Hi everyone, although this is my first post I have been a Lustria Online browser for some time but I am finally getting round to painting my army and I need some help! A while ago when I was looking at paint schemes (I think on here) I saw an amazing carnosaur that I'd like to emulate, the army colour scheme was desert/rock I think and the carnosaur itself was perched on a large rock base. I've tried looking for the picture using searches and browsing through but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know the one I mean? As for the rest of my army I'm thinking of going green. My skinks I'd like to be green with darker green/brown scales and a yellow/white crest Saurus warriors I think similar to skinks but I'm not sure what colour shield to go for, although I might try a creamy coloured skin with red or brown scales. For my monsters I'd like to try orange/yellow skin with green/blue/brown scales but I'll have to try it out before I decide. Any help would be appreciated
Was it this guys? http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1862 And I really like your idea for a painting scheme For the Saurus Warriors you can go with brown shields or orange ones (I'm doing brown with mine and they are a similar color scheme) On the Monsters, I don't know how blue scales would look on those colors... I guess you'd have to try it out like you said and see if you like it! And then post pics so we can help convince you to like it or not
It's a nice carnosaur but it's not the one I was thinking of. The one I saw was (I think) very rock like colours, I think stoney/creamy skin and brown/black scales, and it was on a MASSIVE rock, I think a large cubeoid rock? Do you have any pics of your saurus?
I only know one Carnosaur with a 'rocky' scheme perched on a rock. Although it has wings and an overall amazing paintjob. I suppose it's worth a shot. Cheers!
As soon as I get some more pics up I'll be sure to let you know As for the old Saurus I used to have... Some giant Chaos Portal opened up and swallowed them whole into the giant black hole that is my house and I have NO idea what happened to them But I should have pics up in the next couple days of the new models I am painting