This is a WIP shot, but I wanted to snap a pic before I lost the light of the day (I really need to set-up a light-box or something). I think this colour scheme will tie-in nicely with what I have on the Skinks, and it should look a little less boring than just an all-blue army, I reckon.
I really like what you did on the Saurus, I want to see more! What are you gonna do for the claws on the foot?
Wow. That looks awesome! A hell of a lot of work though from the look of it. I won't make any suggestions at this stage since you say it is a WiP, but I am definitely keen to see the finished model!
...and now for some actual RUINS: This is my little tester-terrain project. I think I have a terrain addiction, so I'm trying to start off small... keep it under control.