Hey! Recently I've been working on getting my 3 Salamanders painted, along with their handlers. (and the rest of my army) So while I am doing that for my jungle beasts (stegadons, Cold ones, etc.) I'm making up, scrapping, recreating and mixing different schemes. I haven't fully decided on a scheme for most of them even after what is soon 2 years. Since I am completely torn between a very small detail (significant) on my Salamanders I figured I'd ask the someone that's not me and has a grasp on colour combinations about their opinion. I'm torn between the colouring of the scales. Namely whether to paint them grey, green or just leave them black. (as they are, but with highlights) So there's a poll for you to voice your opinion in. I'm letting the poll run for 2 weeks. If you have a different idea feel free to mention it. I'm not entirely locked in on one of these three colours, so I'll most probably consider it. Here's a pic. Thanks in advance. Cheers!
Well, I was a little confused as to what color the body of the Salamander is. The background made the body look like it should be orange but is a little brownish.. So if it's brownish then I say go with a darker black with some aging/damaged highlights, if it's orange then I am a VERY big fan of orange with gray But a darker almost charcoal gray, so the washes and receded areas would be black and the rest a darker gray.. I like the scales on this model: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0LkFzBALaaA/Sjd97bTtoiI/AAAAAAAAAks/hSAOcACOw0Y/s1600-h/IMAG0072.JPG Granted, yours would be a little darker to go well with the orange
That's the actual colour of the model. It's graveyard earth, so I can't blame you. It's an odd colour. Majority so far is black, so it looks like that's the one I'll go for. But I'll let the poll run its course first, you never know. Cheers!
Yeah I'd stick with black/really dark grey. Green (or anything else really) I think would just add an extra colour which would distract the eye. A charcoal look on the scales will complete the flaming look the whole model has.