Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Sitting in the library, Threespears glances up as the others enter (those who are going to, anyway). "Ah, how did your research with the wizards' Guild go? Did you discover anything of use? We have managed to whittle down the likely possibilities of our subject to a few options..."
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang pops his head back in the door and shouts "Ohmen if you would be so kind could you check the library for a document with historic events on this town?" without another word Bang hops off and begins to ask around if any large objects fell from the sky while he looks for the store
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro greeted Threespears and, sitting across from him, related all that they had learned in the wizards tower.

    Despite himself, he found himself describing not just the information but also what the tower had been like. The mix of magical forces, with ambient emotion and crackling power.

    Finishing, he sat back.

    "Honestly friend, I'm not sure exactly why but the whole experience has left all our information swirling in my head. What do you make of it in summary?"
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen can be seen standing for a moment, taking in deep breaths of the fresh cool air - His mind and lungs no longer taxed by the latent magics and hot, stuffy air made angry from being forced to occupy such foul beasts of the tower.

    It felt good to be back on corporeal soil once more. This however was not a time to rest and relax. Urgency called in the form of a number of questions from the familiar voice of Threespears.

    Strolling over the changeling helps to add and fill any details that Shiro may have missed before pressing a number of inquiries of his own. Receiving the answers from the Kobold in quick succession Ohmen too allows himself to lean back - The changeling turning to glance outside a nearby window which is followed by a quick change in his expression to one of slight surprise and seriousness.. How was it already this late?

    Shaking away any fatigue Ohmen calls Wisdom to him, the bird having been revelling within the reams of text and writing stored within the library, before speaking out - Suggesting that the group should tell him any and all that they need from town in terms of preparation to the manor.

    Over the following hours, the sky now leaking with darkness as the exhaustion and efforts of keeping night at bay caught up with it, Ohmen could be seen bumbling between shops acquiring the supplies. Meanwhile Wisdom above perches on the rooftops - flying down every now and again to give Ohmen some information or comment on something or other…

    Piton, 3sp x 8
    Flint and steel, 1 gp x 1
    Ration (trail, per day) 5sp, 1lb x 5
    Rope (hemp) 1gp, 10lbs x 5
    Oil 1sp, 1lb (for lamp/lantern, splash weapon, grease 1 square) x 5


    Throughout the later hours however, the sounds of chatter and footsteps had dissolved into that of scrawling ink against paper. Laden down with responsibilities and tasks Ohmen had been given little time to scribe a number of scrolls into his spellbook and thus, here he was in the dead of night, Insomnia and moonlight his companions. These next few nights would be long, the sound of pen scrawling against paper - fighting for dominance over the silence with the occasional ruffle from Wisdoms wings as the bird aided him in his studies - throughout.

    (Ohmen will spend portions of the next two days scrolling the spells ‘Endure Elements’ and ‘Resist Energy’ Into his spell books)
    [ 31 + 29 First Rolls - Successful ]

    [ 18 + 18 Second Rolls - Successful ]


    Given Bangs size, and ability to somehow be silent with whatever it is he was going it should come as no surprise that he startled Ohmen upon interrupting him - The changeling clenching his teeth as he was suddenly caught off guard by the rabbits sudden introduction. As a result of which his pen had flicked a line of wet ink across his spellbook much to his and wisdoms displeasure. Taking a deep breath, Ohmen in response attempted to swing his eyes around to meet Bang’s with a deathly stare - However, by the time the changeling had turned towards him, the rabbit was but a blur of white disappearing along one of the library's many corridors.

    Acting quickly Ohmen pulls bangs spinning words from his head before standing having slid his writing equipment into his bag. Now turning to Wisdom, he speaks with drawn out words... “I suppose we best get to it then.”

