8th Ed. 2k lizzies vs ogre kingdoms

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Morglum, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Right here is my battle report from the battle last night. You can find my army list here:


    If you want you can watch the video on twitch here and maybe see a clearer view because i didn't take alot of pictures.


    His set up:

    Slaughter master lvl 4 (his own lore, the great maw)
    Butcher lvl 1 lore of beasts
    Bruser BSB

    Unit ogres (6 strong)
    Unit Iron guts (9 strong)
    3 units of 10 gnoblars
    2 units of 3 leadbelchers
    2 cannons

    I'm not sure anymore on how many iron guts he took, could be a few more or less. All of his characters were in the unit of iron guts.


    So since i had scouts he made sure that there wasn't any room for me to deploy behind enemy lines, his 3 gnoblar units made sure of that, starting at the back of the battlefield and the rest of his units were in the frontline.

    My scouts deployed behind some buildings and i had put my skinks in the frontline and a little bit further back my big blocks and kroxies. I protected my left flank with the big saurus block and in the middle (slightly to the right) my temple guards along side my kroxies.

    My skink priest had the signature spell and chain lightning

    The battle:

    I started first, i moved all of my units a bit foward and my cham skinks were so eager they inflicted 5 wounds on one unit of leadbelchers with their blowpipes, awesome start, he saved not a single wound. Magic was a big no for me as i was terrible at throwing for the winds of magic. So it was my oppenents turn. He decided to charge my cham skinks with his remaining 2 leadbelchers, i was happy to accept and did a stand and shoot... he threw +10 for his charge so he would inflict D3 impact hits but i was still confident the stand and shoot would atleast do 1 wound so he would only have one model left... With 20 shots not a single wound meh. His magic involved buffing his own units. His cannons did some wounds on my Temple guards and Saurus warriors. His impacts hits killed 4 cham skinks so one remained and that one chammy inflicted one wound so another model removed. He of course killed the last remaining cham skink and restained pursuit.

    battle vs ogre kingdoms 1.jpg

    I was constantly shooting fleeing with my skinks :) they really did a nice job. The rest of my forces moved foward slowly but steady. I got off a chain lightning on his ironguts and inflicted zero wounds, but it did manage to jump to his cannon and inflict 3 wounds :D. The skinks on the right shot the last leadbelcher and all seemed well.

    battle vs ogre kingdoms 2.jpg

    His magic involved again buffing his own units, something he did most of the time. The spells that were a problem (2d6 s2 hits on my skinks) i easily dispelled. As you can see in the picture above he tried to shoot my skink priest with his cannon, luckily for me it misfired that turn and couldn't shoot for the reminder of the battle. The next few turns were alot of the same, me shooting with skinks. He would buff his ironguts and moves his leadbelchers on the left foward along with his ogres towards my saurus warrios. Now the next turn he tried to charge a unit of skinks with his malfuctioning cannon, i did a stand and shoot after all large target :D and managed to kill it. Dang those skinks are really nice against ogre kingdoms with their terrible saves :)

    He did shoot off alot of saurus warrios with his cannon and leadbelchers. And after a while it was time to charge but i was exposed with my flank for his ogres with my saurus warriors. The warriors did what they do and killed 3 leadbelchers. But since i had to overrun (predatory fighter rule). They were now lost pretty much because of his ogres and cannon that could charge and that is wat happened. They breaked after combat and the cannon and ogres pursuit them off the table, only coming back the next turn and then the cannon was able to shoot at my kroxies killing 3 of them :(.

    I had to take the charge from his iron guts with my temple guards or the cannon and the other unit of ogres would come into play again and that would hurt alot. Needless to say he did kill off alot of temple guards thanks to his buffed unit (+1st and +1t).

    In this campaign we play we are allowed to give up once we have lost 1k points and i just had lost 1040points. It was late, we were both tired and if we would play another turn, my mate would break the curfew because of covid. So we called it a day. He had lost a small 500 points.


    So skinks are the way to go against these lads. Their posion and the ogre kingdoms bad armor saves makes it really worth their while. Maybe i shouldn't have charged with my saurus on the left and picked off more with my skinks but they were getting alot of casualities from his shooting. My magic really sucked tbh, i didn't throw more then 7 for my winds of magic most of the time. All in all a really fun battle and close till the end.

    edit: Ow yea some gnoblars died hehe and did nothing in return
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I agree that probably the better idea would have been to hang back with your Saurus blocks and let the skinks dance around whittling down the unit.

    On the Scout deployment, I'll take your word for it that he'd covered all options. The one picture on this post makes it seem like there were holes you could have gone into...

    Possibly next time retreat with the Saurus (you can move backwards, while still facing forwards) to pull one of his units out of position.

    Did your Slann have Harmonic Convergence and Channeling staff combo? I thought I saw that on the list.
    Morglum likes this.
  3. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    The saurus needed to do something or they would just have been shot by his cannon and leadbelchers. I was doing that tactic with skinks and the TGs though. The first picture is already after a few turns, no deployment picture made. He got it covered i checked ;). My slann did have that combo but it didn't give me good results.

    My one unit cham skinks did manage to take the ogre unit out of posistion for few turns, sadly he got them back just in time to flank charge me.

    For more details on deployment you can maybe check the twitch vid, it's in the beginning of it
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    One thing i should have been doing from the beginning is, casting the spell that increased one charastic or a few with D3. I did this later on in the game on my skinks, giving them the oppertunity to do multiples and still have posion hits (or even hitting on 5s).

    I might take the less popular razordons next time against ogre kingdoms, also buffing their ballistic skill and hopefully get alot of shots off. I know this is a big maybe (getting the spell off, getting a good +d3, get enough shots off) but i still think it might be useful to test it out. Afterall the ogres really have bad armor saves
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Sure. Let us know how it goes.
  6. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021

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