, I guess?

    I dunno, I might go back and bring a notebook and rewrite my army there.
  2. To-neh of LaTigra

    To-neh of LaTigra New Member

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    The jaguar charm is still in the book, it's just a bound Lv5 steed of shadows
  3. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    In that case we got a flying saurus on the loose;-)
  4. LuckyNumbrXIII

    LuckyNumbrXIII New Member

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    The Jaguar Warrior grants the wearer 9 Movement. The Jaguar Charm is something else.
  5. the ironfoot
    Cold One

    the ironfoot New Member

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    ?? I thought te full name was Charm of the Jaguar Warrior... o_O
  6. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    It is >>
  7. LuckyNumbrXIII

    LuckyNumbrXIII New Member

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    Durr... you're right. I got it mixed up with Jaguar Standard. Yes, well, that item was pretty essential to the JSOD, who happens to be a big guy in my army. So, either way, the new army book has drastically changed how I, personally, am going to play.
  8. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    You know, there is two ways to field a Nike Saurus. Either give him th Charm of th Jaguar Warrior, OR keep him near the slann and throw him of with a Steed of Shadow spell.

    As far as I know the spell is still in the rule book, so you can still be able to fly around in 2000+ matches (or in any match with a sacred host list)
  9. LuckyNumbrXIII

    LuckyNumbrXIII New Member

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    I'm new to Lizardmen, so I'm still learning. I didn't realize "Nike Sauruses" were so common, I just used it, and then someone told me that that's what it was.
  10. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Well, we're all learning by shareing exp on sites like this. And you learn as long as you live :)

    By the way, sorry if my first comment was a bit harsh. In lack of better words, my posts tend to get a bit direct sometimes. I'm from Norway remember :p
  11. Nosreme

    Nosreme New Member

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    I've read the new book, so if you have any questions, I can try to answer them for you. I'm getting a little tired of all these wild rumors flying about. The book is available to read. Go read it yourself and you will see 2/3 of the rumors are not true. The book is better than before, and will be just as effective.
  12. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Nosreme, quick questions in your opinion did they improve the saurus warriors? Can they still get spawnings? And are the sacred spawning included in the book or not? Thanks in advance.
  13. didleoman
    Chameleon Skink

    didleoman New Member

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    um yea... what he said... give me a reason to use my saurus in mass again
  14. Nosreme

    Nosreme New Member

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    Saurus if I remember correctly are 1 pt cheaper, have a 5+ AS, and can attack in 2 rows with spears with 2 AT each. I believe spawnings are out! They kind of incorporated some of them into some of the units.

    I believe they are worth taking, and definitely better than 6th ed., but then I used them a lot in 6th ed, and liked them. But lots of people hated them. You may like them a little better now.
  15. WeeDawgNYC

    WeeDawgNYC New Member

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    The most dissapointing thing to me is that Kroxiz got nerfed -1 strength :depressed: not worth the 3pt reduction!
  16. Revien
    Cold One

    Revien New Member

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    Kroxigars are losing one strength? :( That blows. Now what will I use to mow through chariots?
  17. To-neh of LaTigra

    To-neh of LaTigra New Member

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    3 attacks at str6 will still kill chariots. Kroxigors got nerfed as a special choice, but got better as a Core choice. That's right, Core! Ranked skinks can take Kroxigors in core slots. 1 Krox per 8 skinks.

    All skinks are LD6 now and there are 2 Core varieties. Ranked skinks, 5 pts each, come with javelin & shield and can get a full command. Skirmish skinks, 7 pts, come with blowpipes, 1pt for jav & shield.

    Skinks can't scout anymore.

    Scar-vets are the same cost as now, but with T5. Oldbloods are the same, but with a 4+ scaly skin.

    If you are looking for str7 to kill chariots, get a Carnosaur, they now have str7, are no longer large targets and do D3 wounds to everything, not just large targets.

    There are loads more, but I don't want to reveal too much.
  18. Revien
    Cold One

    Revien New Member

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    Core kroxigars you say? that could be interesting :bored:
  19. To-neh of LaTigra

    To-neh of LaTigra New Member

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    More importantly, Core Krox with a command, rank bonuses and high unit strength. Enough unit strength to outnumber in combat and make the enemy auto-break from Fear.
  20. callmeHK

    callmeHK New Member

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    From warseer :

    Lizardmen army book rumours

    The book is out febuary 9th 2009 and is 104 pages long. It is not known who is writing it.

    New models:
    - plastic Temple Guard, 10 per box, £15 / $25
    - plastic Stegadon, 1 per box with options for all three variants, £25 / $40
    - metal Kroxigor, 1 model per blister, £12 / $20
    - metal Terradons, 1 model per blister, $17
    - Barbed Razordon Hunting Party £15 / $25
    - Scar Veteran wity army standard $15
    - Tiktaq'To, Master of Skies $17
    - Chakax, Eternity Warden $15

    Battalion box (£50)
    20 Saurus Warriors
    10 Saurus Temple Guard
    8 Saurus Cold One Riders
    an unknown number of skinks (12?)

    There will not be a spearhead box.

