Ok here's the deal i have until september the 1st to paint 20skinks, a skink priest, 8 cold ones+riders,20 saurus and a sallie. Any tips would be very usefull please.
Well, you should spend the time your wasting on Lustria to paint. Other than that, painting more than 1 model at a time (i.e. 5-10) works wonders once you get a hang on it. Cheers!
Set up an assembly line. Paint all the spears, then all the metal, etc. until you are done. It is a pain in the butt though. I have painted 50 spears, spear tips, and eyes (sets) last week and it took about 4 hours.
Split them into small groups to trick your brain into thinking you are making good progress (well you actually will be, just it won't seem like it when there are stil so many to go) 5-10 models at a time is a good number to do. Discipline yourself and force yourself to do at least a little bit every single day.