This is kinda why i want a mini battletome for combined Duardin. Doesn't give them everything but it gives them far more options unitied. Even if there is no chance of this mini battletome ever happening.
There is the possibility to Alliance them, right? Though that limits the amount of points to combine... Grrr, Imrahil
You can totally ally all dwarfs together in CoS, using tempest eye and allying fyreslayers or run Barak-Thryng in KO and have any duradin join as honory KO. But the dream would be to run them as one faction like big waah, so there is some syngery between them.
That’s certainly true and for a long time I classed Ironjawz alongside Fyreslayers and other factions created in first edition that were missing out, but since GW merged them into Orc Warclans I have discounted them because they and Bonesplitterz gave each other what the other was lacking - Ironjawz gave Bonesplitterz some elite troops, Bonesplitterz gave Ironjawz some unit variety. No, I don’t want this to happen. The two Orc factions fit together because they have some areas of common colour scheme (GREEN), worship the same god (Gorkamorka) and have a common goal (smash stuff up). Fyreslayers and Kharadron on the other hand have very little in common other than being Dwarfs. Fyreslayers eschew Armour, Kharadron cover themselves in it from head to toe. The Fyreslayers revere Grimnir to the level of being warrior-monks, while the Kharadron have largely ditched the Ancestor Gods for science and when they do let their religion into their lives they worship Grungni. The Fyreslayers collect gold to resurrect Grimnir, the Kharadron collect gold to simply get rich. The two factions just wouldn’t fit together in a combined faction very well at all. However, due to their shared heritage they can become allies, and this is enough in my opinion. If the Elves can have separate factions, the Dwarfs should too!
Unfortunately i 100% agree with you about the mini battletome never happening but i still love to see it happen more as a way to enhance the Duaardin factions rather than homogenize them. Barak-Thryng kinda shows that there is something but i wouldnt mind a COS or a lodge that also runs with this idea, mostly cause i don't like KO enough to start Barak-Thryng. Another point to make that this would be ideally something as a stop gap in a WD or BR that would allow GW to address the problem properly with FS and KO, which is expanding thier range a little. As is with thier ranges im only gonna grab the models to paint or to run as allies.
The slayer cults fitted into dwarven society at large perfectly fine in the old world. They can make a similar arrangement for AoS where fyreslayers are simply a subculture within larger dwarven culture and say the KO represent the "normal" dwarfs. Occasionally one joins the fyreslayers when he has a religious epiphany or is banished from "proper" KO society or whatever nonsense you want to come up with to explain it. And those born in slayerholds stay there their entire life. Would fit together perfectly fine. But then you do need to write in a reason for the two to be connected. And imho, if they can't figure out anything interesting to do with the fyreslayers then I'd rather see they'd do something like this. Better than getting no updates whatsoever and only have a handfull of units.
Yay, not an aelf Now I just hope the vampires are actually interesting and fun and there's someone to finally oppose Nagash. And that it's not just an update to the old models.
This one was pretty obvious given the bones and teeth on the logo. I'm looking forward to seeing what GW does with these, they were due a Warband in the previous season instead of the second Ironjawz one. The last two for this season will be Ossiarch, also in May, and Idoneth later in June.
Still a great looking range. There's like one dud in the entire range, and some of them are still incredible. Steg, carno, terradon are all awesome kits IMO. And pretty much all our heroes look nice. The prevalence of finecast is disappointing, but thats less because of the look of the model and more because working with finecast sucks.
I agree. It's really just the Kroxigors, Cold Ones and possible the Salamanders and Razordons that really look old and out of place. Don't get me wrong, I'd be really happy to see an update, but that's not likely to happen so it doesn't bother me.