    Blessed Spawnings
    Contrary to popular speculation, these are out completely(!)

    Army-wide special rule - Cold-blooded
    Was rumoured to change, but that appears to not have been correct and current rumours says it stays like it is.

    Lore of the Old Ones
    Another popular rumour that also appear to be wrong.

    Magic items
    - no news
    Magic weapons
    - Blade of Tzunki, Blade of Realities and Piranha Blade are all in and pretty much as before
    - there is a new lance for skinks that double the number of impact hits done by Stegadons they ride
    Magic armour
    - all pretty much the same as before, though in general cheaper
    - heavy armour on foot only: +1T, stupidity
    - Glyph Necklace and Amulet of Itzl are still in and pretty much the same as before
    - aura of quetzl: -1 to hit the bearer
    - no item that gives a 4+ ward
    Enchanted items
    - Cloak of Feathers is still in
    - Charm of the Jaguar Warrior is now a bound item that has the Steed of Shadows spell
    - there is a bound item that casts Uranon's Thunderbolt at power level 6
    - 2+ ward vs shooting for slann
    - statue of spite: no changes
    - magic cold one with M8 and no stupidity, 35 pts
    - venom of firefly frog: same, but 10 pts
    Arcane Items
    - Diadem gives +1 spell
    - cube of darkness: no changes
    - diadem of power: transfer DD to next phase power pool, 25 pts
    - one use only arcane giving +3 to cast after the roll
    - ignore miscast table result on 2+, and transfer it onto another enemy wizard in LoS on 5+
    - Sun Standard, Totem of Prophecy are still in and pretty much unchanged
    - expensive banner that gives Stubborn for cavalry(???)
    - Huanchi's Totem add +D6" movement to one charge
    - new banner that makes all enemy wizards with line of sight to it have to test for stupidity


    - 275 pts, level 4 wizards
    - use any lore in the rulebook, can't pick spells from mulitple lores
    - T4, 5 wounds, US3
    - generations are out(!)
    - telepathy now also lets you measure the range from the skink, not just use his line of sight
    - now come with one of a list of powers included in their base cost and can buy up to four additional ones for 50 pts each:
    -- re-roll their rolls on the miscast table
    -- know all spells from their chosen rulebook lore
    -- Regeneration
    -- Terror
    -- add one additional free power dice when casting a spell (this can cause Irrisistable force and miscast)
    -- some kind of immunity (mundane or magical attacks?)
    -- Magic resistance 3
    -- choose a wizard within 24" - this wizards rolls of 6 to cast do not count

    Saurus Oldblood
    - same stats as before
    - comes with a 4+ scaly skin save
    - may be mounted on a Cold One or Carnosaur


    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    - comes with a 5+ sacaly skin save
    - Toughness 5
    - same cost as before
    - may be mounted on a Cold One

    Skink Chief
    - may be mounted on a Terradon or Ancient Stegadon

    Skink Priest
    - may be mounted on a Terradon or Ancient Stegadon (upgradable to an Engine of the Gods)
    - Lore of Heavens only

    Character mounts

    Cold One
    - obviously no longer requires a spawning to ride, since there are no more spawnings

    - Strength 7
    - not a Large Target(!)
    - Ultimate Predator (causes D3 wounds) now works against all targets

    Ancient Stegadon
    - only Skink characters may ride these
    - takes up an additional Hero choice
    - the Ancient Stegadon of a Skink Priest may be upgraded to an Engine of the Gods

    There is much speculation on whether there will be additional core units (ranked skinks or skink fast cavalry), though nothing confirmed

    Saurus Warriors
    - 2 pts cheaper
    - scaly skin save is going back to 5+, like it was in 5th edition
    - go back to getting two attacks from the second rank when using spears

    - +1 Leadership
    - base cost 1 pt cheaper, but skirmish must now be bought at +2 pts per model
    - can't get scouting(?)
    - standard equipment is javelins, hand weapons and shields, may be upgraded to blowpipes (cost?)
    - can be joined by one Kroxigor per eight Skinks (unknown exactly how this will work), Kroxes in skink units don't count as Special choices

    Jungle Swarms
    - 15 pts cheaper


    Temple Guard
    - 1 pt cheaper
    - can get a 2+ armour save (presumably 5+ scaly skin, light armour, shield and hand weapon+shield bonus in close combat)
    - immune to psychology if joined by a Slann
    - not limited (by anything other than the number of Special choices, that is)

    Saurus Cavalry
    - no new models for the time being
    - cheaper(?)
    - gets the same armour save boost as the warriors, so they now have a 2+ armour save
    - increased Initiative

    - new set of metal models (was rumoured to be plastic, but that appears to have been wrong)
    - get light armour in addition to their scaly skin(?), for a total armour save of 4+
    - 1 less Strength
    - 3 pts cheaper

    - new plastic model
    - moved from Rare to Special
    - +1 Leadership (as Skinks are now Ld6 basic)
    - can get a big blowpipe, which is something like a blowpipe with 2D6 shots (details uncertain)
    - giant bow is poisoned (unknown how this will work with rank penetration)

