AoS Advice against the new DoK

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by karlsbc, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. karlsbc

    karlsbc Well-Known Member

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    My club is starting a league tournament. In the first round 'm playing against DoK.

    My list is Koatl's Claw with double caurosaurs, a blob of 40 saurus, 10 knights, 5 chamaeleons, Starseer, Starpriest and Kroak with all the regular entourage (5 Guard, Astrolith, Balewind vortex and bound geminids). 9 drops

    The scenario will be "Forcing the hand" and I'll be facing a DoK(Hag Nar) list with the to Morathis, a Hag Queen on cauldron, 20 bloodsisters and the hero that allows them to run and charge. 8 drops

    I know that Morathi could be tough to beat but Kroak should be able to deliver three wounds per turn. Are there some spells abilities in the new book that I should be aware of?

    I'm worried that I don't bring many bodies to screen and the Blood Sisters can just disintegrate my blob of Saurus just by charging them. The carnosaurs could however be a good counter to their ability.

    Any tips?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I would bait and sacrifice the Carnosaurs to get better possition for your warriors. On the charge Saurus Warriors should obliterate the blood sisters. You can ignore Morathi to an extent. You've got better than not chances to unbind their spells and Morathi and the cauldron aren't enough to hold objectives. Keep your Knights and Cameleons for objective play.
    ILKAIN and karlsbc like this.

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