Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Interesting. I had not heard of such creatures. So it is some kind of higher-grade spirit guardian? Hmm." Thinking for a bit, Threespears frowns as his gaze roams over the books. "Well, it sounds like it is angry at someone for killing off the Countess' line, as it kept shouting 'usurper.' That could be directed at the Baron, but I doubt it as he is unlikely to be granted her former title. For that matter, do we have an idea of who she could be? It would have to be one of the Countess' ancestors. I assume there is a record of her line and which of her ancestors were mages..."
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "usurper does not necessarily mean murder just taking power by illegitimate means. it may be that she sees any one who isn't from her line as having stolen it.
    that said finding out who it is, is something we can work on. the fact that it is a she and she is from the evermarch family narrows it down quite a lot. the fact that she must also be a mage and a powerful one narrows it down yet further."
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "A valid point and one I had not considered. Could you assist me in my researches into this elder banshee then?"
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    of course i would be happy to lets head towards the lineage section
    Nazqua, Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk and 2 others like this.
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    ...and thus did Threespears and the Archivist spend the remainder of the day looking through old records...
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro re-asks his last questions to the mage as he has received no response.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
    Nazqua, Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    shiro is still talking to a wizard last i checked
    Nazqua, Lizerd, Tk'ya'pyk and 2 others like this.
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looked around, for he was in a strange state of being. It was as if nothing had passed for over a month. Was he insane, or had the world around him broken? Bang could not know
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shaking his head, Shiro realizes that he has been standing still and staring for some time. How long he cannot tell, but long enough to notice...

    He raises his eyes to Nazarics and repeats his question, maintaining eye contact the while.
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looks around, ponders for a moment, and then speaks.
    "I doubt a Banshee could find me, how about myself and another stealthy buddy split off to search for any potential evidence" Bang finishes speaking and waits for approval or rejection of his idea
  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    (ok fine im going to assume you guys tell him what you have found so far just so we can get out of this stale mate.)
    Nazaric takes a moment to respond gathering his thoughts after hearing your tale. "mmm that's not good, a unbound banshee is not a friendly customer and this one seems to be tide to the magic at the wall. as i see it you have two options.
    first is to kill the banshee not a easy task but it has been done. i would use a mix of tallow and rosemary to stop up your ears, should keep her scream from ripping your soul out of you. your weapons will have a hard time hurting her as well. banshees are guardian spirits and resilient by even ethereal standards even ghost touch or magic aren't fool proof.... grave dust of a loved one might help. she cant harm it so it will act as a ward and if applied to weapons it might help. killing her is strait forward and probably your easiest option but it will weaken the wall.
    second you can try to rebind her. this is not a easy thing i have the formula but it's blood magic so it's fairly dangerous if you get any thing wrong. you will need a new bloodline to bind her to the closer to the original family the better. also from what you tell me she seems to be fixated on the ruler so who ever you chose will have to take up the count/contest position."
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Shaking his head as if possessed for but a few fleeting seconds Ohmen looks around, slightly shocked - Scared even. How long had he been staring at that wall? How long had his mind been left to wonder, to explore its darkest depths, the ones which Ohmen had struggled to chain down and burry for so long? The chain of questions suddenly came to a halt. Taking a deep breath Ohmen turned to see the serious and grim expression on Nazaric’s face as he talked - An expression Ohmen comes to mirror, his brows lowering and eyes interlocking with the magi’s in a painted earnestness.

    Whatever Ohmen had just felt, unnatural, impossible even was but a taste of the influence which these walls owned upon all those foul. What felt like an eternity, passing in mere minutes, seconds - The changeling could see his mind wonder to what it felt like to be amongst these demons and beasts of the abyss, chained and imprisoned. Powerless. He was however quick to bat away such thoughts - For he would never fall to a fate so ill. The mental fog of grogginess and confusion fading, sizzling away, Ohmen quickly caught onto Narzaics speech, using it to anchor him back to his reality.

    ‘Tied to the magic at the wall… Interesting.’ The wizard can hear his thought not realizing he was yet to verbalize them. Only now does he speak out, his voice slightly croaky as if it had remained silent for much time. “Tallow and Rosemary, A good mix all things considered… As for the grave dust..” Ohmen suddenly pauses. As if stepping carefully with his words he carefully misses mentioning Threespears’s name - “Hm.. Isn’t the kobold looking into the history of this Banshee? That could be useful, then we just have to go about finding and collecting thing. Even if we do not wish to kill the Banshee, the dust will certainly be a useful asset.”

