Blog Suds 2021 Catch Up Blog!

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So, Ive been pretty busy working on the Living Mountain Shrine. Got the armor to where I want it to be, minus a few touch ups/maybe some tweaks (and pending c&c thoughts!). Added some nice moot green highlights to the darker jade background, I think it's looking pretty good! 20210227_010143.jpg 20210227_010216.jpg

    Today Im working on the mountains a bit snd debating how to do the large stone + "Hearts of the Mountain", the still black areas in the middle of the side armor/infront of the large stone.

    Would it be off to do the stone + hearts in a yellow? Kind of a Sunstone type of scheme? Im thinking my Marbled Quartz recipe but with yellows instead.
    20210227_144047.jpg 20210227_144140.jpg 20210227_144818.jpg

    C&C welcome
    Warden, Imrahil, EFHILT 167 and 3 others like this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    With my 5000th post done, I am now unmuzzled so I can say:

    This is bloody epic Suds! Really cool! :D
    Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Hahaha! Yes, congrats on that!

    Thank you so much! Its a blast to work on! Though, i should work on some Stegadon skinks soon...
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Answered my own question with the help of @LordBaconBane

    Grey/slate rock with different trees + glowing green markings 20210227_163020.jpg
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So, I love both the Green & Blue, and for now I'm going to keep them. In the end I'll likely go blue on both sides, but in person the green is stunning, the picture doesn't do it justice imo.

    The blue will offer more pop/magical feel + blend with the mountains a bit

    Hopw everyone is doing well and enjoying their hobby! 20210227_233720.jpg 20210227_233755.jpg 20210227_234257.jpg 20210227_234353.jpg
  6. Idk

    Idk Member

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    An amazing model my favorite detail are the tiny trees/bushes on the mountain part
    LordBaconBane and Sudsinabucket like this.
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    He looks better and better. I like the green armor, but am leaning more to the blue runes.
    It looks good on the Stone and contrasts better to the green and red tree tops(which are very well painted)

    Overall good painting, suds.

    Keep it going.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you very much! I too love the trees, actually used a few new colors for the green ones :)

    Be sure to go back and check out all the greenstuff work posts if you haven't already! Such a cool transformation
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks bro, definitely agree that she's looking better and better, honestly might be finished soon... then back to the Engine of Tepok

    I've admittedly been side tracked significantly by this project lol

    And agreed, gonna work on switching the green runes to blue runes today, among other things. Need to decide on a base!

    Cheers man
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Living Mountain Shrine

    "Across the Mountains and Highlands of Ilithia, the silence and still is disrupted with the sound of thunder, though no clouds hang the air. As the Slaaneshi ranks formed into rank and file, they began to march towards the Ilithian and Hathorian line when a great form became visible in the distance. Soon the head became clearer, large curled tusks reached out past its maw and a large horn stretched towards Hysh's light, even still it had large fangs that showed when it would give out a bellow. Not only was the size of the creature worrisome, but so was the magnificent shrine on its back that it carried with no effort, a shrine of a Living Mountain.

    As the battle began, battlelines crashed into each other, it was not long before the behemoth joined into the killing field. Under hooves bodies broke, unlucky seeker mounts bit in half, slaangors skewered on its tusks, the monster was a living avalanche of destruction. What was already a blood bath turned bloodier still, the living spirit of the shrine began to throw boulders afar and causing rockslides to fall upon calvary and infantry charges alike. Each time a castle's worth of boulders would crash down, new rock formations from the shrine would materialize from the spirit as a new assault was launched unrelentingly."

    Placed upon the back of a mighty Ovibos, a Living Mountain Shrine is a powerful weapon of war within a Hathorian Fold that brings the power of a mountain spirit to the battlefield. Each mountain shrine is built specifically for a revered mountain spirit and the Ovibos that will bear it during an ancient communion ritual between Realm Callers and the Mountain Spirit itself

    The shrine is built within the core of the mountain, just under its heart, by a special sect of Hathorian Realm Callers named Mountain Callers. The High Mountain Caller of the Fold will lead a ritual called the Osadus Maest, or Communion of the Mountain through throat singing of ancient hymns of the mountain. Their hymns bringing adoration to the mountain, they aim to bond their spirit with that of the mountains in hopes of gaining its aid in their current cause. If the mountain is pleased it will, in its way, return its own call to the Mountain Callers as a sign of respect and its acceptance of the bond being made.