    It is clear having stayed up into the early hours of the morning for so many days in a row was starting to take its toll on the changelings' patience. As a result of which he could fell himself becoming less and less opposed to the idea of suddenly marching straight up to the manor in order to end the banshee once and for all with each passing day. He however knew as much as Wisdom reminded him - "To act rashly is to act foolishly", and a fool Ohmen was not.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    while the party sets about making ready for there trip into the mountains bang sets out on a journey of his own. he has heard rumers of a great tresure lost beyond the wall and while he has time he disideds to seek it out. leaving the city behind him he struggles off in the snow he has to be carful many of the bluffs are higher then he is tall. e few hours pass and the sun is just rising when he reaches the first step to his destination. he has heard of the wall many times since his arrival but little could prepare him for what he sees.
    to say the wall is missive is to do it a disservice it stands in a pass between two mountains reaching up as if to challenge their height. the base of the wall is natural stone not cut blocks that shifts to great granite chunks bigger then buildings further up. it is taller then the keep or the wizard tower and he can see lights in the side a complete town built into the side of this monstrous construction. and yet no gate not doors leading threw. hmmm how to get past?
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang scratches his chin and considers his options. He sees the outpost and quickly trots up to it, moving up he knocks and asks
    "hewwo could I be permitted out of the wall for a few hours?"
    Bang twiddles his thumbs and waits nervously
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the door is opened by 2 men on a old grizzled type missing 3 fingers off of one hand and most of his face and the other much yunger but equaly as maimed something seems to have chewed his left leg off.
    "you what?!" stammers the younger of the two "why on earth would you want to go and do that for? do you know just what is over there?! why you wouldn't even make..."
    "sure let me get the rope" the older man interrupts the firsts tirade.
    "but sarge! we can't go letting him do that! he'll be killed"
    "taint our place to be watching out for the suisidal Nat. if he wants to then let him no skin off our backs." so saying he ducks back into the dorr way and comes out carrying a looooooong piece of rope. bang follows the two of them up amny sets of stares passing bariks and armories and more catapults then he has ever seen in his life. he sees dozens of men in heavy armor all of them have the marks of heavy combat, he even sees the baron of in the distance for a second before moving on.
    when they come to the top of the wall the guard ties down the rope and heaves it over. he turns to bang "now we are going to pull this up after you are down, if you come back then we can let you back up." he pauses hear and looks you strait in the eyes. "if somin is chasing you when you return you are on your own and be back before night fall no one will let you up after then. if you realy have to go then so be it but you life is now in your hands."
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang grins "thanks! only thing im concerned about is an owl chasing me, but if that happens i can dig a burrow. And if anything is stupid enough to come for me, " Bang primed his railgun "they wont live to regret it." With that the rodent slides down and into the wilderness to investigate the lands around. His ears perked and nose quivering, ready to detect any predator coming for him, bang looks down and concentrates hard on the rock beneath him, searching for reflective stones and the like
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the land around you looks strange about 100 feet from the wall the terrain suddenly shifts the snow disappears as if swept away and beyond that there is much more plant life... but odd plant life. nothing is the right color and the grond is shifting almost like it is breathing. when you walk up to the line is seems like it is seeping past the boundary line. in the far distance you see a wood begin probably the shifting woods you heard about .
    bang sholders his weapon and heads off in that direction.
  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Bangs makes it to the first of the trees his trip so far uneventful. he laghs not sure why those two where so worried
  11. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang steadies himself; defaulting to some tricks his older brother taught him. Steadying his balance as to not disturb the creature, he continues to the forest, thoroughly checking his surroundings...
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    as Bang makes his way threw the woods he sees why it's called the shifting woods. the trees are moving mostly swaying back and forth but some are walking along the ground. his skills take him threw mostly ok but as he is staring and the strangeness around him a patch of briers reaches out and grabs at him. shocked he springs away but not before the thorns tear threw his sleeve and into his skin.
  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    bang has been keeping his eyes open as he walks. and then he stops he sees a twinkle crouching down he scrapes at the ground and finds a shard of glass and it's not the first more lead off into the woods in a ever more dence path
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang makes a faint yelp as he moves out of the thorns and continues on his journey. Working quickly he removes some cloth and bandages his wound, preventing more of his near molten blood from spilling to the ground. Catching the glint Bang perks up eagerly and begins to follow the trail as he pockets the glass
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    bang follows the stream of glass until he finds a trench dug into the ground but long since grown over at the end of it sits a small capsul big enough to hold a man and made of some strange gray metal. eagerly he runs toward it so close to his prize when WAM he gets blind sided some thing very large and red hits him teeth digging into his side. gasping in pain he stands back up looking at his attacker he sees a serpentine creature 40 feet long bearing crackling wings of chaotic energy and bristling fins of insubstantial fire. at first it looks blind but then he sees it's eyes are just not on it's head but covering it's neck and shreeks a challenge slowly circling you the grass and plants around it withering and dyeing as if they where doused in acid.
    this is is not good...
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    "OH SHIT" Bang realizes the mortal peril he is in and his bunny instincts kick in. Guessing this creature has never met a member of bang's species, and acts accordingly. He releases a foul stink from his ears, allowing the stench to filter out. Not waiting Bang hurls a sack of snacks away from him and bolts for the capsule. Praying to the mighty bunny protector, he tries to slam the door shut. At first it doesnt budge, and the creature moves in towards him, struggling to shut the damn door. A creak, a groan, and the capsule snaps shut.

    In a close space bang gets a moment to breathe and consider his options. Rummaging through his bag, Bang gingerly pulls out a sort of case with clear warnings etched all over it. Then getting to work as the capsule shake he got to work, chisling the metal and storing it in his bag. He then waits for what could come next...
  17. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    bang toils away for many hours pulling mettle off the walls and prepping for the up coming confrontation. when all is ready he steels himself and heaves open the door and is immediately hit with a painful wave as the creatures aura washes over him. he lobs a hand crafted grenade and ducks behind a piece of sheet metal as the bomb goes of with a thunderous boom right on target.
    as the creature reals band begins tearing at the ground he has to get as far down as he can before the creature recovers. risking a glance back the thing looks dazed but to bangs horror it's flesh is pulling its self back to gether.
  18. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang blcoks himself in from an expected attack and considers. He needs air, but if he gets caught he is certainly doomed. Digging quickly bang decides on a risky plan...
  19. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Bang slips up from the earth and tries to hide, his natural stealth kicking in. Still it approaches him, and Bang panicking manages to understand a snippet of what the beast is howling "PAIN". It chills his soul but he keeps running, and in a desperate attempt drops some meteoric glass and says "this, pain gone"
  20. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew knew where BigBang had gone, and how long he'd been outside the protection of the wall. He started to feel a bit concerned for his little inappropriate bunny friend, and made his way to the wall. once he got there, he asked the guards: "Excuse me sirs. have you seen a little bunny come through here, possibly leaving the wall?"

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