    - new (metal) models
    - only beast is S4, rider is S3 (and only has hand weapon and javelins)
    - are now flying cavalry, so they are Unit Strength 2 and get the armour save bonus for being mounted
    - can move through woods without penalty
    - drop rocks like they did back in 5th edition, once per battle doing D3 S4 impact hits per terradon

    Cameleon Skinks
    - 3 points cheaper
    - lose their special deployment rule and presumably works like normal scouts


    Salamander Hunting Packs
    - 10 pts cheaper
    - now use the breath weapon template instead of the artillery dice, this scatters an artillery dice number of inches forward, like the skaven warpfire thrower.
    - might be move or fire
    - breath attack is Strength 3, -3 armour save modifier
    - not known whether you can still form units of more than one pack (having a monsters and handlers unit with multiple monsters is a bit tricky ruleswise) or if you might, say, get 1-2 independant packs per choice
    - can't be joined by characters
    - modified version of the Monster & Handlers rule, with handlers not being placed into combat if possible (somewhat like the Dark Elf Hydra)

    Ancient Stegadon
    - somewhat altered stats compared to the regular Steggy (+1 Strength, -1 In, -1 Attack
    - rumoured to be armed with a pair of huge blowpipes (for some reason) and doesn't have the giant bow

    Engine of the Gods
    - it's not known if the Stegadon carrying it has the same stats as a normal one, or if it has weaker stats, like the one in the Lustria book
    - works somewhat like the Cauldron of Blood in that you have a choice of one of three powers to use each turn:
    -- give a 5+ Ward to (one?) friendly units within 12"
    -- or 2D6 S4 hits with no armour save to enemies within 2D6"
    -- reduce the casting difficulty of all spells from one Lore of magic by 3
    - Skink Priest riding them get +1 power dice

    Barbed Razordon Hunting Party
    - a new kind of dinosaur unit, also herded by skinks
    - 56 pts per team
    - beast has same stat line as a salamander
    - fires Strength 4 spikes that has a number of shots equal to the roll on an artillery dice, that roll to hit using BS 3, ignores to hit modifiers for long range, moving, stand and shoot, and multiple shots
    - must stand and shoot (if able to), when standing and shooting it gets two artillery dice worth of shots(?)
    - can't be joined by characters
    - modified version of the Monster & Handlers rule, with handlers not being placed into combat if possible (somewhat like the Dark Elf Hydra)

    Special characters
    There are nine special characters in the book, five of which have had rules in previous editions and four who are new.

    Lord Kroak (dead Slann)
    - 600 pts (so drastically cheaper than before)
    - supposedly only knows one spell, though one that can be cast at varying difficulties and be cast multiple times. It is a spell that hits all enemy units within range, with the range depending on the difficulty. It does a considerable amount of damage, apparently.

    Mazdamundi (Slann on Ancient Stegadon)
    - 620 pts
    - can cast spells with any number of dice
    - has the Ruination of Cities spell in addition to knowing all spells from one rulebook Lore
    -- Ruination of Cities is difficult to cast, has a reasonably short range (supposedly 12" or 18") and does a lot of damage in addition to halving the movement of the victims next turn.

    Kroq-Gar (Saurus Lord on Carnosaur)
    - 625 pts
    - spear makes all wounds caused with it count double for combat results
    - hand of the gods is now a bound spell
    - both he and his carnie are stronger than normal
    - Saurus Cold One Riders become Core while Saurus Warriors become Special

    Tiktaq'To, Master of Skies (some kind of Skink on Terradon, possibly a champion)
    - may join terradon units
    - allows the unit to enter the table from any board edge, presumably like Dwarf Miners or Ogre Kingdoms Gorgers
    - mask gives a 6+ Ward and Magic Resistance (1)
    - his Terradon has the Killing Blow special rule

    Chakax, Eternity Warden (Saurus Temple Guard Hero)
    - makes any Temple Guard he joins Unbreakable
    - has a magical great weapon which makes all magic weapons in CC count only as mundane weapons.
    - in challenges he gains 5+ward, re-roll failed hits and his opponant always strikes last!
    - quite expensive

    Oxayotl (Cameleon Skink champion(?))

    some kind of astromancer skink
    - rides a palanquin, much like a Slann
    - knows all spells from the Lore of Heavens and has a bonus to cast he Comet of Cassandora
    - gives a one-turn bonus to cast Lore of Heavens spells
    - allows the Lizardmen player to redeploy D3 of his own units after setup

    some kind of albino saurus Scar-Veteran
    - very hard to kill
    - Stubborn
    - expensive

    Tenehauin, Prophet of Sotek (Skink)
    - not known how different he is from the Lustria version of him

    Rumoured rules

    Often talked about are:
    - Spawnings becoming more widespread and available to more units (like in the Sacred Spawning variant lists) - Wrong
    - Ranked Skink units (like in the Lustria book) and possibly with Kroxigors added (like in 5th edition) - Correct
    - Skink Horned One Riders (like in the Lustria book) - Wrong
    - a separate Lore for Slann - Wrong
    - more mount options for Skink characters (like in 5th edition) - Correct
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