    “I however think we should really refrain from weakening the wall or else we may have to suffer much worse, and risk much more than a handful of lives, each one as precious as they are. If her family records have been dug up we could have more luck with undertaking the rebinding - Something, I, if none others want to, would be willing to commit. I see no issues with undertaking such.. Nefarious magics under these pressing circumstances. Death is on the table, so blood magic should be too. Besides, perhaps Banshee could be more useful that way, one way or another she should have to pay for the deaths she has caused.”

    Its at this moment the Raven upon Ohmens shoulder turns its head, murmuring to the changeling before returning to scanning the room and all the curiousites held within. “Don't let the possibility of knowledge tempt you Ohmen. To dance with such undead is to step upon thin ice, beneath the veil of which frozen, icy waters lie.”

    Giving a nod to the bird Ohmen gestures to Nazaric before continuing “You wouldn’t happen to have any further spell recommendations for dealing with such a foe? I was thinking along the lines of Resist energy as well as Endure elements? My dealings with the undead are limited, and as a result my spell book in that regard is too…”
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    "Oh and what did you say was involved in the Blood magic, the rebinding? The forumla, how dangerous is it? Would you mind if I took a look at that too before we can consider anything further. Once again, thank you for your helping hand in this time of need, not just for us, but for the would be victims too."
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    simple enough requests. most offensive spells that would aid you in a fight are beyond you. your target is a powerful mage in her own right even if most of her power is else where. true protection from energy both cold and negative will go a long way to shield you from her grasp. endure elements will help you get to her threw the mountains but will not hinder her in a fight. the protection spells can help shield from her mind effecting spells although counter to what you might think you want protection from law not evil. despite being undead she was made that way for a purpose and she is insane not immoral. that covers most of the basics.
    as for the spell it is one of the simpler formulas that i use in my war against hell. it is dangerous in a few ways but mostly in setting up and the casting of. first you will need a willing subject(or unwilling but they need to be count/contest after so don't) they need to be brought to where the banshees body is not all that easy but we at least know where to look. once there you will need both the subject and the banshees blood like so with this rune....(insert magic babble here) ... and most importantly if you are interrupted the subject will die so do your best to protect the caster and the two subjects.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    (whoa, this one's going to be complicated...)
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, Ohmen need not speak let alone whisper for Wisdom to realise what was required - With a gentle ruffle of the wings the bird pecked into one of the satchels which stradddled Ohmen’s cloak, pulling out a quill and paper before beginning to meticulously scrawl down any and all instructions for later reference.

    And with the erratic, yet slightly soothing sound of pen against paper in the background Ohmen gestures with his arms to the others “Unless anyone else has any questions or queries I think we may be done here?” Before stepping forward and reaching out to shake Nazaric’s hand after an awkward silence from the others “I suppose then thats it for here my friend, I am grateful for the wisdom and knowledge you have given us, thanks to you and all your magi” The changeling bows. “With the clarity you have shed on our quest I believe our next mission is to acquire the grave dust and try and get hold someone who is willing to undergo the binding… Dont get me wrong however, if we see that it wont work by no means do I think we should force it. The banshee will die if it must.”

    Turning back to the group, Ohmen continues

    “A healthy preparation is a necessity before we trek for a first venture into the manor, but we must do so with haste given all that lies on the balance… We should reunite with the Kobold and share information over a drink or in the library, perhaps find someone who knows a little more about the manor to help with what supplies we need. Either way, I hope I will be allowed your council again Nazaric and I suppose since we are going up there, is there anything you and your magi may require from the manor and its grounds? If so see it as an act of my gratitude for your help here today.”
  17. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "good luck to you all.head down the the entrance and touch the door. think of a destination and it will take you there. now i need to get back to My war on hell."
  18. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    As the party left the top of the tower, Shiro tried to make sense of everything he has learned so far. His thoughts were like scatted leaves, blown by an autumn wind in a chaotic, yet complex pattern.

    He shook his head. Better to discuss this between Ohmen and Threespears and work out what they needed to do and what they need to find out to vanquish this creature.

    In the back of his mind, Azaphor laughed softly as they made their way back to the entrance. At first he was confused, then he realized the irony: here the creatures were chained to a building, Azaphor's cage was far more mobile...
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    oh the fate of the residence hear is far worse then that. Azaphor is very very lucky that she is not in Nazarics sights
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang looks around and says "Aight i will be back in an hour or two. I need to get some uh.. stuff for my siuns". Bang doesnt wait for the groups approval and heads out, looking at a scrap of paper that is evidently some sort of shopping list

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