    The communion successful the spirit will begin to aid in the building of the shrine as the passages within the mountain reverberate with the songs of the Callers. Gems, stone, precious metals, all that is needed to build the shrine is provided by the mountain. Circled around an ancient rock slab, the hymns of the callers begin to shape and join together the different materials, soon the shrine taking shape. As the end of the ritual nears, a giant Ovibos is brought into the mountain and placed on the ancient slab. Slowly the shrine is lowered onto the back of the behemoth, the mountain’s strength seeping from the shrine into the fur of the creature, hardening it like a stone.

    The final act of the Osadus Maest begins with a final hymn, all of the Mountain Callers sing their loudest as the mountain spirit lowers its very heart into the center of the shrine, a giant stone of pure realm stone. Around the heart of the mountain, a miniature mountain range rises from the shrine, trees of Hyshian light grow from the stone and mountains alike. At the end of the communion ritual the High Mountain Caller will climb onto the shrine, and with the blessing of the mountain inscribe ancient symbols of protection upon the mountain’s heart; safeguarding it from foul magics.

    In battle the Ovibos and Living Mountain Shrine are a destructive force of nature, crashing through battlelines, breaking down great walls; always at the front of the battle. The mountain spirit always active, as seen by the constant shifting of the shrines mountain range, causes calamity upon the enemies of the Hathorians and Hysh. Large boulders the size of inns, landslides that could cover a Free City, the wrath of the Mountain Spirit is absolute. If one is not crushed by the spirit upon the shrine, they are often gored or trampled by the behemoth that bears the shrine into battle. The Ovibos’s large horn and tusks pierce through monsters hide, its maw full of sharp teeth biting enemy calvary in half as they get too close, the fate of being in the path of such a creature in battle is only for the fool hearty. To face the might of the mountain is to face the unshakable.


    I am super excited to share with everyone my finished kitbash for my homebrew faction in Hysh & my Stand-in for my #lumineth Spirit of the Mountain! I have also included the Warscroll for the kitbash that can be used with my homebrew faction :) At the moment priced at 280/300 points

    A lot of work went into this kitbash, including a few different kits and of course a lot of greenstuff work. This is also the first model i've done with just extensive jade work done, and I think it came out stunningly! I'm really pleased with the fur also, some sections could maybe be a little better, it it really gives that highland/mountain feel of a creature that would live in such an environment.

    Any C&C is welcome!
    For Videos since I cant post here:

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  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Nice one Suds!
    Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! It was so much fun to work on, a little sad its done lol minus maybe a resin pour

    Now... to move onto the next project/finish my Engine of Tepok as I write more homebrew :)
    Lizards of Renown and Imrahil like this.
  13. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Plain awesome. He looks so good!!!
    Also love the warscroll ;)

    This one you did pretty fast, mostly because you had it planned out for a great part.
    Interested in a new project :angelic: but finishing Old projects is good for your mental Health, lol :p

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! Really happy with how it turned out, I'm still just in love with the jade armor and stone especially. I'm also really blown away with the fur when painted, looks natural with the model's natural hair.

    It did seem fast lol if I can stay focused I feel Im a decent paced painter, sorta lol I had a plan in my head (and on paper) but it definitely changed a lot lol but I'd say for the better. Kind of want to make a second one, but for now I'm trying to design this Mobile Artillery Chariot lol

    I think however, I'm gonna work on finishing my Engine of Tepok and maybe do some wardens. Been doing large models, which I prefer, but i think its time to focus on some smallwr units.
    Imrahil likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Very creative and lovely use of colour. Well done! !.png
    Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! It definitely came together really well, though I had some concerns at times lol

    I really love the trees lol
    NIGHTBRINGER and Imrahil like this.
  17. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That had a promising start. Need some new bits I guess or are you going DIY?

    Armies or races rather do not consist of only large individuals, so large units of foot soldiers are acquired ;)
    Good luck

    Grrr, Imrahil
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure if I'll need more bits, but I'm guessing I'll need some, just not sure what yet. Im also debating what kind of Artillery I want it to be. Bolt Thrower? Catapult? Also researching designs foe the chariot itself beyond its basic base.

    Yeah, I've been considering revisiting some homebrew for the Hathorians to allow smaller units instead of just all 50mm hased units at the smallest, but we'll see. If not, may make them units of 4. We'll seeee, any thoughts?
    Imrahil likes this.
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    But yes! I'm thinking some of the chariot will be DIY with some wood
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Working on some Vanari that have been neglected for awhile. In the coming days well be hitting 63°F, so hoping to prime the skinks for my Engine then.

    My Vanari are a black and orange scheme, black for the sorrow they feel of the losses they have sustained and orange for the fury that burns inside for revenge.

    Working on the High Warden now, giving his headdress a Sun kind of look IMG_20210304_103900_081.jpg 20210304_114921.jpg 20210304_120005.jpg

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